2013 Iredell-Statesville Schools—8th Grade ELA Strategies and Supports
Learning Targets / Skill / Strategies and SupportsReading Literature: Key Ideas and Details
RL.8.1a I can determine supporting evidence to show I understand themeaning of the text. / I will closely read the text to understand its meaning. / TSI(Transactional Strategies Instruction)( p. 659, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Story Map (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Guided Metacognition Routine (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Story Summary (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
I will highlight repeated ideas, patterns and inferred meanings as I read. / Guided Metacognition Routine (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Distinguishing Details (
Two Column Notes (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Making Inferences (
Plot Line (
I will identify the author’s purpose. / Guided Metacognition Routine (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Text Analysis, What’s the Author’s Purpose
I will identify the main idea of the text. / Guided Metacognition Routine (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Detail Delight (
Main Idea Mania
RL.8.1b. I can provide supporting evidence to justify logical inferences from the text. / From the highlighted text, I will choose evidence to make inferences. / Guided Metacognition Routine (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Making Inferences (
More Incredible Inferences
Think Aloud
RL.8.2a I can determine a theme/central idea of a text. / I will analyze the text and identify the theme/central idea of a text. / The Spider Map
Story Summary (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Guided Metacognition Routine (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
I will provide evidence to support the theme/central idea. / The Spider Map
Guided Metacognition Routine (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
RL.8.2b I can analyze the theme’s development throughout the text. / I will highlight and identify events that show how the theme is developed. / Plot Line
Plotting the Plot (
Plotting the Plot (
RL.8.2c I can interpret the theme’s relationship to character, setting, and plot throughout the text / I will highlight conflicts between theme, characters, changing settings and plot twists. / Two-Column Notes ( Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Story Map (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Character Connections (
Plotting the Plot (
Plotting the Plot (
I will reflect on how the writer used character, setting and plot to develop the theme. / Story Skeletons: Teaching Plot Structure with Picture Books
Plotting the Plot (
Character Connections (
Plotting the Plot (
RL.8.2d I can discuss an objective summary of the text. / I will use highlighted text to create a story map. / Story Map (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Story Maps (
I will use the story map to outline and summarize the development of the theme. / G.I.S.T
Story Map (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Story Maps (
Plotting the Plot (
Plotting the Plot (
Summary Step-Up (
Retell Review (
Retell Recap (
Main Events (
RL.8.3a I can critique certain lines of dialogue or events in a story or drama to show how they move the action in the plot. / I will highlight certain lines of dialogue or events that move theaction in the plot. / Two Column Notes (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Distinguishing Details (
Types of Prompting (CROWD)(p.649, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
I will identify internal and external conflicts in the story or drama. / Problem and Solution Map
I will identify the climax of the story or drama. / TSI(Transactional Strategies Instruction)( p. 659, Story
Skeletons: Teaching Plot Structure with Picture Books
Plotting the Plot (
Plotting the Plot (
I will use the highlighted text to create a plot diagram. / Plot Line
Plotting the Plot (
Plotting the Plot (
RL.8.3b I can justify certain lines of dialogue or events in a story or drama to show how they reveal different traits of a character. / I will use highlighted text about characters to determine characters’ traits. / Character Connections
Character Considerations (
Check-A-Trait (
I will create a graphic organizer to demonstrate my understanding
of a character’s traits. / Action is Character
Character Connections
Character Considerations (
Check-A-Trait (
RL.8.3c I can determine how certain lines of dialogue or events in a story or drama might cause a character to make a certain decision. / I will use highlighted text and a graphic organizer to explain why
characters make certain decisions in the story or drama. / Character Consideration
Reading Literature: Craft and Structure
RL.8.4a I can infer the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. / I will use context clues, a dictionary, a thesaurus, or on-lineresources to understand the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. / Word Knowledge Template (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Contextual Analysis (p. 541, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Word Map ( p.481, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Word Learning Strategies (p.506, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Choice Meanings (
Meaning Extender (
Word Share (
Context Clues (
Get a Clue (
Looking for Meaning (
Word Winner (
I will use a high-yield strategy to determine the meaning of wordsand phrases. / Concept Sort
Frayer Model (Foundations for Reading, Unit 8)
Choice Meanings (
Meaning Extender (
Word Share (
Context Clues (
Get a Clue (
Looking for Meaning (
Word Winner (
RL.8.4b I can interpret figurative language in a text. / I will identify different kinds of figurative language in a text. /
Improve Comprehension: A Word Game Using Root Words and Affixes
Words in Context
Proverbs: An Introduction
Animal Idioms ( p. 580, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Pun Fun (
Hink Pink Think (
I will examine the figurative meaning of a word or phrase and its affect on a text. / Words in Context
Proverbs: An Introduction
Animal Idioms ( p. 580, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Pun Fun (
Hink Pink Think (
RL.8.4c I can interpret the feelings associated with words. / I will examine the various connotations created by words and their meaning. / Using Word webs to teach synonyms for commonly used words
Up With Words (
RL.8.4d I can determine how word choices affect the meaning and tone of a text. / I will identify words and phrases that create/reveal a variety of tones. / Uncover Meanings
RL.8.4e I can interpret allegory and allusions to other texts and how they affect the meaning and tone of a text. / I will examine texts that use allusion or allegory. / Book Club: Writing in Response to Literature (p. 677, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Animal Idioms ( p. 580, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
I will reflect on why the author chose to reference other text
through allusion or allegory, and how it affects the text. / Book Club: Writing in Response to Literature (p. 677, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Side by Side Stories (
RL.8.5a I can distinguish the similarities and differences of two or more texts. / I will compare/contrast the characteristics of two or more texts. / Side by Side Stories (
Venn Diagram Graphic Organizer
Character Connections (
RL.8.5b I can explore how various characteristics of texts contribute to the meaning and style. / I will explain how text characteristics such as pacing, flashbacks, cliffhangers, etc. add to its meaning and style. / Ask a Word
RL.8.6a I can compare/contrast the points of view of characters with that of the audience/reader. / I will use a graphic organizer (Venn diagram, T-chart, etc.) to
compare/contrast different perspectives. / Venn Diagram Graphic Organizer
RL.8.6b I can interpret how the differences in point of view betweenthe characters and reader/audience can create effects such as suspenseor humor. / I will examine one story from a variety of viewpoints (writer,
reader/audience, characters). / Literature Circles
I will critique how writers purposefully choose points of view to create effects such as suspense or humor. / Literature Circles
RL.8.6c I can evaluate the effects of dramatic irony in a text. / I will identify dramatic irony. / Frayer Model (Foundations for Reading, Unit 8)
Words in Context
I will evaluate the effects of dramatic irony. / Spider Map
Reading Literature: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
RL.8.7a I can evaluate a variety of media and text. / I will identify the similarities and differences between written and performed literature. / Venn Diagram Graphic Organizer
RL.8.7b I can critique the choices made by the director or actors to stay faithful to or depart from the original text or script. / I will examine the choices made by directors or actors to stayfaithful to or depart from the original text or script. / Side by Side Stories (
Literature Circles
I will explain the effects of the director’s or actors’ choices to stay faithful to or depart from the original text or script. / Side by Side Stories (
Literature Circles
RL.8.9a I can analyze a modern work of fiction. / I will examine how a modern work of fiction relates to other more traditional genres (ie. Myths, traditional stories, religious/biblical works):
Related themes / Story Structure (p. 651, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Literature Circles
Side by Side Stories (
I will examine how a modern work of fiction relates to other moretraditional genres (ie. Myths, traditional stories, religious/biblical
works): Patterns of events / Plot Line
Side by Side Stories (
Main Events (
Plot Plan (
I will examine how a modern work of fiction relates to other moretraditional genres (ie. Myths, traditional stories, religious/biblicalworks): Character types / Side by Side Stories (
Character Connections
Character Consideration
RL.8.9b I can interpret the concept of allusion. / I will define allusion. / Frayer Model (Foundations for Reading, Unit 8)
I will recognize the effects of allusion on a written work and how it is turned into something new. / Words in Context
Reading Literature: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
RL.8.10 I can read and use upper grade-level text by the end of the year. / I will be able to read upper eighth grade level text on my own and understand it. / Frayer Model (Foundations for Reading, Unit 8)
The Cluster Graphic Organizer
Inquisitive Inquiries (
Guided Metacognition Routine (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Reading Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details
RI.8.1a. I can analyze a text for central idea. / I will read the text closely by marking up the text. / Paragraph Shrinking (p. 712, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Rule-Based Summary Strategy (p. 715, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Story Map (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Distinguishing Details (
Main Idea Highlights (
I will read the text closely to determine author’s purpose. / C.021 Compare and Contrast (
C.023 Text Analysis: Persuade, Inform, and Entertain Sort (
C.030 Text Analysis: Persuade, Inform, Entertain, and Explain (
QtA (p. 733, CORE Teaching Reading Source book)
I will read the text closely to interpret the overall message of the text. / Story Mapping (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Expository Text (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Paragraph Shrinking (p. 712, CORE Teaching Reading Source book)
Detail Delight (
Main Idea Mania (
I will read the text closely using text features to take notes of repeated ideas. / Card Pyramid (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Two Column Notes (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Outlining from Text Structure (
Focus on First Lines: Increase Comprehension through Prediction Strategies (
Text Features (
Expository Text Structure: Text Feature Find (
RI.8.1b. I can evaluate the text to determine its strength. / I will distinguish between relevant and irrelevant details by using direct quotes and/or example. / QAR Question - Answer (p.702, CORE Teaching Reading)
Critical Reading: Two Stories, Two Authors, Same Plot?
Plotting the Plot
Think Aloud
Distinguishing Details (
I will distinguish between relevant and irrelevant details by determining author’s purpose. / Author’s Purpose (
Compare and Contrast (
Author’s Purpose
Author’s Purpose
What’s the Purpose (
Inquisitive Inquiries (
I will distinguish between relevant and irrelevant details by using model think-alouds. / Rule-Based Summary Strategy (p. 715, CORE Teaching Reading Source book)
QAR Question - Answer (p.702, CORE Teaching Reading)
Think Alouds
RI.8.2a. I can determine the central idea of a text and analyze its development. / I will record repeated examples that support the central idea. / Text Features (
Text Feature Find (
Graphic Text Structures
Card Pyramid (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Main Idea Mania (
RI.8.2b. I can interpret the central idea in order to develop a summary. / I will interpret the central idea in order to develop a summaryby analyzing a writer’s structure. / Determining Details
Graphic Text Structures
Expository Text Structure
Card Pyramid (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Super Summary (
Sum-thing Special (
Strategies Game (
I will interpret the central idea in order to develop a summary by analyzing a writer’s features. / Determining Details
Graphic Text Structures
Card Pyramid (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Strategies Game (
I will interpret the central idea in order to develop a summary by analyzing a writer’s support. / Determining Details
Graphic Text Structures
Card Pyramid (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Making Inferences
Strategies Game (
RI.8.3a. I can analyze how a text makes connections. / I will make connections by analyzing a writer’s style and text features. / Text Features (
Text Feature Find (
Graphic Text Structures
Expository Text Structure
Informational Text Structure and Signal Words (p. 683, CORE Teaching Reading Source book)
I will make connections by analyzing graphic organizers. / Graphic Organizers ( p. 684, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Card Pyramid (Foundations of Reading, Unit 8)
Expository Exploration (
Classic Classifying (
RI.8.3b. I can explore links between individuals, ideas, or events in a text. / I will evaluate links in the text by comparing. / Concept Mapping
Semantic Maps (p. 470, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Semantic Feature Analysis (Lop-sided T-chart; Foundations of Reading, Unit 7)
Concept Mapping (
Concept Sort (
Spider Map (
Venn Diagram (
Compare/Contrast Graphic Organizer (
I will evaluate links in the text by creating analogies. / Analogy Soccer
Analogy Basketball
I will evaluate links in the text by categorizing. / Comparing Meaning
Word Sorts
Cluster Map
Reading Informational Text--Craft and Structure
RI.8.4a I can determine the meaning of specific words. / I will examine text for Figurative language / Words in Context
Proverbs: An Introduction
Animal Idioms ( p. 580, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Pun Fun (
Hink Pink Think (
I will examine text for Connotative Language / Web Word Web (p.592, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Vocabulary Development (Foundations of Reading, Unit7)
PAVE Procedure ( p. 511, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Pun Fun (
Hink Pink Think (
I will examine text for Technical Language / Latin and Greek Number Words (p. 584, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Frayer Model (Foundations of Reading, Unit 7)
Semantic Maps (Foundations of Reading, Unit 7)
Semantic Feature Analysis (Lop-sided T-chart; Foundations of Reading, Unit 7)
Semantic Maps (p. 470, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Semantic Feature Analysis (Lop-sided T-chart; Foundations of Reading, Unit 7)
Concept Mapping (
Concept Sort (
Spider Map (
RI.8.4b I can support the impact of specific word choice on meaning and tone. / I will debate how a word affects the text’s tone. / Poetry as Word Play ( pg. 598, CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Up With Words (
I will analyze the use of analogies and allusions to understand the impact of the word choice. / Analogy Soccer
Analogy Basketball
RI.8.5 I can analyze the structure of a paragraph. / I will examine topic sentences and elaboration to create meaning in a paragraph. / Expository Text Structure
Paragraph Shrinking ( p. 711, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Rule-Based Summary Strategy ( p. 715, Core Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Framed Paragraphs
I will outline a paragraph to create the best meaning andunderstand the pattern. / Text Feature Find
Detail Delight (
Super Summary (
Text Structure Reflection (
RI.8.6a I can determine an author’s point of view and/or purpose. / I will recognize an author’s perspective by:
●Determining author’s point of view
●Examining the overall purpose
●Exploring personal bias / C.021 Compare and Contrast (
C.023 Text Analysis: Persuade, Inform, and Entertain Sort (
Author’s Purpose
Author’s Purpose
What’s the Purpose (
Inquisitive Inquiries (
RI.8.6b I can analyze how the author represents conflicting viewpoints. / I will outline the author’s key ideas. / Expository Text Structure: Text feature Find
Detail Delight (c_015c.pdf)
Inquisitive Inquiries (
I will outline the author’s supporting details. / Expository Text Structure: Text feature Find
Detail Delight (c_015c.pdf)
Text Structure Reflection (
I will outline the author’s counter-arguments / QtA (Questioning the Author; p..733 CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Text Structure Reflection (
I will outline the author’s tone. / QtA (Questioning the Author; p..733 CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Text Structure Reflection (
Inquisitive Inquiries (
I will outline the author’s word choice. / QtA (Questioning the Author; p..733 CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
Inquisitive Inquiries (
Choice Meanings (
Looking for Meaning (
I will outline the author’s persuasive language. / QtA (Questioning the Author; p..733 CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
What’s the Purpose (
Persuade, Inform, Entertain Sort (
Comprehension Instructional Routine:
Identify and Discuss the Author’s Purpose
Reading Informational Text--Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
RI.8.7 I can evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of different presentation types. / I will know the benefits and problems of all presentation types. / Compare and Contrast Electronic Text with Traditionally Printed Text (
I will identify the appropriate audience for each presentation. / C.030 Text Analysis: Persuade, Inform, Entertain, and Explain (
QtA (p. 733, CORE Teaching Reading Source book)
RI.8.8 I can dissect an argument and analyze its support. / I will critique arguments for relevant and irrelevant details. / Proverbs: An Introduction
I will identify patterns in how an argument is arranged andsupported. / Persuasion Map Planning Sheet
RI.8.9a I can analyze conflicting information between texts. / I will cite disagreements and find discrepancies. / Persuasion Map Planning Sheet
I will evaluate the argument and the source for credibility. / QtA (Questioning the Author)( pg.733 CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook)
RI.8.9b I can distinguish where different texts disagree in fact and/or interpretation. / I will evaluate how the details sensationalize. /
Lesson Plan: Propaganda Techniques in Literature and Online Political Ads
I will evaluate how the details address the counter-argument. / Press Conference for Bud, Not Buddy
I will evaluate how the details inform the reader to support the overall message. / I’ve Got It Covered