Room Five’s

Strawberry Shake

What’s Shaking in Kindergarten


(415) 389-7660 ex. 2905

March 23, 2016

STUFFIE SLEEPOVER: Don’t forget to send in a stuffie with your child tomorrow, THURSDAY, March 24th for our Stuffie Sleepover (be careful to guide your child’s choice)!! Size should be limited to be around Brown Bear’s size or smaller. And if you are available to help out tomorrow between 11-11:30 (during Music time) for a bit, I would LOVE the help in staging the animals in fun ways!!


Friday, 3/25 @12:40

Please join us on Friday, March 25th at 12:40 for a Seuss celebration! After a quick, surprise video, the students would like to show off some of the fun activities we have done in honor of Dr. Seuss with you. I will also set up some fun activities for you to partake in with your child and friends. We hope to see you then!

SEUSS HELP: Most of our celebration this Friday will be center based. This means that I would love parent help in facilitating centers. One of them, inspired by Cat and the Hat, consists of students who will be making a hat while one or two parents face paint a nose and whiskers on students who would like it. Does anyone have black eyeliner and/or face paint that we can use? I have found that Walgreens does not carry it when it’s not Halloween time.

CHARITY WATER: We celebrated “Water Day” yesterday. World Water Day was created to bring awareness bout the importance of clean water around the world. The charity “Charity Water” is helping to drill and create wells to supply clean water to those in need. Strawberry has decided to support this charity and will be collecting donations until this Friday to help in support.

HAPPY NEW YEAR: We are very thankful to Justus’s dad who came in last week to talk to the class about his family’s tradition of celebrating Nowruz, the Persian New Year, which started the first day of Spring. Students were fascinated learning about the symbols and traditions that are commonly used in celebration. The kids were especially interested in learning that Justus jumps over fire! J

MATH: We have started another new unit in Math. Enclosed in this week’s folder is the family letter and optional Home Links, or math homework that corresponds to lessons learned. Doing one per week is a good pace to maintain.

Dates to Remember:

4/1: Book Character/Super Hero Day;

All School Read