1. Name of teacher: Mr. Littre
2. Course title: U.S Government
3. Course and description: 12th grade-Government
Its goal is to develop civic competence and participation in all students. In this course, students use the knowledge and analytical thinking skills learned in the Grades 10-11 United States History courses to focus on the origins, structure, and functions of government at all levels in the nation. Emphasis is placed on intellectual factors that influenced the development of a republic based on the rule of law, freedom of opportunity, individual liberty, and representative democracy. The course also includes a detailed study of the Constitution of the United States and its provisions. Students go beyond the acquisition of facts to develop skills for collection, in-depth analysis, and interpretation of information important to the study of government. Students in the Grade 12 United States Government course engage in analysis of primary resources, including those specific to the founding of the United States, speeches, landmark Supreme Court cases, and relevant political commentaries.
4. Course philosophy:
The course is intended to provide the student, with low level and high level thinking skills, which in-turn, may enable the student to learn from the past’s mistakes and become productive citizens.
5. Instructional format centered:
The instructional format of the class will consist of class lectures-discussion, visual stimulation and group cooperative learning activities.
6. Absence policy:
The absence policy is in accordance with the school rules. However, the student who misses school must be responsible for assigned work within 3 days and make up test in a timely manner.
7. Tardy Policy:
The students are expected to be seated and ready to work when the bell sounds. Late students will sign a sheet which will be in a designated location.
8. Classroom procedures and rules for behavior:
Students are to follow the mandated school rules and addition classroom rules at all times. Failure to follow the rules will result in punishment.
The classroom rules are as follows:
- Get to class on time and be seated to work when bell rings.
- Follow directions and sit up in your sets.
- No eating, drinking, or tobacco in class.
- Respect others at all times and if someone is talking do not interrupt.
- Do your own work, no cheating, and turn assigned work in on time.
9. Goals of course: The goal of the course is to provide the students with basic knowledge and skills for functioning in modern American Society.
10. Objectives of course:
1. TSWBAT, understand the foundations and organizations of government in the United States.
2. TSWBAT, examine the development of the U.S. government.
3. TSWBAT, identify key figures in U.S. government
4. TSWBAT, pass the social studies high school graduation exam.
11. Policy about plagiarism:
The policy of plagiarism is that if you quote any Arthur you must list the sources for your paper. Listing the sources leads to credibility and information to locate the information.
You must use the Modern language Association (MLA).
12. Name of textbook and other supplementary materials:
1. Textbook: Glencoe McGraw Hill, United States Government Democracy in Action
2. Materials:
a. Blue or Black Pen,
b. Spiral notebook
c. 3 ring binder
d. Subject dividers
13. Policy about use and care of textbook and other reading materials:
The student is required to bring their books and materials to class at all time. Students may not share books unless we are working on group activities.
14. Materials to be supplied by student:
- Blue or black pen
- Spiral notebook
- Other material may be added for special activities.
15. Assignments:
The students are required to turn in all assignments on time. Homework assignments will be graded and counted as quizzes. Other assignments will be handed out and some may require groups and they will be counted as part of your grade.
16. Policy about homework assignments (due dates, format, late assignments, weights for grades):
Homework is to be completed and due on time
17. Grading Procedure: Mobile County Public Schools requires a 60/40 split. 60% test 40% other work. Mine will include 10% Homework 10% Participation & behavior and 20% Class work.
Grading will consist of a grading scale:
18. Study skills:
Complete the require reading, participate in class discussion, and keep organize notebook to help studying for the test. In addition, answering the class objections and key terms will provide for good reference materials.
19. Group work policies and types:
When students work in-groups, talking is to be maintaining to a low level, or points will be deducted from the grade. Once finish in the group activity, the majority of your grade will be determine by the students in your group. If you do not work, they will decide what grade you deserve. Furthermore, you will get an individual grade and group grade.
20. Tentative daily schedule
The class will begin when the bell rings and does not finish until the bell rings to let you out. Do not start to pack your bags before the bell rings or you will stay one minute after class. Remember class does not end until the bell sounds or until I release you.
21. Class Procedures
- Announcements-Do not Talk during Announcements.
- Attendance-I expect you to be in class everyday. It is your responsibility to keep up with your assignments.
- Entering the class- When you enter the class, there will be an assignment posted on the board or the overhead. I expect you to enter the class quietly, take your seat, and immediately begin working on the assignment.
- Group Activities- I expect you to move quickly into your groups and begin the assigned task. Groups will change periodically. Have a positive influence on your group.
- Hall, Bathroom, and OfficePass- Do not interrupt class to ask for a pass. At an opportune moment, you may ask to be dismissed. Do not leave the room without my permission. The restroom pass will be allowed as long as the students do not abuse the privilege.
- Tardy to class- If you come to class late; sign tardy sheet then enter quietly and quickly and take your seat.
- Dress code policy- Read your student handbook. (Read the form on dress policy to the students.)
- Restroom- The restroom pass will be allowed as long as the students do not abuse the privilege. Do not interrupt a lesson to ask if you can go to the rest room.
22. IF you understand everything we have just discuss please sign you name and have your parents sign and turn in on the next day of class for extra credit.
Student signature ______Parents sign.______