One Glitful Day

One glitful day a piddy boy named George was walking lankerly to school. He hated school and he always became more and more deblimt as he got closer to the school gate. This day was no different from any other.

When he arrived at the playground, the other children were already playing flassfully. He never felt like joining in and so he sat limmily on the bench.

At that point a malonky girl called Daisy from George’s class came bounding jobilly over to the bench. She started chatting knappily to George who was gleekful that someone had decided to talk to him. He smiled hestly. Today was starting to look flefter.

Write what you think the following words could mean:

glitful ______malonky ______

piddy ______jobilly ______

lankerly ______knappily ______

deblimt ______gleekful ______

flassfully ______hestly ______

limmily ______flefter ______

Your task

Make up words that would sound right to replace the adjectives and adverbs (in bold italics) in the following text (you can replace two words with one word):

One gloriously sunny day in the powerful and successful kingdom of Sarvare, Sir Dizzibell mounted his strong and reliable horse ready to go bravely in search of the fearsome and murdering dogswipe dragon.

Dogswipe dragons were extremely rare and hard to find but recent reports had implied that one such dragon had been eating villagers sneakily and without anyone noticing. The reason people believed that it was the dogswipe dragon was because the bones of the poor and unfortunate victims were always found in a neat, little and organized pile. This was typical of the fussy and tidy dogswipe dragon.

The problem with Sir Dizzibell, however, was that he was more brave and fearless than clever and able to do things. This meant that after five hours of quick and urgent riding across the pretty countryside, he found himself back in his home town by which time the 7 O’clock news was reporting how the dragon had been slain by a weak and feeble old woman who was out walking her dog. Sir Dizzibell went home and had a nice and comforting cup of tea.

Write the new words into this passage:

(test your parents/siblings/friends – can they work out what your new words mean?)

One ______ day in the powerful and successful kingdom of Sarvare, Sir Dizzibell mounted his ______ horse ready to go bravely in search of the ______ dogswipe dragon.

Dogswipe dragons were extremely ______ but recent reports had implied that one such dragon had been eating villagers ______and ______. The reason people believed that it was the dogswipe dragon was because the bones of the ______ victims were always found in a ______ pile. This was typical of the ______ dogswipe dragon.

The problem with Sir Dizzibell, however, was that he was more ______than ______. This meant that after five hours of ______riding across the ______ countryside, he found himself back in his home town by which time the 7 O’clock news was reporting how the dragon had been slain by a ______ old woman who was out walking her dog. Sir Dizzibell went home and had a ______ cup of tea.