English I Syllabus

Mr. Hill, Room 1614

Tutorials: Monday “A” and Thursday “B”

Additional Office Hours: Varying week days, 2:30-3:30, by request

Course Website: https://englishhill.pbworks.com

Welcome to high school! You are now at the level where you will learn new and life-changing information every day. The mastery and retention of this information is very important, and the process is simple: attend, pay attention, follow class rules/expectations, and do the work. That is how you will succeed in this course.

Course Content and Objectives: You will learn and effectively apply a variety of strategies for comprehending, interpreting, and evaluating a wide range of fiction and non-fiction readings. You’ll write effectively and extensively for a variety of purposes and audiences. You’ll refine and effectively demonstrate your listening and speaking talents and use a variety of visual media and resources to decipher, evaluate, and synthesize information both in writing and in presentations.

Writing: You will be writing every day.Accordingly, we will address grammar and usage, sentence style and variety, and the wonderful world of punctuation. You’ll also learn and apply the standards for citing the work of others.

Reading: Readings will include, but are not limited to: Fiction/Non-Fiction from our textbook (Elements of Literature), current articles, Shakespeare, poetry, and novels. You’ll also be reading books of your choice each day in class and on your own time.

Tentative Short Stories: “The Scarlet Ibis,” “The Sniper,” “The Interloper,” “The Necklace,” “The Gift of the Magi,” “The Lady or the Tiger,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” “The Raven”

Tentative Long Works: To Kill a Mockingbird, A Raisin in the Sun, Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, Fahrenheit 451, The House on Mango Street

Vocabulary: You need to recognize and use academic vocabulary appropriate for high school. New vocabulary will be introduced on Monday, and we generally have a quiz on Friday. We also have cumulative quarterly and semester tests on this vocabulary in addition to other material.

Attendance: Come to class every day! It’s the first step to passing and earning credit. If you’re absent, you are still responsible for the work you missed, and since the pace of high school is fast, absences can cause you to fall behind very quickly. Of course, illnesses and emergencies are unavoidable, and we will work together to make up work missed on those days. It’s your responsibility to ask, at an appropriate time, for the work you missed AFTER you have checked the class website (https://englishhill.pbworks.com) for this material.

Required Materials: Please bring the following to class daily:

 #2 Pencils and/or pens

 Notebook paper – neatly stored in a binder

Textbook (if applicable)

Homework: Homework is an essential and integral part of the learning experience, and is assigned at least four times weekly. It is understood that you always have English homework, as it is my expectation that you are continuously studying notes, vocabulary, and completing reading assignments.

Turning in Assignments: All assignments (unless otherwise directed) will be turned into the class period’s inbox in the classroom. All graded work will be distributed from the class period’s outbox. Do not place assignments to be graded anywhere on my desk, under the door, etc. If they are not placed into the inbox by the due date, they are considered late.

Late work: You are expected to adhere to established due dates for all assignments. In the unlikely event that an assignment is late, it will receive an 8 point deduction for each day it is late for a total of 5 days per HSHS policy. After this 5 day period, the highest possible score for any assignment is a 60. After receiving an interim, students have no more than two weeks to submit late assignments. After these two weeks, no late work will be accepted. All essays are due on the assigned due date. If you are absent, submit the assignment the day you return.

Interim Reports & Reporting Grades:

Teachers will distribute interim reports based on the following dates:

·  Quarter 3: February 15, March 8

·  Quarter 4: May 3, May 24

Grading: As always, every student begins the semester with a 100%. Grades will be based on major assignments like projects/tests, minor assignments like quizzes/class work, and homework. You’re expected to complete all assignments, actively participate in class, and take pride in the quality of your assignments.

*All students will have the opportunity to retest on certain assignments provided they attend remediation sessions. See teacher for details.

The grading scale is as follows:

90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

0-59% F

The assessment scale is as follows:

Major Grades 50%

Minor Grades 35%

Homework/Classwork 15%

Academic Integrity: There are firm expectations of academic integrity at HSHS, and it is essential to your success that you understand and adhere to them. Plagiarism is most definitely cheating. This first week of school, we’ll discuss what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.

By writing your name on your paper, you affirm with academic integrity that the work is your own original work and not copied or plagiarized knowingly from another.

Mr. Hill’s Wish List: Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer, Clorox Wipes, Glue Sticks, Colored Pencils/Markers/Crayons


Mr. Hill—English I

DUE BY Friday of the first week of class

This sheet needs to be filled out, reviewed and signed by both student and parent, and returned to me. If, at any time, you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. The best way to reach me is by e-mail (). We have read and understood the contents of Mr. Hill’s syllabus.

Student Name (PRINT) / ______Student Signature
______Parent/Guardian Signature / ______Parent/Guardian Signature

STUDENTS – Please PRINT the following information clearly.


With whom do you live?

When is your birthday? How old will you be on your next birthday? ______

What is your e-mail address?

What is your favorite subject? Least favorite? ______

What are your hobbies?

What is your greatest strength as a student? Greatest challenge? ______

Who has influenced you most in your life?

What are two goals you have for this class? 1) 2)______

In what extra-curricular activities are you involved?

Who would you like to sit near in class? Why? ______

Who do you prefer not to sit near in class? Why? ______

Tell me something interesting about you that not many people know.

PARENTS – Please PRINT the following information clearly.

Home Address:

Home Phone: ______Best time to call:

Work Phone: ______Best time to call:

Cell Phone: ______Best time to call:

Parent’s e-mail:

Is there anything that you would like me to know about your child (documented medical condition, IEPs, family situations, etc.)?

Class Expectations Understanding and Agreement

Due Friday of the first week of class

·  Follow all school rules and policies.

·  Raise hand to be called upon.

·  Respect physical and intellectual property of yourself and others.

·  Be in seat and ready to learn when the bell rings.

·  SHOW respect to teacher and peers.

·  Complete all assigned work with sustained effort and focus.

·  Work from bell to bell and not pack up early.

·  Keep phones off and put away.

·  Do not bring food or drinks into class.

·  Ask questions when you do not understand.

·  Make every effort to not cause or engage in class disruptions.

·  Be attentive to teacher and peers when they are speaking.

·  Submit all assignments complete and on time.

·  Attend assigned tutorials.

·  Bring all necessary materials to class each day.

·  Complete learning assignments to the BEST of your ability.

·  Be kind, friendly, and positive.

Student Name ______Student Signature ______


Parent Name______Parent Signature ______

Date ______

Syllabus Understanding and Agreement

We have read and do agree to Mr. Hill’s syllabus terms and conditions.









I look forward to learning and working all of you this semester!!!