October 14, 2015REVISED

The Braxton County Board of Education met in a regular session on Wednesday, October 14

at 5:00 p.m. at the Board office. The followingmembers were present:

Kathy Parker, President

Dave Hoover, Vice President

Van Carr

Jimmy Huffman

Elizabeth Stewart

Kathy Parker called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Kathy Parker had a non-denominational prayer.

Wyndi Yanero, McKenze Yanero, Sydney Ransbottom, Matt Moran, Andrew Shingler and

Seth Shingler from BCHS spoke regarding the weighted grading system. Mr. Dilly will be

working on a county policy and plans on having the first readingof the policy at the next Board

meeting on November 9, 2015.

Elizabeth Stewart movedto convene into executive session under 6-9A-4 (2)(A) for

personnel, student and legal matters. Jimmy Huffman seconded the motion.

Vote: Unanimous

The Board convened into executive session 5:32 p.m.

Dave Hoovermoved to reconvene into regular session. Van Carr seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous

The Board reconvened into regular session at 6:43 p.m.

Dave Hoovermoved and Elizabeth Stewartseconded to approve the consent agenda items (Approval of September 28, 2015 Meeting Minutes, payment of bills, budget supplements and transfers, budget transfer request for Special Education, transportation requests and permission for Johnathan McNemar to ride bus on space available basis in order to participate in Head Start Program).

Vote: Unanimous

Van Carr moved and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the following

employment/reassignments – Professional:

1. Joe Dooley – Principal at Davis Elementary effective October 19, 2015 to fill in for leave

of absence to the end of the 2015-16 school term

2. Carol Carr – Substitute Teacher effective October 15, 2015

3. Ryan Singleton – Substitute Teacher effective October 15, 2015

4. Stephanie Moore – School Nurse (Itinerant) Davis Elementary effective October 22,


5. Courtenay Smith – ½ Time School Nurse (Itinerant) BCMS effective October 19, 2015

6. Lauren Groseclose – Social Studies Teacher BCHS effective October 15, 2015.

Vote: Unanimous

Jimmy Huffman moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following

resignations – Professional:

1. Sabrina Skidmore – Assistant Principal/CTE Director BCHS effective retroactive

October 2, 2015

2. Susan Evans – ½ Time School Nurse BCMS effective October 19, 2015

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the following employee suspension

- Professional:

Kim Vivanco – LD/BD/MI/AU Teacher BCHS effective retroactive October 5, 2015

Vote: Unanimous

Elizabeth Stewart moved and Jimmy Huffmanseconded to approve the following

termination of employment – Professional:

Kim Vivanco – LD/BD/MI/AU Teacher BCHS effective October 15, 2015

Vote: Unanimous

Van Carr moved and Dave Hoover seconded the following request to have name removed

from Substitute Teacher list:

Dawn Dudley effective retroactive October 5, 2015

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the following employment/

reassignments – Service:

1. Dawn Nottingham – Pre-K Supervisory/Instructional/Transportation Aide/ECCAT

Burnsville Elementary effective October 15, 2015

2. Tiffany Abel – Special Education Supervisory/Instructional/Transportation Aide

(Itinerant) Burnsville Elementary effective October 15, 2015

3. Mary Dennison – Custodian Davis Elementary (6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. shift) effective

October 15, 2015

4. Michall Sears – Custodian BCHS (2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. shift) effective October 15,


5. Cheryl Carpenter – Classroom/Health Care/Transportation Aide Flatwoods Elementary

Effective October 30, 2015

6. Matthew Pitcock – Substitute Bus Operator effective October 15, 2015

7. Tina Wolverton – Substitute Custodian effective October 15, 2015

8. Tina Wolverton – Substitute Supervisory/Instructional/Transportation Aide effective

October 15, 2015.

Vote: Unanimous

Jimmy Huffman moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the following resignation -


Dawn Nottingham – Special Education Supervisory/Instructional/Transportation Aide

(Itinerant) Burnsville Elementary effective October 15, 2015.

Vote: Unanimous

Elizabeth Stewart moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following request

to have name removed from Substitute Custodian List:

Chris Stewart effective October 15, 2015.

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the following determination

of employment date – Professional:

Morgan Dennison – School Nurse (Itinerant) BCHS effective October 19, 2015.

Vote: Unanimous

Jimmy Huffman moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following determination

of employment date – Service:

Ginger Crow – Substitute Secretary and Substitute Supervisory/Instructional/Transportation

Aide effective retroactive October 13, 2015.

Vote: Unanimous

Van Carr moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following request for leave

of absence – Professional:

Dawn Butler – 2nd Grade Teacher Flatwoods Elementary effective retroactive October 2,

2015 for six weeks or until released by physician.

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Elizabeth Stewart seconded the following extracurricular


Ernie Tingler – Unpaid assistant Volleyball Coach for the remaining 2015-16 Sport Season.

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Van Carr seconded the possible replacement of the HVAC/roofing/

main electrical switch system at BCHS.

Vote: Unanimous

Jimmy Huffman moved and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve fund raisers for

Burnsville Elementary, Davis Elementary, Frametown Elementary, Sutton Elementary, BCMS

and BCHS.

Vote: Unanimous

Elizabeth Stewart moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the School Audits and

Responses for School Audits for School Year 2014-15.

Vote: Unanimous

Jimmy Huffman moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the renewal of the E-Rate


Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the $6500 Donation to the Athletic

department at BCHS from Mike Hampton.

Vote: Unanimous

Van Carr moved and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the request for donation for

BCHS Welding Program from Weyerhaeuser.

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the expulsion of student #1516-3.

The student will be expelled for 365 days and placed in the AEP Program at BCHS.

Vote: Unanimous

Superintendent David Dilly read the following positive reports from the schools:

Davis Elementary – October 5th the students enjoyed the day at the Gassaway Firehouse

learning about fire safety. They watched a movie and had a fireman fully dressed in fire gear to

explain his role during a fire. They also explored the fire trucks. Every Friday and once a month

the students with perfect attendance and no tardies are put into a drawing for a reward of

tickets to a home Eagles game or a family 4-pack of bowling.

Flatwoods Elementary – Had a Fall Disney Pep Rally and the first grade class had a

presentation for the PTA meeting.

Frametown Elementary – Due to the implementation of positive reinforcement activities

and a greater focus on daily attendance, students have shown an increase of 6% over the

2014-15 school year when calculating average daily attendance. Due to the presence of the

School-based Wellness Center, students can now be seen in the clinic for illnesses and for their

annual flu shots without leaving school. Improved and safer swings are on the playground at

Frametown thanks to Head Start.

Little Birch Elementary – Special thanks to Lori Stover for stepping up and being lead teacher

due to the lack of a principal. Heritage/Grandparents Day was held on October 8. It was a

beautiful day and everyone enjoyed the day.

Sutton Elementary – The 4-6th grade students went on a trip to NASA in Fairmont with the

PTO paying for the transportation. During a Skype session, students were able to talk to an

Astronaut. All of the stations related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). The

trip was remarkable and enjoyable for all. The student population keeps growing and growing!

BCMS – There are 10 students developing their leadership skills by attending the State

Student Council Conference at Jackson’s Mill, October 12-13. Mr. Drake sings to all of the

students and staff on their birthdays, allowing them to choose from a repertoire of 5 selections.

The FY2016 Office of Head Start Leadership, Governance, Management Systems Monitoring

Protocol was discussed.

The Head Start Policy Council Monthly Report was discussed.

Jimmy Huffman moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve Superintendent Dilly to

hire, approve fund raisers, transportation requests and bill payment during the month of

November due to the late date of the second November Board meeting.

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Van Carr seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.

The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Board of Education will be held on

November 9, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the Braxton County Board of Education office, 98 Carter

Braxton Drive, Sutton.

Others in Attendance:

John Skidmore IIChristie Skidmore

Wyndi YaneroKenze Yanero

Sydney RansbottomMatt Moran

Seth ShinglerAndrew Shingler

Kim DennisonNorma Bright

Brenda BurnsideLydia Moran

Morna GreeneShirley Shuman

Judy ShaferCarol Carr

Brenda WellsKimberly Wade

Samantha KniceleyTracy Radcliffe

Treva MickTerry Vankirk

Rich DemastusWendy Demastus

Minnie CoffmanPhyllis Moore

Kim VivancoErnest Tingler

Robert Pecora


President - Braxton County Board of Education


Secretary - Braxton County Board of Education