MINUTES: Supply Chain Management Forum Meeting
31 March 2016, Auditorium Hall, Provincial Office
1.1. / Opening and Welcome / Ms Ramakgoakgoa MP welcomed everyone on behalf of the Chief Director Mr Masehla M.
She also emphasized the importance of interaction as the SCM forum. / Ramakgoakgoa MP
1.2. / Roll call and apologies /
- Attendance register was circulated.
- There were no apologies received.
2. / Agenda Items :
2.1. / Sole Supplier situation / Presentation was made regarding the processes to follow in acquiring of Sole Supplier situation approval. / It was indicated and clarified that Sole Supplier situation cannot be approved at the institutional level but at Provincial Office. / Ms Ramakgoakgoa
2.2. / Centralized Suppliers Database / Lengthy discussion about CSD was made and the following issues were clarified:
Who should be the secondary and Primary user
Questions were asked regarding processes on utilization of the system such as Search tool, verification of Suppliers status before issuing of an order, etc.
A question was raised about the attachment of Affidavit for BEE certificates / At least two people from Demand Management (preferably according to the size of the institution.
General clarifications were made by the Presenter and also indicated that the Provincial Treasury is available for any assistance needed even at the district level regarding the CSD.
It was clarified that the suppliers should still submit the affidavit as there is no provision for that on the CSD system. / Treasury (Ms Rakubu B)
2.3. / Legal Service matters / Handling of Breach of contract
Default by the Department
It was indicated that the Department in most cases found to be at fault due to negligence by the officials.
The question was raised as to when the penalty exists eg, When the service provider sends invoice at the last days of the month and imposes interests when the Department pays late. / The officials were advised to always follow the correct processes before finalizing the breach of contract matter.
The officials were advised to always guard against ignoring their responsibilities such as:
- Non monitoring of the Supplier`s performance
- Non reporting of poor performance by the suppliers
- Acceptance of goods or services which are not delivered according to the specification.
Compliance: Justification Form / A consent was raised that most of the institutions wrongly / do not complete Irregular Expenditure Justification Form / Institutions were advised that Irregular Expenditure forms should be completed and be approved by the relevant authorities.
In case Irregular Expenditure is due to negligence, action should be taken against the responsible officer and copy thereof be attached to the submission. / Somo MF
2.4. / Watsap Group / It was indicated that most of the SCM issues are communicated on Watsap group such as new contracts which helps in minimising irregulars such as continuing with the expired contracts. / Officials were advised to add their colleagues that are within SCM on Watsap group. / Mokgesi ML
2.5. / SCM Portal / It was highlighted that SCM Portal has been created to upload/ place the SCM documents / The officials were encouraged to frequently visit the SCM Portal in order to be kept abreast with the developments.
It was advised that important SCM issues / documents be brought forth to be placed on the Portal. / Mokgesi ML
3. / Closure / The meeting was closed at 16h00
Secretariat:______Date: ______