Proofing Course Listings in the 2010-2011 Catalog
Instructions for Curriculum Representatives

Prepared by Letitia Miller on behalf of Barbara Adams

January 6, 2010

Important Reminder

Curriculum Leadership has determined that Curriculum Representatives are responsible† for ensuring of the technical accuracy of all course listings in the 2010-2011 Catalog. The Course Listings document listed on the curriculum website has been prepared by Instruction so that Curriculum Repsare able to vigorously proof 2010-2011Catalogcourse listings for accuracy.

How to Approach the Project

  1. Gather your records of curriculum approved* between 11/18/2008 and 11/03/09. You will also need to reference curriculum MEGAMINUTES and CurricUNET.
  2. Orient yourself with the format of the report:
  3. All courses that were approved by the committee between November 18, 2008 and November 3*, 2009 should appear in redorblue.
  4. Courses that have rolled over without updating or “refreshing” from previous catalogs appear in black. Errors are likely lurking, as these have been manually transcribed in years past.s
  5. Leave no detail of the descriptions unchecked.IMPORTANT – please see instructions for proofing each type which appear on the following pages.
  6. Start by proofing the courses listed in red or blueagainst CurricUNET.
  7. Follow by checking the accuracy ofblack course listings by referencing them against the course outline of record inMaster Outlines.**
  8. Compile a reportof omissions, errors, and curiosities in one batch to Letitia and Barbara by copying and pasting problem course listings and your notes into a one electronic Word document. If you are unclear on a certain course, please contact Sean Fornelli at 6469 to research.
  9. All reports are due by email to Letitia and Barbara no later than the January 19 Curriculum Meeting. Earlier submissions are welcomed and encouraged. Email with the subject “COURSE LISTING ERRORS (division name)”

† While Curriculum Representatives are accountable for the accuracy, they may distribute the workload (and instructions) of this project at their discretion. Please provide training or instruction to all who assist. We all know this is not easy work.

* If courses were expedited at any meeting for SPRING 2009, SPRING 2010, and SUMMER 2010 those courses will need to be checked for currency and accuracy as well.

**Because CurricUNET is still in development, data is not reliable for courses reviewed prior to Fall 08. Master Outlines on Outlook Public Foldersremains for these instances. Please contact Sean Fornelli if you need help accessing Master outlines.


CUTEST 100 This course is slated for inactivation effective Summer 2010 and will be removed from the publication in 2010-2011.


  • That this course is truly intended for inactivation in Summer 2010
  • That all courses slated for inactivation from your division are noted in this report in the following format “CUTEST 100 “

TO REPORT ERRORS: If a CUTEST 100 course appearing in this report ismissing or is not slated for inactivation, please confirm with your records and notify Letitia or Barbara Adams in your report.



CUTEST 100This course was approved as a NEW or MODIFIED COURSE effective no later than Summer 2010 and what you are reading will appear in the 2010-2011 Catalog. If there are typographical errors, these have been electronically copied from CurricUNET and therefore the source needs to be fixed through a process yet to be defined.


  • All new and modified courses are that have been approved appear in the CUTEST 100 format in this report. This implies that they have been copied from the most current version of the course in CurricUNET.
  • All technical information in the report matches what is in the recently approved CurricUNET course, including:
  • “Formerly listed as”
  • REQUISITES(Advisories, Co/PreReqs, LOEs)
  • Cross-listings
  • Grading
  • Field Trips
  • Materials fee status
  • Hours “Lecture, Lab”
  • Transfer Status (CSU, UC)
  • IGETC, CSU-GE, MJC-GE, Guidance/Activities Approval and Area
  • LDTP

TO REPORT ERRORS: If a CUTEST 100course is missing or contains inaccurate information in this report, please notify Letitia or Barbara Adams of your findingsin the report.



“CUTEST 100”This course is a carry-over from the last catalog. The information should reflect the most recent version of the course outline as it approved by the Curriculum Committee. These course listings were manually transcribed and may contain errors.


  • All technical information in the report matches what is in the recently approved CurricUNET course, including:
  • “Formerly listed as”
  • REQUISITES(Advisories, Co/PreReqs, LOEs)
  • Cross-listings
  • Grading
  • Field Trips
  • Materials fee status
  • Hours “Lecture, Lab”
  • Transfer Status (CSU, UC)
  • IGETC, CSU-GE, MJC-GE, Guidance/Activities Approval and Area
  • LDTP

TO REPORT ERRORS: If the course does not match what is in master outlines, consult your records and CurricUNET to determine for the most accurate source of information. Report your findings to Barbara and Letitia.