/ P.O. Box 632
1110 Oak Street, Suite 1200
West Bend, WI 53095
T: 262-334-8339 F: 262-306-7717
Today’s date:
______ / Date of Birth: / ____/____/_____ / Sex: / M F
Applicant - Full Legal Name
If patient is a minor child (younger than 18), please list the name of theaccompanying parent(s) or guardian(s), and their relationship(s) to the patient..
Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______
Full legal name
Best phone number I can be reached at (circle one): Home Cell Other Please list all available numbers below
Cell # Home #
/ ______
Email Address ______ / If none, please check box
Marital status: M W S Sep. D / Veteran? [ ] Yes [ ] No
RACE: [ ]Asian [ ]Black [ ]Latino/a [ ]Native American [ ] White [ ] Other______
Do you need transportation assistance to appointments? [ ]Yes [ ]Sometimes [ ]No
Primary language:______ / Interpreter needed: [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, please tell us the interpreter’s name and the best telephone # to reach them:
Full legal name / Telephone number
Living Arrangement (Please select one)
[ ] Own [ ] Rent [ ] Free room board [ ] Living w/family and/or friends [ ] Transitional facility
[ ] Rehabilitation center [ ] Homeless [ ]Other(Explain)______
What is the highest grade you completed in school?(Please select one)
[ ] Elementary [ ] Some high school [ ] High school diploma or GED [ ] Some college or technical school
[ ] College or technical school degree [ ] Master’s Degree [ ] PHd
How did you hear about us? (Please select all that apply)
[ ] Family [ ] Friend [ ] Employer [ ] Website/On-line [ ] Newspaper [ ] Human/Social Services [ ] Physician/Hospital
[ ] TV/Radio [ ] Word of mouth [ ] Other
How many people do you support in your household including yourself? _____Adults _____Children (If no one files taxes please fill in the numbers of people in your household.)
Are you currently employed? YES NO By whom?______
Circle all that apply: Full time * Part time * Self Employed * Seasonal/Freelance * Paid in cash * Have more than 1 job
Do you have other sources of income? (Soc. Security, Pension, Unemploy) YES NO
Please provide your gross income amount from all sources $______monthly OR $______annually
If you are Married, is your spouse employed? YES NO By whom?______
Circle all that apply: Full time * Part time * Self Employed * Seasonal/Freelance * Paid in cash * Have more than 1 job
Please provide spouse’s gross income amount from all sources $______monthly OR $______annually
Does your spouse have other sources of income? (Soc. Security, Pension, Unemploy) YES NO
Do you currently have any health insurance? Y N If Yes, circle – Badger Care * Employer Sponsored * Health Care Act
Are you receiving financial assistance, from a health system? Check all that apply.[ ]Yes[ ]No
Froedtert Health/St. Joseph’s Hospital [ ]Yes [ ]No Medical College of Wisconsin [ ]Yes [ ]No
Froedtert Medical Group/Clnics [ ]Yes [ ]No Aurora Helping Hands [ ]Yes [ ]No
Date began or is expected to begin______Expiration Date:______
Do you have a primary care physician?[ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, physician name______Last Seen______
How often do you visit the emergency room?
[ ] Weekly / [ ] Monthly / [ ] Every other month
[ ] Every six months / [ ] Yearly / [ ] Hardly Ever
Why did you visit the emergency room (check all that apply)?
[ ] Lack of access to other providers / [ ] Only a hospital could help / [ ] Doctor's office was not open
[ ] There was no other place to go / [ ] Seriousness of the medical problem / [ ] Other ______

I certifythat all the information on this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I have not purposefully misled the AFC (Albrecht Free Clinic)to believe my needs to be more serious than they truly are. I authorize the AFC to obtain any information held by Washington County Human Services for the sole purpose of determining eligibility for services.

I understand that if I or any member of my household intentionally misrepresents or withholds facts for the purpose of obtaining medical care from the AFC, that I may be expected to pay for the services provided or no longer be able to receive medical care from the AFC in the future.
Signature Date
Print Name


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