Office of Residence Life

Residential College Mentor Recommendation Form

Applicant, please sign one of the following statements:

I waive the right to have access to this reference form______


I retain the right to have access to this reference form______


Position(s) applied for______

Candidate’s name______

Directions: The above applicant has provided your name as a reference as part of the application process for the Resident Assistant position in the residence halls at Fairfield University. As a Residential College Mentor we ask that you comment on their ability as you see it from your mentor group and also your sense of their general understanding of the goals and themes of the residential college.

Please circle the Residential College for which you are mentoring or mentored this candidate:

Creative LifeEnvironmentIgnatianLeadershipS4J

Please comment on the student’s overall attendance at the mentor meetings and their preparedness for each meeting (readings, journal entries, etc.).





Please comment on the student’s participation and general attitude during the mentor meetings. Does s/he share their reflections? Does s/he listen to others in the group? Are they actively engaged in the questions/themes of the meeting?





Have you had outside contact with this student such as informal meetings, coffee, or conversations? Have you asked them to do anything or prepare or lead anything in addition to general attendance? How have they responded? Any examples would be helpful.





What is your sense of this student’s comprehension, interest, and engagement in the overall Residential College program? Do you think they understand the purpose and goal of the program?





Do they seem genuinely interested in their personal growth? Are they interested in the habit of reflection?





Would this student role model well the goals of the program, including the importance and value of the mentor program?





Other comments





Your name______


Address ______

E-mail address ______

Phone (______)______

Please return completed recommendation form to applicant in a sealed envelope with your signature across the seal.

If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Ophelie Rowe Allen, Associate Director of Residence Life, at or (203) 254 4215.