Course Syllabus

Tressie Harper, Credit Recovery Instructor


Credit Recovery is a program which has the goal of keeping students on track for graduation.

GRADING POLICY: It is imperative that students understand they are responsible for taking the assigned course needed. If the student has already taken the course in regular class or Credit Recovery, he/she must inform the teacher and/or counselor to get the needed change.The student must earn an overall grade of 70% in order to pass the course. Student performance will be based on progress on the designated online Edgenuity course(s). Students will receive progress reports and report cards for participation. Course completion is determined by computer instruction requirements. Each three week period progress reports, and each six week period report cards, in the form of a print-out, will be sent home with the student. Completion of the course activities will result in a completion form being turned in to the Registrar and a “P” for passing will be placed on the transcript. It should be noted that NCAA guidelines do not accept Credit Recovery for its criteria. Feel free to contact me by email should you have questions about your child’s progress. My email is:

MAKEUP POLICY: Students are allowed makeup work as dictated in the Klein Collins High School student handbook.

TARDIES: Students are expected to be seated when the bell rings. This will enable us to begin online instruction immediately and contribute to establishing time management skills. Being tardy three times in a six week period could result in disciplinary action.


Show Mutual Respect/Be Prepared/Follow All School Rules Expectations for behavior can be found in the student handbook. The school has each of these rules in place for the safety and maximum learning of all students. Therefore, all students in our classes should adhere to ALL school rules accordingly. Also, students must provide and use headphones/earbuds during Credit Recovery class. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. No food or drinks are allowed in classroom. No backpacks or purses can be placed on the computer countertops. No cell phones or other electronic devices can be exposed or they will be taken and turned in to the front office.

EXPECTATIONS: Be on task the entire period and take notes in a spiral notebook while listening to the video lectures. No computer games are allowed.The only websites you are permitted to access are Edgenuity course websites. Follow student handbook acceptable use of technology policies. Maintain your computer, keyboard, and mouse. Report any equipment problems to the teacher immediately. English courses MUST have completed journals and essays. These must be original, on topic, and well-written. Again, it is your responsibility to know what course you are working on and confer with your teacher and/or counselor if you believe you are taking a course you have already done.


·  One box of tissues (Kleenex will be available at all times for student use.)

·  One bottle of hand sanitizer (A bottle will be available at all times for student use.)

·  Headphones or ear buds (Failure to bring to class may result in disciplinary action. This is required.)

·  Spiral notebook for notes to be used and kept in class


Information regarding this class will be posted and updated on my website. Parents and students may access this website by using the address:

I appreciate the opportunity to teach your child. Thank you for your concern and support. If I have your email address, I can set the program to send you a weekly progress report. Send me an email with such a request (). Please sign and return.

Student ______Date ______Parent ______

Revised: 06/03/2015 Email ______