Hi All
The May 2nd outing at the Arcadia has been changed to a tying and pizza meeting at the Knights of Columbus. This was done as we missed a tying meeting due to weather and also so that the KOC do not lose any revenue. (Who knows what the weather would be early May in Arcadia.)
Joke of the month (answer below). What do you call a fish with no eye?
Thank you to Peter Burgess, Roger Lima and John McCall for representing UFTRI all day at the Bears Den show.
The April meeting is going to be a good one. We have an all-star cast of instructors. There will be seven tables, one more than the usual. The bucket raffles will be on tap. Thank you Roger.
New UFTRI hats of assorted colors are in. The cost is the same ($15). We are exploring the idea of shirts with UFTRI embroidered on them.
At the April meeting Ed Lombardo will speak about Addieville, Scott will talk about TU 737 breakfast and DEM events. I will speak about TU 225 banquet.
I have been down in Arcadia a few times the past week. The water level is above the mean, there is still a lot of snow cover in many areas, and the ground is saturated. This all adds up to excellent water by the time April 14th rolls around. I did not see any fish, but I think I saw a small stone fly. I saw numerous deer tracks and what I believe a lynx track.
Schoolies should be off the West Wall Pt Judith, and maybe One Hundred Acre Pond in Barrington real soon.
If anyone hears of fish reports, or has pictures, vacation stories or similar, feel free to send them to Cyndi to be posted on the web site under “Upcoming Events” or “Meeting Photos”.
If you buy from Amazon, think about using Amazon Smile which will donate to the club. For more information see myself or Ann. Speaking of donations, if anyone has items that would be of use for bucket raffles, the club would use them. Thanks in advance.
Elections will be in May. All positons are in play, and the club is short one Board Member. Think about it. Also if you haven’t instructed, talk to Roger and he’ll get you set up.
Also a thank you to Cyndi for the nice work on w
Hope to see everyone in April
(Answer: fsh)