Directions for Exporting Lessons from the EDM On-line Planner to CIITS

In order for you to be able to locate lesson plans in CIITS, it is important that you carefully follow the directions below and name all of the lesson plans as described below. The naming convention is VERY IMPORTANT!

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on “ePlanner Deluxe with ePresentations and eToolkit”
  3. Click on the lesson from the ePlanner that you wish to export
  • The lesson will open under the planner.
  1. Click on “lesson opener p. __” (about midway down on page)
  • This will open the first page of your lesson in a PDF file.
  1. Save this file to your desktop or another folder of your choosing.
  • You probably want to name it using the unit and lesson number; for example: 4.11 lesson opener.
  1. Close that window and go back to your EDM lesson planner.
  2. Click on “lesson pages __ - __” (this is right next to your “lesson opener”)
  • This will open the lesson pages in a PDF file
  1. Save this file to your desktop or another folder of your choosing.
  • Name it using the unit and lesson number; for example: 4.11 lesson pages
  1. Minimize the EDM tab
  2. Open up CIITS and log in
  3. Put your cursor over “classrooms” in the blue bar at the top and then click on “lesson planner”
  4. On the left, click on the icon that looks like a piece of paper with a plus sign to create materials.
  5. Click on “lesson plan”
  6. You must fill in all parts of the lesson plan that are marked with a red asterisk
  • You will want to name the lesson plan so that everyone will know the grade level, that it is an Everyday Math lesson, the lesson unit, the lesson number, and the school in which it was created. Please use the following convention when naming the lesson plans. For example, EDM Grade 3 Lesson 4.11_Crossroads (Please spell out school name, don’t use abbreviations.)
  1. Choose your subject and grade range.
  2. For the description, please include the lesson #, lesson title and objective as identified by EDM. The objective is at the top of the page after you click on the “lesson plan opener” in EDM online planner. You will also need to include the learning targets for the lesson, which need to come STRAIGHT FROM THE STANDARDS ADDRESSED IN THE LESSON (as identified by the yellow circle with “CCSS” at top of first page of lesson). The standards that are in bold on the first page of each lesson are the focus standards for most grades. Please make the content focus standards your learning targets for the lesson. Please include the standard and the “I Can” statement for the learning target. Remember that one, two or three targets are all that you need! If there is a Mathematical Practice that is in bold, please include that in your targets.


  1. Even though “Duration” doesn’t have an asterisk, please include this piece. Most lessons will be 1 day. The number must be a numeric digit. Be sure to identify “day” because the default is “minutes.”
  2. Click “Save and Continue” at the bottom of the screen
  3. You will be asked to select standards. Please select the bolded standards of the lesson; including the bolded Mathematical Practices (some grade levels have the focus standards bolded in the EDM manual). Keep clicking on the plus signs next to the standards until you reach the specific stands. Click on the box next to the specific standard to select it.
  4. Click “save and continue”

Section 3 is where you will upload the lesson pages (not the lesson opener). Under “Content Format,” click the bubble next to “File – Upload content from another file, such as a Microsoft Word document.”

  1. Under “Content Template” click on Browse to find the PDF file that you saved as the lesson pages and select it. Click on “upload.”
  2. Click “Save and Continue”

Section 4 is where you can link related materials.

  1. Click on “create and link new materials”
  • Again, you have to complete all components marked with a red asterisk
  • Please use the same title that you used before and add “lesson opener” after the Unit and lesson number. For example, “EDM Grade 3 Lesson 4.11 Lesson Opener_Crossroads” (Please spell out school name, don’t use abbreviations please.)
  1. In the description box, type:
  • The title from above followed by - Overview
  • For example: “EDM Grade 3 Lesson 4.11 Lesson Opener_Crossroads - Overview”
  1. The Duration should be the same as it was for the lesson pages (for example: 1 day)
  2. For the format, choose “Teacher Planning Materials”
  3. Click browse
  4. Find the PDF document that you saved as the lesson opener
  5. Click upload
  6. You must click “Create and Link” before clicking “Save and Continue”
  7. Click “Save and Continue”

Section 5 is optional

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on “view materials”
  • Your lesson pages, your standards, and your linked materials (lesson opener) should be there
  1. On the right side of the screen, click “submit to school bank”
  2. Click ok when the dialog box opens
  3. On the right side of the screen, click “schedule”
  4. When the calendar drops down, click on the date that you would like to teach the lesson, the box should turn a pale pink
  5. Click on “Save and go to planner”

Your lesson plan should be added to your planner in CIITS!