A02 - ENG 1430 Design in Engineering– Team Assessment Form


Team Contribution Assessment Report

Name: (Please Print)
Team Number:
Team Name:
Date filed:

PLEASE NOTE - Your assessments will be held in STRICTEST CONFIDENCE. Dr. Frye will shred the individual assessments once the grade appeal period has expired. If you wish, you can make an appointment to discuss this component of your grade following the posting of Provisional Marks. (I or Mr. Petkau are the only people to handle the material once it has been submitted. Most students have accepted my assurance of security and have been very candid.)

Summary of Bonuses Assigned:

In the space provided, assign the “Bonus Money” to each of your team mates.

1.  Bonuses must be in increments of $100. In other words, $0 is acceptable, but $110 is not.

2.  You must provide a detailed explanation/justification for the bonuses that you assign.

3.  DO NOT assign a bonus to yourself

4.  You must assign ALL of the bonus money

Number of Team Members / Bonus to Distribute / Distribute among:
6 / $3300 / Other 5 team members
5 / $2700 / Other 4 team members
4 / $2200 / Other 3 team members
3 / $1700 / Other 2 team members

Remember an “extra” 1% may be assigned to each person who undertakes to complete the exercise with some serious thought and is recognized by his/her team mates as an outstanding contributor.

Summary of Bonus Distribution:

TOTAL BONUS (Distribute ALL bonus $)

1.  Teammate Name: ______

(You may add extra sheets if necessary.)



  1. Teammate Name: ______

(You may add extra sheets if necessary.)



3.  Teammate Name: ______

(You may add extra sheets if necessary.)


  1. Teammate Name: ______

(You may add extra sheets if necessary.)




5.  Teammate Name: ______

(You may add extra sheets if necessary.)




  1. Teammate Name: ______

(You may add extra sheets if necessary.)

