March 22, 2012 Unapproved Notes


Victoria Hindes / X /

Vice President, Student Services

Angelica Bangle / X / Counseling Department Co-chair
Becky Perelli / X / Director, Health Services
Carol Pavan / X / Academic Senate/ SS Division Representative
Carolyn Messina / X / ASO Representative
Cheryl Miller / X / Director, DESP
Chris Jones / X / Counseling, Special Programs Representative
Christine Benik / X / ASO Representative
Elise Johnson / X / Director, TRiO
Ginny Aragon / X / Dean of Student Support Services
Helen Pivk / X / Director, ET (Interim)
Herlisa Hamp / X / Director, A&R/Assessment
Inge Bond / X / Research Analyst
Irene Serna / X / Director, EOPs
Jean Finch / X / College Council Representative
Joe McDevitt / X / Outreach
LeAnn McGinley / X / Assessment/Curriculum
Lee Rodriguez / X / TRiO
Maria Garcia-Scheper / X / Faculty Representative
Maria Lopez / X / Classified Senate Representative
Maritza Cantarero / X / Director, Financial Aid
Marta Mora-Evans / X / CalWorks
Maryanne Mills / X / Faculty Representative
Michael Byers / X / Articulation
Michelle Donohue-Mendoza / X / Student Activities & Campus Center Dir.
Patti Yukawa / X / Counseling Department Co-chair
Susan Wolfe / X / Barnes and Noble Representative
Jane Lautermilch / X / Guest
Barbara Ogilvie / X / Guest
Diane Brien / X / Guest
Azar Babaka / X / Guest
Betty Ramirez / X / Guest
Rhonda Kirkland / X / Guest
Lien Pham / X / Guest
Julie Meneses / X / Guest

Approval of Minutes:

February 21, 2012

Finch- correction on second page “e” missing in the word “states”

Approval with corrections

MSC: Finch, McGinley, Unanimous

Program Updates:


Health Services:

-Health Services sees an average of 21 students per day. There has been an increase of students with multiple issues.

-An appointment can last anywhere from 5 minutes to 4 hours depending on the case.

-Met with the new police Chief yesterday during the Mental Health Advisory Committee.


-Assessment office is in a bit of a lull, this is the period where demand for assessments is low. The schedule will pick up in April.

-The state has reinstituted the requirement to perform validation studies. The findings for ESL has been submitted currently working on Disproportionate Impact Study. This study was suspended in 2008. The reports are due at the end of spring.

-West Valley is currently trying to implement computerized testing. The cost may be an issue, also the school needs to keep in mind that the state is in the process of developing a common assessment.


-Successful “Onto College Night” on Tuesday in the new campus center, about 127 individuals participated.

-The office is getting ready for priority registration and coping with the management of current and new incoming students.


-Working with Barbara, Tulan and Herlisa on transcript evaluation process. Application deadline for the Transfer Counselor position is approaching. Experienced some glitches with the new online hiring process.

-Meeting with ASO to collaborate on how to best serve students.

-EPA (Early Progress Alert) students are in the process of being contacted.

-Transfer Day for private and out of state colleges is today.

-Berkeley and UCLA are usually last to inform students of their admission status, do not expect status information till the end of May.

-Katie Bennett was selected as the new Career Counselor (this is a part-time position).

Campus Center/ASO:

-Currently still in the process of moving in the new campus center. The AV is being installed during Spring Break. Expecting to be fully functional April 2nd. Grand Opening will be on April 17th from 3 – 7 pm.

-Ryan Flannigan is taking over for Hugh Leonard who has worked in the reservation office for 3 years.

-Graduation planning is in full swing. Graduation is scheduled for Thursday May 23rd. There will be an hour long celebration in front of ASS and then continue in the campus center. Also, there has been a slight change in format and the transfer students will be honored during gradation day.

-ASO has contracted to get discount cards for students, the cost was $5k. They will begin distributing the cards in April and the discount card is good for 1 year.

-The students are thinking about purchasing vans, similar to Mission College student government. This will allow them to go on field trips and other events.


-No program update.

-Marta Mora received tenure


-35 students participating in Pal Academy covering math 103, 106, and 10. Faun Maddux is assisting in the program. There are about 6 – 7 student tutors. The EOPS conference room will be converted to house 10 new computers for their use. This new space should be operational in about 4 – 5 weeks.

-Alicia Hernandez will be completing her master’s degree this semester.


-Persian New Year celebration was a huge success.

-Currently contacting student who are on EPA

-Planning an open house and celebration with ET alumni


-Had their first Bagel Day and is trying to make this a weekly event.

-Lee Rodriguez has started a support group M.V.P (Males Valuing Progress). This is a group open to all male students not just TRiO.

-The Vets’ Lounge will have someone from the Vets’ office every week to field questions.

-In the process of hiring a tutor to hold math/reading boot camp.


-Currently in the last phase of renovation. The office will be closed during spring break to complete the counter renovation.

-Students that missed the graduation petition deadline can submit their petition to the Records office but they will not be able to be in the program. The late students’ petitions may not be processed till summer. Counseling office volunteered to assist in the petition process, Dr. Hindes advised that a process and guideline should be established to make this process fair and equal.

-Registration dates were sent to the students with the payment and drop dates. Please remind students of the payment policy.

-Herlisa is processing the common application every week. Please tell the students to not wait till the last minute because these are process once a week.

-Working on the wording for the transcript notations with Mission College.

-CCCF will be eliminating the student portion from their site in June. Please inform students to complete their purchases ASAP if they are planning to purchase software, computers and other items.


-About 3 weeks behind on the appeals. Students are told when they submit their packet that it will be about 4 weeks before they are notified.

-Fee waiver forms are not ready yet.

-Working on the new process of check disbursement.

-The Scholarship application deadline has passed. There were 223 applicants this year. The bad news is that last year the foundation gave $210k but this year they only have $24k. They will only be able to award 24 scholarships.

Special Groups:

-No updates.

Standing Reports:

Classified Senate:

-Classified Staff BBQ will be on Wednesday, May 30th.

-Book Sale at the end of April.

-There will be 6 classified staff who will attend the leadership conference on June 6th in Ventura, CA.

Academic Senate:

-Approved the discontinuation of the Information Competency Infused course requirement starting I fall 2012. Maryanne will be allowing waivers in a case-by-case basis. Because this was never a state mandate we do not need to require it for an AA/AS degree.

-Setting up a subcommittee to review the hiring process for faculty.

College Council:

-Did not meet.

Division Chair Council:

-Last week had their retreat and went over the Student Success Taskforce Recommendations. Jane Pattent from the State Academic Senate was there to go over each recommendation and narrow down which recommendations to focus on at the moment. Orientation, Assessment and College Success were the recommended topics because of their greater likelihood of becoming mandates.

Informational Item: Accreditation

–Pavan & Hindes-

-Leading the writing of the Student Services self-study.

-Although soft copies are given to the visitation team please have hard copies available and easily accessible.

-Please be sure to focus on the big picture and leave out the “dirty laundry”

Discussion Item: SB1456

-Members read sections of each standard and discussed their meaning.

Discussion Item: Goals

-Attached to the minutes are the notes taken by Michelle Donohue-Mendoza during the goal setting session.