Instructions – Monthly Timesheet:

Note: This timesheet should only be used by employees who are exempt from overtime pay and are paid monthly. Completion and submission of the Monthly Timesheet is generally optional but may be required by an employee’s supervisor.

Non-academic MSU Extension employees who are exempt from overtime pay use timesheets to submit time off from work. Each monthly timesheet is a customized calendar, including University holidays, and weekends. Please submit the appropriate timesheet for each month as directed by your supervisor. The timesheets are located on the Organization Development site under the Human Resources area in the Timesheets section.

Step 1: Paper Timesheet

Section One

The first section of the timesheet includes the Attendance and Absence codes. These codes will be used to reflect your time off for each day. Using the letters in bold indicate your absences and time taken in the appropriate date on the calendar.

o  For example, if you took 4 hours of Personal time and 4 hours of FMLA Vacation time on January 7th, you would indicate within the January 7th box, P = 4.0 and FMLA V = 4.0 (time can be reported in tenths of an hour).

Section Two

The next section on the timesheet asks if you work 40 hours per week. Choose either Yes or No.

If you do not work 40 hours per week, complete the next section, indicating how many hours you work each day during your regular schedule (example: M, Tu, Wed, Thus = 8 hours, Fri = 4 hours).

Section Three

The last section includes: Employee Name, Employee Contact Number, Institute, County, Supervisor Name (Print) and Supervisor Contact Number. Please be sure to fill out each of these items.

Step 2: EBS Entry & Outlook

Your paper timesheet must match your time entry in EBS and your Outlook Calendar.

To enter time in EBS:

·  Log into the EBS system and go to My Time & Payroll.

·  Click on Time Entries & Statement.

·  Enter the appropriate time as necessary and be sure to Save your information.

o  Failing to click save will result in the time not being recorded in EBS.

For information on entering time in Outlook go to: and clarify necessary information to be entered with your Supervisor.