
AH104 Phlebotomy

Winter Term 2018

Days:Monday and Wednesday


Location:RCC Riverside Campus; A building, Room A26

Instructor:Natasha Carbin


Contact:(541) 727-2686

Assistant:Teri Steele

Course Description

This course prepares students to take the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Phlebotomy certification examination. The examination requires 40 hours of classroom training in anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system, specimen collection, specimen processing and handling, and laboratory operations (e.g., safety, quality control, etc.), and 100 clock hours of clinical training and orientation in an accredited laboratory with a minimum performance of 100 successful unaided blood collections (venipunctures and skin punctures). This course, taken withAH170, prepares students to take the exam.

Course Prerequistes:

Acceptance into the Phlebotomy Pathway or Medical Assistant programs

Required Text:

Phlebotomy Essentials: 6th Edition by Ruth McMall and Cathee Tankersley

Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes: In the columns below, you will find the expected learning outcomes for this course. The outcomes are assesed by the methods described in the right column.

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs):In the middle column you will see”ILO Key Indicators”. Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) areskills that will contribute to your success in life. RCC’s ILOs are: Application of Knowledge (AK), Approach to learning (AL), Communication (COM), Critical Thinking (CT) and Personal Growth (PG)

Why are they important?

  • Employers call these “soft skills” or “employability skills”. They may help you get and keep a job
  • These skills will help you complete a certificate or degree
  • They are skills for success you can use in life

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following Institutional and Course Learning Outcomes.

Course Outcomes, ILO (Institutional Learning Outcomes) Indicators and Assessment:

Intended Outcomes: / ILO Key Indicators: / Assessment Methods:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the health care delivery system and medical terminology.
/ AK 2 -Integrate previous and new learning, along with practical skills, to solve problems. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance on written assignments including case studies, and exams according to learning objectives and standards checklist.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of infection control and safety.
/ AK 5 - Demonstrate the ability to adhere to personal and industry safety standards. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance on written assignments including case studies, and exams according to learning objectives and standards checklist.

  • Demonstrate basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of body systems and anatomic terminology in order to relate major areas of the clinical laboratory to general pathologic conditions associated with the body systems.
/ AK 1– Demonstrate ability to transfer learning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts in order to complete tasks. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance on written assignments including case studies, and exams according to learning objectives and standards checklist.

  • Demonstrate understanding of the importance of specimen collection and specimen integrity in the delivery of patient care.
/ CT 3 – Locate, organize, analyze and interpret data. /
  • Successful completion of appropriate laboratory tests and laboratory procedures according to standards checklist.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of collection equipment, various types of additives used, special precautions necessary and substances that can interfere in clinical analysis of blood constituents.
/ AL 5 – Use technological tools to research new information, solve problems, and communicate effectively. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance in simulation and clinical settings according to learning objectives and standards checklist.

  • Follow standard operating procedures to collect specimens.
/ AK 5 – Demonstrate the ability to adhere to personal and industry safety standards. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance in simulation and clinical settings according to learning objectives and standards checklist.

  • Follow standard operating procedures to collect specimens.
/ AK 5 – Demonstrate the ability to adhere to personal and industry safety standards. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance in simulation and clinical settings according to learning objectives and standards checklist.

  • Demonstrate understanding of requisitioning, specimen transport and specimen processing.
/ AK 1 – Demonstrate ability to transfer learning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts in order to complete tasks. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance in simulation and clinical settings according to learning objectives and standards checklist.

  • Demonstrate understanding of quality assurance and quality control in phlebotomy.
/ AK 5 - Demonstrate the ability to adhere to personal and industry safety standards. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance on written assignments including case studies, exams, and simulation scenarios according to learning objectives and standards checklist.

  • Communicate (verbally and nonverbally) effectively and appropriately in the workplace.
/ COM 2 – Express ideas clearly in oral, written and visual work. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance role plays, case studies, exams, and simulation scenarios according to learning objectives and standards checklist.

  • Maintain confidentiality of privileged information on individuals, according to federal regulations (e.g., HIPAA).
/ CT 5 – Foresee consequences of actions. /
  • Instructor evaluation of student performance on written assignments including case studies, and exams.

Grading Information

  • Blackboard Online Quizzes – 15 points per BBQuizzes = 210 pointspossible
  • Blackboard & Homework Assignments – 140 points possible
  • Class Participation – 10 points participation per day = 200 pointspossible
  • In-class Quizzez and Review – Points vary (see Course Schedule for specifics) = 120points possible
  • Bb Final – 100 points possible
  • Phlebotomy Competency Final – 200 points possible
  • Total possible points- 970


  • Attendance
  • After an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the instructor, to get any class homework, quizzes, or any other objectives for the day and complete all assignments. It is not the job of the instructor to contact the students.
  • Late arrivals, without acceptable notification will be penalized 5 pts towards participation.
  • Absences result in no participation and loss of 10 points for the day.
  • Official Drop or Withdrawal From Classes
  • Students may drop classes online through Wednesday of the second week of the term until 11:59 p.m. Students who officially drop receive a full refund and there is no notation of the class on a transcript. Starting the second Thursday of the term through the eighth Friday of fall, winter and spring terms (fifth Friday of summer term) students may withdraw online. There is no refund for a withdrawal and a grade of W is noted on a transcript. The date the student withdraws online or notifies Rogue Central to be withdrawn is the official last date of attendance.
  • Unofficial Drop of Withdrawal from Classes
  • Students who stop attending but do not officially drop or withdraw receive the grade that they earned based on syllabus requirements. If that grade is F, Incomplete, NP, or Z, the instructor must enter the last date of attendance on the online grade roster.
  • Definition of Last Date of Attendance for Faculty:

In a seat class, the last date of attendance is the last day the student physically attended a class where there is opportunity for direct interaction with the instructor.

  • Academic Honesty

“Cheating, plagiarism, and other acts of academic dishonesty are regarded as serious offenses. Instructors have the right to take action on any suspected acts of academic dishonesty. Depending on the nature of the offense, serious penalties may be imposed, ranging from loss of points to expulsion from the class or college.”

  • Classroom Behavior

“Expectations for classroom behavior are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, available in the catalog, schedule, and online. Students may not engage in any activity which the instructor deems disruptive or counterproductive to the goals of the class. Instructors have the right to remove students from class for not following the Code of Conduct or other specified classroom rules. Expectations for behavior in online classes are similar to what is required in the classroom.”

  • Dress and hygiene

Students will wear their Medical Scrubs to class every week. Please shower before class and pay special attention to your oral hygiene, bring mints and make sure you use deodorant. You should be pleasant to work with in close proximity at all times. Wear clean shoes and socks.Your hair should be brushed and pulled back, out of your face. If you have facial hair, it should be closely trimmed at all times. Jewelry should be conservative and at minimum. No facial or tongue piercings are allowed. Makeup should be light and barely noticeable

  • Student Evaluations

“Students enrolled in all credit (and some non-credit-courses will receive an RCC email around the 8th week of each term to complete online evaluations on each course they are enrolled in. Full instructions for accessing and completing the evaluations will be in the reminder email. These evaluations are anonymous and will not be released to the instructors until after the term is over.”You will be asked to fill out program, course and instructor evaluations.An email link will be provided to accomplish the evaluations. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and considered. Please take the time to complete them.

  • Disabilities Services

“Any student who feels that he or she may need academic accommodations for a disability, such as vision, hearing, orthopedic, learning disabilities, psychological or other medical conditions, should make an appointment with the Disability Services Office.”

  • Redwood Campus (Wiseman Tutoring Center):

Phone: 541-956-7337; Fax: 541-471-3550; Oregon Relay Service: 7-1-1

  • Riverside and Table Rock Campuses (main office: Riverside Campus B-9):

Phone: 541-245-7537; Fax: 541-245-7649; Oregon Relay Service: 7-1-1

  • For more information, go to
  • Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Violence Policies
  • RCC is committed to ensure that its learning and working environments are free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. Therefore, it is a violation of College policy for any employee, student or third-party at RCC to engage in these practices.
  • In addition, RCC has a zero tolerance for sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner or domestic violence, dating violence and workplace violence. Anyone found participating in any of these activities will be subject to disciplinary action and prosecuted in accordance with RCC policies and procedures and Oregon state laws. For more information, go to
  • Safety

The College assists in keeping the campus safe, but a safe campus can only be achieved through the efforts and cooperation of all students, faculty, and staff. For information on safety services, go to

  • Special annual or seasonal notes

“Students (and staff) should be directed to either the College’s website or dial 245-7500 or 956-7500 for the most current closure information. We have up-to-the-minute direct control over these two sources. Local radio and TV stations are also given all our updates, but sometimes the addition of new material takes 20-30 minutes”

  • Smoking restrictions (Board policy)

Smoking is not permitted on the premises of Rogue Community College except in designated areas. For more information go to: