Marquette Senior High School Chapter of the National Honor Society
Directions: Please complete (typed or print) all sections. Do not be modest. Every bit of information can be used by the Faculty Council to assist with the selection process. You can use any information from the month of June AFTER your 8th grade year (grade refers to the grade year you participated in the event 9,10, 11, 12). Completion of this from does not guarantee selection. Every aspect of this form is used for consideration, including following directions. Please note that the leadership part requires a signature of the person in charge of your leadership role (this should not be a parent). Student and parent signatures are required at the end of the form.
I. Administrative Information
Name ______Current Grade______Graduation Year______
II. Co curricular Activities—List all activities/clubs you are involved with at the high school. Include high school clubs, teams, musical groups, etc. and any major accomplishments in each.
Activity / Grade / AccomplishmentsIII. Leadership Positions—List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community or work. Only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others should be included. For example, elected student body, class, or club officer, committee chair, team captain, community leader or work area manager. Include a signature of someone who can verify your position (this should be other than your parent unless parent was your supervisor). Your classroom leadership skills will also be taken into consideration and will be evaluated by the faculty.
Position / Organization / Grade / SignatureIV. Service Activities—List service activities in which you already participate. These can be service projects done with a group either in or out of school, or done as individual projects performing service. Generally speaking, service activities are those which you have done for or on behalf others (not including family members) for which no compensation (money, credit for class or other) has been given. Please list the name of an adult supervisor who can verify your participation in each activity.
Responsibility / Grade & Hours / Adult SponsorV. Other Clubs or Groups Activities—List other organizations in which you belong and have participated with community activities. These should be any activities outside of school in which you participated for the betterment of your community. Please include the number of hour you participated in these events. For example: church groups, club sponsored outside of school, Boy or Girl Scouts, or community art endeavors. Do not repeat participation already listed above.
Activity / Grade / Hours / Accomplishments / Sponsor’s nameVI. Work Experience, Recognition, and Awards—List any job experiences, honors, or recognitions that you have received to support your bid to be selected for membership. Do not duplicate information found in other locations. Work experience may be paid.
Job or Award / Grade / Hours / SponsorVII. Essay—Type a one page, double-spaced essay answering the question:
What will you contribute to Marquette Senior High School and the Marquette Community as a member of the National Honor Society?
Essay must be turned in with this form.
Student Signature Required
I understand that completing this form does not guarantee selection to NHS, and that the information presented here is accurate.
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature Required
I have read the information provided by my son/daughter on this form and can verify that it is true, accurate and complete in its presentation. I understand that my student’s completion of this form does not guarantee selection to NHS.
Parent Signature Date