

March 15, 2016


Attendees: Eric Jarvi, Greg Cameron, Amelia Arnold, Betty Harris, Sarah Vincent


  1. Minutes fromFebruary meeting

Motion to accept minutes from February Meeting. Motion to approve. Seconded. Approved.

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric)

Income $35,108 to Expenses $29,427.51leaving us in the black$5679. YTD vs last year better $2000.00. The balance sheet checking $66,884.63 Invest in Cost $43,096.45,Invest at market $11,017.72 total Balance Sheet total of $120,998.80. No budget lines at risk based on projected budget. No quorum so vote not taken.

MPHP Donation – Linda offered that usually at this time, we receive an invoice from MPHP for a donation or do we send the donation. It was thought that we should wait to receive the invoice before making payment.

  1. Conventions (Larry)
  2. Spring 2016 – April 1-3, 2016 - Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, ME

-Registration Status - Currently, there are 12 Immunization attendees and 6 CPR attendees registered. Other registrations are coming in and Linda will send an email reminder on Friday.

-Vendor Participation – This year, we have lost Amerisource Bergen and Merck as vendors but have Pfizer participating. Linda heard from RiteAid and they will be supporting the association again this year. Eric reached out to Tim from Walgreens to see if he knew if the new area representative from Walgreens would be participating. He said that they would get in touch with us. As of today, Linda had not heard from Walgreens, Eric will follow up. MPHP and Diversion Alert will be attending as complimentary tables and the colleges will have space. Medhelp is a non profit organization that has requested complimentary space at the convention. After a quick look at their website, it thought it might conflict with our paid vendors. It was agreed that we would not offer a table or handouts at this time. Linda will respond to request.

-Pharmacy Reception – Entertainment and Room Setup – Linda has confirmed that 3 piece trio for entertainment. Individual invitations will be included in the folders and we will promote during the weekend.

-Posters - Eric has 2 presenters lined up for posters. Need to get confirmation from UNE for participation. Sarah will contact Dan.

-CE Invoice – Received the invoice for CE programming from UNE. This time there is a charge for the CPR track. We will need to determine for the fall if we should continue with the CE portion of the CPR training.

  • Fall 2016 – September 9-11, 2016 --Hollywood Casino, Bangor, ME

-Programming for Fall – Needs Assessment – During last month, it was mentioned we should do a needs assessment for programming for collaborative practice. Linda suggested that we complete a survey at the convention since many of those in attendance do attend the fall convention. Eric and Betty will draft a survey.

  • Sesquicentennial -2017 –October 12-17, 2017, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME
  1. Awards (Lisa)
  2. Awards – Linda shared that the awards will open at the convention.
  3. Scholarship Application and Review Process – Cassie, Deb, and Lisa will work to ensure the scholarship application has all of the information needed. From there, will develop a plan to award them based on the criteria requested.
  4. Golf – Linda mentioned that we will need to decide if we are going to go ahead with the golf tournament this year and if Laurie will still be taking that on.

Next Meeting: TBD: If there is a need and time permits, we will meet during the convention.