School Budget Shares – End of Year 2011/12 and Provisional 2012/13
On 23rd February the following will be available on the Barnet funding website
- Final allocations for 2011/12 of budget shares
- Provisional allocations for 2012/13
- Restated former standards funds allocations for 2011/12
- Final allocations for 2011/12 of budget shares including the early years free entitlement, pupil premium, capital and additional grants – these show mostly small changes for statements, early years and ASTs. No further adjustments will be made this year.
We will pay the final instalment of pupil premium, capital and additional grants by autopayment at the end of March. Academies will also receive funding for statements at this time. All other cash due to the school will be made in the normal way by the Schools Accountancy team.
Early years funding will reflect the spring census and any adjustments received up until half term. Adjustments reported after half term will be carried over to the summer term 2012.
- Provisional allocations for 2012/13 –this shows the first allocations for all schools, with estimates for academies. All schools should check these without delay and inform the Schools Funding Team () immediately if you have any queries.
The deadline for queries on the provisional budgets is Friday 2nd Marchasrevised (‘Original’) budgets will be released on Monday 12th March. Any changes reported after that date will be made later in the year. There will be adjustments at the end of September and December, with final adjustments in February 2013.
The government settlement for 2012/13 is again “flat cash” – ie the amount per pupil that the local authority receives in the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) is the same as 2010/11 and 2011/12. There are more children on the January census, so the DSG is larger and those schools with more children should see an increase in their funding. In the main the funding rates for budget shares are the same as last year.
The Pupil Premium rates have increased from £488 to £600 for free school meals and looked after children, and from £200 to £250 for service children. The measure for free school meals has changed so that any child who has been eligible for free school meals in the last six years is now eligible for the pupil premium. This figure has been provided to us by the government which has looked at the free school meals history of every child over the last 15 school censuses.
The former standards funds are now being distributed using the new simplified formula. The report shows both last year’s standards funds as the original grants and the new year formula. A protection factor is built in for any schools which would suffer a loss or gain of more than £10,000 (adjusted for pupil numbers), but the minimum funding guarantee will also provide protection if necessary. The minimum funding guarantee is again -1.5%.
Schools with nursery classes will receive allocations for the free entitlement based on estimated pupil numbers for the three terms of 2012/13 financial year. These will be corrected after each termly census. There is no need to report any adjustments to summer term attendance unless they occur after the summer term census (17th May).
Statement Top-up Fundingis an estimate of the funding due to the school for 2012/13 and should match schedules sent out to schools for the coming year. If you have queries please contact Bahir Laattoe (, 020 8359 7735) who will inform us of any changes that need to be made.
Devolved formula capital grants to community schools is being provided on the same basis and rates as last year, ie a lump sum of £4000 plus a rate per pupil.
Additional grants were received by some schools in 2011/12 (eg for primary maths and secondary PE). We have not yet been informed of any grants for 2012/13 and have not made any estimates of what they might be.
Sixth form funding for April to March 2012/13 has not yet been announced, so for the provisional budgets we have used the learner funding the school received in 2011/12. We understand that the sixth form teachers pay grant has ended and we have not received any information about bursaries, so both of these have been excluded for the time being.
Internal and external areas of some schools has been amended with information from Property Services. If you wish to query the area please contact the capital team – Bernard Gallagher or Richard Spencer who will inform us if we need to make an adjustment.
Separate children’s centre funding sheets will be available shortly.
We have used estimates for the following items due to lack of data at this time. Please inform the school funding team as soon as you are notified by the council or Education Funding Agency (EFA) of the correct amount (either higher or lower).
- National Non-Domestic Rates
- Caretaker’s Council Tax
- Sixth form learner funding
We have deleted the following funding elements which are now absorbed into other elements in line with the autumn consultation:
- Secondary LSUs (now in the AWPU)
- VA/Foundation element (now in the basic entitlement)
- Pitch maintenance (now in the basic entitlement)
- Secondary pitch rental (now in the basic entitlement)
- Special school capitation (now in the place rate)
- Special school exams (now in the place rate)
- Nursery school entitlement (now in basic entitlement)
- Restated former standards funds allocations for 2011/12 –this report is for information only. Although standards funds were absorbed into the main school funding grant in 2011, we continued to calculate each school’s funding as if the grants continued in 2011/12.
Following consultation with all schools in the autumn, from 2012/13 the money will be distributed using a much simpler formula based mainly on a lump sum, pupil numbers and free school meals. The Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG) has now been split between ethnicity and EAL, and some initiatives such as Every Child Counts, Excellence in Clusters and Advanced Skills Teachers (ASTs) continue. There is a balancing factor to ensure the new formula matches the old.
The report demonstrates how the former standards funds would have looked in 2011/12 had we used the new formula. It does not affect any schools funding in 11/12.
- Website– for the rest of February and March the school funding website will continue unchanged. After March it will take on a new look but provide the same information.
- Traded Services to Schools Booklet 2012-13
This week all headteachers and school offices will receive an email which will contain the Traded Services Booklet for 2012-13 and a Buyback form. If you do not receive this email please can you contact either Jane Elliott (020 8359 7621) or Eva Wilsmore (020 8359 4171).
- Contacts
School Funding Team –
(Carol Beckman, Claire Gray, Mark Callaghan and Sarrosh Malik)
Tel: 020 8359 7378 / 7377