Advisory Minutes – September 25, 2014

Welcome Elementary

Called to order:6:04pm
Adjourned: 6:47pm
Attendees: Cheryl Rich, Brandi Milam, Josette Altiers, Randal Lanier, Heather Turner, Elizabeth Grubb-Scala
Welcome: Cheryl welcomed all members back!
Review Minutes from Previous meeting: Everyone reviewed what was submitted, & was in agreement that everything was accurate.
Safety at Welcome: 14 radios have been purchased! Welcome purchased these out of the general fund, of which the PTO is going to be making a donation to replace that money once fall festival is over. Each radio has 4 channels. Radios are located as follows: 1 in the office, 1 with Cheryl Rich, 1 with Loryn Morrison, 1 with pre-k, 1 with E.C., 1 with each grade level chair, and 3 for custodians (they use a different 2) We had a deadline to purchase the radios for a large rebate/savings is the why we purchased them so quickly. Our next project for safety at Welcome is the camera surveillance system. Cheryl described some of the features to us, such as being able to monitor multiple panes at one time from a central hub. Cheryl then handed out a flyer where WES was highlighted asking for business partners requesting donations to help fund the camera system, which will roughly cost $24,000.
Cheryl then commented that Safety is #1 to her followed by #2 Instruction. If a child does not feel safe, they will not learn. The rest of the committee agreed that safety is very important at WES.
Curriculum: The committee reviewed the School Improvement Plan Template for 2014-2015 (all of this can be found on the DCS website) As a committee, we went over the template together. This template drives the instructions for the year. Grade level teachers create these common form assessments together.
Budget Report: The committee reviewed the budget handout together. Some highlights were: Donations seems large ($11,000), but that goes towards our backpack program, General Fund is extremely low ($937.00), but over $3,000 was used to purchase the radios, & that Certificate of Deposit (over $3,200) will be transferred to our General Fund on Jan 2.
Upcoming Important Dates:
Sept 29 is early release for students for staff development
Oct 1-24 is our school driven fund raiser for Worlds Finest Chocolate bars!
Oct 4 is our PTO sponsored Fall Festival
Oct 7-10 is the Book Fair
Oct 16 District Strategic Planning meeting with Dr. Morrow at NDHS at 7pm
A concern was brought up about the lunch menu not being updated on the school website Cheryl is to contact Ashley Coons to look into and fix this issue.
Heather Turner then asked in regards to raising money for the school, about having a yard sale. Everyone can rent spaces. This is a great idea that we are going to look into!
A question was brought up as to if we got bulbs for the smartboards yet? Cheryl replied, Yes we did!
Josie brought up that she has spoken to people at RCR about a possible donation. She will follow up on this and report back. Thanks