Meeting #3

November 20, 2016

Room #273

  2. ROLL CALL – 10:05 AM

Office / Name / Start / End
President / Chelsea Ott / P
Vice President / Nicholas Falci / P
Evening Vice President / Nakicha Joseph / P
Secretary / Joseph DiCarlo / P
Treasurer / Jason Sumbaly
Social Chair / Sierra Kresin
Parliamentarian / Timothy Gonzalez
Office / Name / Start / End
4L Senator / Christopher O’Hearn / A / A
Latoya Dawkins / P / P
3L Senator / (vacant) / A / A
Joe Dellera / P / P
Jesse Lieberman / P / P
Beata Safari / A / A
Brent Saferstein / A / A
Porter Strickler / A / A
3LE Senator / Justin Roxas / A / A
(vacant) / A
2L Senator / Mary Bessemer / P / P
Zachary Hansen / P / P
Max Mescall / P / P
AmeyaPendse / P / P
Daniel Roman / P / P
Logan Stagnitto / P / P
2LE Senator / Ahmad Aburas / P / P
Andrew Landman / P / P
Christopher Medina / P / P
1L Senator / Omar Debs / P / P
Andreas Diakos / P / P
Brooke Emery / A / A
Claire McSherry / P / P
MarjanMoussavian / A / P
Ali Thompson / P / P
1LE Senator / Robert Jenkin / A / P
Tamires Oliveira / P / P
Vanessa Pinto / P / P
No. Present:
Quorum: / No. Present:
Organization / Start
Arab Law Student Association / P
Asian Pacific American Law Students Association / P
Black Law Student Association / P
Corporate Law Society / P
Criminal Law Society / A
Employment Law Forum / A
Entertainment and Sports Law Society / P
Environmental Law Society / A
Evening Student Forum / A
Family Law Society / P
Federalist Society / A
Health Law Forum / P
Intellectual Property Law Association / A
International Law Society / P
Irish American Student Law Society / P
Jewish Law Society / A
LAMBDA Law Alliance / A
Latin American Law Student Association / P
Muslim Law Students Association / A
Public Interest Network / P
Real Estate Law Association / P
Rodino Society / P
Sports Club / A
St. Thomas Moore / P
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund / A
Tax Law Society / P
Student Veteran’s Association / P
Women’s Law Forum / P
  2. Approval of October 30, 2016 Meeting Minutes
  3. SENATOR HANSEN – Motion to approve the minutes, motion passes
  4. Senator Dellera abstains

a.Chelsea Ott, President

  • Explanation of the FlexibleWeekend Program
  • Weekend Program
  • Be assured that all evening students will finish your degree as you intended to – nothing will change for you
  • Major classes for the incoming part time class will start running on the weekend
  • It’s a hybrid online and in-class curriculum
  • Saturdays from 8-5; Sunday from 9-215
  • They will have the opp to do externships and credit still
  • Hoping it will be a premier program and really competitive
  • President Ott speaking about incorporating the weekend students into student life
  • SBA meetings – conflict with Sunday’s so have to discuss
  • Positions in SBA – new VP; Senators?
  • Dean Boozang may come to our next meeting and speak to us about the changes
  • Also need to figure out how to work them into extracurricular – journal, moot court, etc.
  • Senator Bessemer, Senator Hansen, Senator Roman, Senator Dellera, and Senator Debs all ask questions and give suggestions regarding timing of SBA meetings
  • Answered by President Ott – will be open for discussion moving forward
  • Senator Pinto – how did this idea come about?
  • President Ott – evening students have not been happy in many ways and enrollment is rapidly declining; this will hopefully be a way, along with new technology, to attract more students to the school and give part-time students a better experience
  • Senator Pinto – can current Part-Time students transition into the weekend program?
  • President Ott – not sure, but will ask

Cronyism and Election 2016 – Tim Carney (Federalist Society)

November 21 at 4:30pm in Room 272. Food provided following event

Night of Lights / Ugly Sweater Day

November 28 at 4:30pm in the Atrium

Reading Days

December 2 – December 5

BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup

January 19 at 5pm in the Cafeteria

SBA Meeting

January 29 at 10am in Room 273

Chinese New Year

January 30 at 4pm in the Student Lounge

BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup

February 16 at 5pm in the Cafeteria

Circuit Review and Legislative Journal Joint Symposium

February 15

SBA Meeting

February 19 at 10am in Room 273

BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup

March 16 at 5pm in the Cafeteria

SBA Meeting

March 19 at 10am in Room 273

Barristers Ball

March 31 at Maritime Park in Jersey City

SBA Meeting

April 9 at 10am in Room 273

BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup

April 20 at 5pm in the Cafeteria

b.Nicholas Falci, Vice President

  • Mentors – Pasta Mixers were very successful
  • Will be doing another one - a coffee dessert mixer
  • Attendance at committee meetings is extremely important – SBA senators have to go; if there is an issue with schedules, let us or your committee chair go

c.Nakicha Joseph, Evening Vice President

  • Thank you for mentor program helping the evening students as well
  • Turnouts at events have been better

d.Jason Sumbaly, Treasurer

  • No Report

e.Joseph DiCarlo, Secretary

  • Oops! Box
  • Will be operational soon

f.Sierra Kresin,Social Chair

  • Holiday Party wrap-up
  • Huge success

g.Timothy Gonzalez, Parliamentarian

  • No Report


a.Academics and Curriculum – Senator Dellera

  • Lawyering – in the future the professors will be a little more flexible for due dates around 1L’s
  • If there are any concerns about the Lawyering program specifically, please have them tell you and then tell Senator Dellera
  • During Road to 1L – students would like to have a session directed directly at technology concerns
  • Lewis – curriculum and curve
  • Information session about clinics
  • Curve – 1L curve is not going to change, its just the way it is
  • But, maybe some way to be flexible with the elective curve
  • Wants a list of jobs with GPA requirements
  • Shout-out to Dominique Kilmartin for starting list and adding to it
  • Class rank would still be determinative balancing factor when applying to employers

b.Career Opportunities – Senator Stagnitto

  • Senators Stagnitto and Safari will be meeting with June Forrest soon
  • Preliminary Meeting with June Forrest
  • Progress is being made
  • Discussions about “Top 20” events over the summer
  • Mock networking events may be offered in the next coming semesters
  • Many 1Ls feel as if they are competing with 2Ls at networking events
  • Will address possible 1L-only networking events
  • Possibility of standardized email going out in the beginning of each week with the week’s career events
  • Senator Mescall – can reach out to old professor at Rutgers about doing a “networking teaching” event
  • Senator Thompson – concerns that the 1Ls do not have the Externship guide yet – they are frustrated
  • Senator Pendse – sing up for the NY Public Interest Fair

c.Community Outreach – Senator McSherry

  • Partnered with St. Thomas Moore Society – doubling efforts
  • Bake Sale on Night of Lights – cash!
  • Proceeds will go towards toys for kids in Newark
  • Clothing Drive – ends on Monday the 21st
  • Working with schools in Newark to do session where law students may go to the schools and talk to the students about their rights

d.Diversity – Senator Dawkins

  • Suggestion to change the name from “Diversity” to something else
  • Talked about how to explain to the student body that Diveristy is for everyone, not just minority students
  • Town Hall meeting – two weeks ago; it was a successful meeting, but would’ve liked more students there
  • Very engaging, very good event
  • Will have the dialogue via email
  • For next Town Hall meeting, please reach out to your constituents so that we can have an honest conversation about diversity
  • President Ott – we will help ramp-up marketing efforts
  • Jason Castle – event was great

e.Governance – Senator Roman

  • Will talk about SBA Constitution for weekend program
  • Possibly lowering money for campaign

f.Facilities – Senator Ameya

  • Gym – we have access to the gym at the main campus
  • Transportation is an issue
  • Secretary DiCarlo – will need to lobby strategically because its expensive
  • Rachel Friedman – we also have access to Health Services which is really important!
  • Changing room – thinking it will be behind Café Deni
  • VP Falci – will send results from Facilities survey last time
  • Senator Dellera – we need to fix the refrigerator situation – clean it out
  • Jason Castle – what is the situation in the event of a live shooter/crisis/emergency
  • Senator Pendse – will talk about drills with administration

g.Pirate Pride – Senator McSherry

  • Funding is an issue – it is expensive; budget was cut
  • Will try and team up with alumni
  • Will figure out budget
  • Date: Wednesday, January 25 (Butler Game) at Mercado


a.Motion to Suspend the Bylaws to move New Business to Old Business – Senator Dellera – passed

b.Immigration Law Society Presentation – Senator Pendse

  • Presentation about club made
  • Discussion
  • PreseintOtt- for Provision Organzation
  • Senator Thompson – asked President Ott for clarification about why there is this club recognition program
  • President Ott clarifies
  • Senator Hansen – club is a great idea; gets into every facet of law
  • VP Falci – students want more organizations that cover growing areas of law – Immigration is one of those areas
  • Treasurer Sumbaly (Through Text) – expressed concerns about organization and money
  • Secretary DiCarlo – money is an issue, but there is no doubt the club should pass
  • Motion to Approve the Club as a Provisional Organization – Senator Stagnitto – passed!
  • Abstention from Senator Pendse

c.Cafeteria Resolution – Modifying Services

  • President Ott
  • Resolution covered – see Resolution for content
  • Secretary DiCarlo – will help commuter students big time; able to stay and take advantage of library, etc.
  • Senator Debs – concerned about food quality
  • Senator Stagnitto – disagree
  • Pendse – Catering for weekend students?
  • VP Falci – will help commuter students
  • VP Joseph – as Evening VP, hopes it passes
  • Motion to approve the Resolution – Senator Dellera – passes!


a.Immigration Law Society

  • Moved to Old Business by Suspension of Bylaws

b.Modifying cafeteria services

  • Moved to Old Business by Suspension of Bylaws


a.President Ott – Dean Marable for all that you do for the students

  • Bar passage rates out and we are above average in NJ and NY!
  • Real estate law society for their event
  • Diversity Committee for their Town Hall
  • Faculty Student-led police brutality
  • Tax Law Panel
  • Lamda and Don Pepe
  • Diversity in the Election event
  • VP’s – great job with mentor events
  • Learn Know Different Panel was phenomenal
  • Students who organized paintings in the atrium
  • Social Chair Kresin and Committee – Holiday Party was awesome
  • Facilities committee – thank you for the extra work

b.Senator Oliviera – on behalf of the evening students – thank you so much to everyone for thinking of us and helping them be included in events

c.VP Falci – thank you to mentors and Sharon Carrone

d.Jason Castle – Learn Know Different: thank you to everyone who came; including the administrators and faculty; would like to have President Ott’s signature on the thank you letter to show appreciation

  • Thanks a number of public officials and donors

e.Jason Castle – Veterans: thank you to all of those who wore American Flag ribbons on Veterans’ Day

f.Senator Stagnitto – thank you to everyone at Career Services


a.President Ott

  • Student evaluations are really important!
  • Giving Tuesday – some alumni will match gifts up to $10k
  • Good Luck on finals!


a.Motion to Adjourn – Senator Dellera – passes!