HELD ON TUESDAY 30th August 2016
Present : Diana Hamilton, Andrea Hynes-Whalley, Sara Ramsay, Elizabeth McKenzie, Helen Doig, Mac McCaskill, Colin Hay, David Cooper, Jan Rea, Dr W Rahim.
Apologies: Michele Erskine, Chris Cunningham.
1.Minutes from previous July 2016 meeting.
Patient appointment leaflet
More leaflets needed to be printed out for reception and patient awareness day.
Embracing the Dementia Journey training day.
Mac attended a second training day with the singing group. The first open session is on Thursday 1st September 2016 at Dalgety Bay Church. PPG will raise awareness of group with the community. Information of group to be given to GPs to share with potential patients. Helen shared with the group details about Inverkeithing Arts Initiative who are to run art sessions for sufferers of dementia on Thursday afternoons.
SPIRE What is Scottish Primary Care Information Resource?
Report completed and shared with the group. Andrea is attending a meeting at the RCGP on 31/08/16 and will take the group’s comments to the SPIRE team. How will patients be able to opt out? Will full date of birth be used for data searches?
2. Welcoming Dr Rahim
The group introduced themselves and welcomed Dr Rahim to the meeting. Dr Rahim has joined the practice with a wealth of experience of general practice. His areas of interests will cover drug misuse, hypertension, cancer and palliative care. He will also be the IT lead for the practice and provide representation of IMG at the Local Medical Council (LMC) monthly meetings.
3. Patient awareness stand.
We will run an awareness morning on Tuesday 13th September 10am until noon at The Civic Centre, Inverkeithing. Four members of the team will attend and man the stall. We will promote the patient appointment leaflet and signposting to appropriate services e.g. eye issues to opticians, self-referral to physio etc. Dr Rahim shared with the group an example leaflet of which services to use when needed. A local leaflet for IMG would be beneficial to patients. It can help empower patients to seek out the correct treatment for their ailment. Dr Rahim will work with Andrea on a leaflet for the awareness stand. Andrea to confirm timings with the centre.
4. Practice update
The practice has 4 locum GP’s in place at the moment, Dr Perry, Dr Fleming, Dr Ashcroft and Dr Nicol. A new full time GP partner has been advertised for to join the team. UCP recruitment is also currently undergoing. The GP partners are working on a long-term plan for staff recruitment and retention.
Two GPs will be representing the practice at area cluster meetings. These are new local meetings with other practices to help improve regional primary healthcare.
Digital dictation is proving to be very successful with the staff. Letters and referrals are being processed significantly quicker with urgent referrals being identified high priority.
Receptionists are now giving, when time allows, passwords for on-line booking when patients hand in registration forms. This has helped increase numbers of patients’ on-line registration this month.
For August
141 DNAs
57 cancelled appointments via text reminders.
3275 GP appointments
970 UCP appointments
906 HCA appointments
1346 nurse appointments.
148 new on-line registrations.
5. AOB.
Colin asked about ‘traffic’ on the practice website. This is the number of views, which pages looked at most, how long are viewers looking at pages for etc. Diana will contact the site administrator for the data to share with the group.
Andrea expressed concern about potential cancellation of baby clinics within the community due to shortage of health visitor staff. Not only is this concerning for new mums but will have an impact on GP appointments. This is not a practice issue but Andrea will contact the team providing this service and feedback to the PPG.
The meeting closed at 8.05pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th September 2016, 6.30pm at Inverkeithing surgery.
Dr Mary Lapraik, Dr John Lee, Dr David Garmany, Dr Susan Sheehan, Dr Lorna Donaldson, Dr David Somerville,
Dr Sally Roberts, Dr Lilin Zheng, Dr Gordon Reeks, Dr Wajid Rahim