Youth Council Meeting

December 11, 2008

Columbiana County Mental Health & Recovery Center

Lisbon, OH

Council Members Present: Karen Arbogast, Lori Beulah, Bert Cene, Jeremy Corbisello, Marilyn Montes and John Zehentbaum for Dr. Roan Craig.

Council Members Absent: Marlene Caban, Harry Christman, Rich Denamen, Carmelita Douglas, Lori Foster ,Tim Novak, Charlene Pittman, Linda Poindexter, Victoria Salmons, Brenda Scott.

Guests Present: Jessica Borza, Casey Havens, Tonya Hawkins, Amy Lederle, Michele Long and Sharlene Senediak.

A quorum was established, and Mr. Cene called the meeting to order at 3:00pm.

Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Motion: To accept the minutes from the August 28, 2008 meeting as prepared.

Motion made by: Ms. Beulah

Seconded by: Ms. Arbogast

Discussion: None

Motion approved.

Old Business

Youth Council Recruitment Efforts: Youth Council membership requirements are met, however, recruitment efforts continue. There are no additional membership requests for consideration at this time.

Roles and Responsibilities: Roles and responsibilities will remain a standard agenda item to address any questions members may have regarding their duties. No questions were presented at this time.

New Business

Youth Information on the One-Stop Website: The Youth Resource Mapping Guide was recently updated and the information will be posted on the One-Stop website. The Youth web links and menu options were reviewed. No objections were raised regarding the design and plans will be made to begin the online project.

County Updates of WIA Youth Activity:

Columbiana County: The Columbiana County Winter Youth Conference will be held on Monday, December 22, 2008 at The Counseling Center beginning at 11:00am. Youth who have earned bonuses will be presented with them at that time. Efforts are being made to work with the Columbiana County YouthBuild program, and through the collaboration, 11 referrals have been made to the WIA program for trade training programs.

Mahoning County: The Mahoning County Winter Youth Conference will be held on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at the Georgetown Banquet Hall beginning at 5:00pm and bonus awards will be distributed. Toys for Tots will be collected as admission and donations will be forwarded to the U.S. Marine Corps.

The In-School Program has eighty-one youth participating. They meet monthly with an average attendance of approximately sixty youth. There is a new teacher for the Out-of-school Youth Program.

The Burdman Group contract arrangement is working well to serve youth with disabilities.

2009 Youth Council Meeting Schedule: The 2009 meeting schedule was distributed. Locations will alternate between Mahoning and Columbiana County and the meeting location will be announced closer to each meeting.

Motion: To accept the 2009 Youth Council Meeting Schedule as prepared.

Motioned by: Ms. Montes

Seconded by: Ms. Beulah

Discussion: None

Motion approved.

Youth Contract Fee Schedule Revision Request:

The Burdman Group fee schedule will be unchanged except in the area of Job Placement Services. The total estimated cost of the change is $2,192 per year. The services are provided on an as needed basis and the new three phase billing cycle will also assist with monitoring participants. A request to amend the current agreement with accepting the revised fee schedule effective October 1, 2008, was made.

Motion: To amend the current Burdman Group, Inc. agreement by accepting the revised fee schedule effective October 1, 2008.

Motioned by: Ms. Montes

Seconded by: Ms. Arbogast

Discussion: None

Motion approved.

Good of the Order

Mr. Corbisello extended appreciation to Ms. Long for the information she provided CCCTC regarding WIA services and the One-Stop.

Assistance was offered by various members to help with the various Youth Council initiatives.

There is a potential $1.5 billion stimulus package for workforce development that will be considered by legislation. If passed, a portion of the funding will be designated for summer youth programs.


Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.