Student Government Association
2014-2015 Senate Meeting
Minutes for January 27, 2015
Festival Highlands room
Beginning 5:15 pm
Call to Order at 5:25 PM
Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
- D.E.E.P. Impact
- CMSS is the Center for Multicultural Student Services that provides educational and celebratory programs that promote an inclusive environment on campus.
- CMSS participates in DEEP, Student Organizations, Inter-cultural Greek council, experiential learning trips and alternative spring break.
- DEEP is designed to influence change throughout the JMU campus. They heighten awareness and celebrate the diversity on campus.
- DEEP Impact Outreach is specifically designed programs or activities that focus on awareness, education, or action of a specific facet of diversity.
- You can schedule a program online, or through a staff member.
- Upcoming events include…
- Jasmine Rand: February 4th @ 7PM in Wilson
- Coexist: Interfaith Dialogue: February 11th @ 7PM in Festival Ballroom A
- Truth or Dare: A Challenge to Disability Stereotypes: March 26th SSC 1075
- Dear White People: March 31st @ 7PM in Grafton
- Approval of the Minutes
- Meeting Minutes for January 20, 2015 were passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate.
- Contingency
- Chabad Jewish Student Group
- Chabad Jewish Student Group is a group who tries to provide a home away from home for Jewish students on campus.
- Contingency funds would go towards the event MEGA Shabbat. This event is a gathering of over 100 Jewish JMU Students for the traditional Jewish Friday night meal.
- Therefore it be, resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University, that the Student Government Association allocate $2000.00 in contingency funds to bring a guest speaker to Mega Shabbat.
- Finance Report: 5-0-4
- Debate
- This resolution is passed by uanimous consent by the Student Senate.
- Anime Club
- Anime Club works to bring people with similar interests together to entertain themselves and appreciate their niche interests.
- Contingency funds will help fund club members to attend Katsucon. This is a convention in the National Harbor area of northern Virginia, where people from all over the country will come together to celebrate one of the most interesting and influential aspects of Japanese culture.
- Therefore it be, resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University, that the Student Government Association allocate $1050 in contingency funds to assist with hotel, gas, and event parking for Anime Club’s Katsucon attendance.
- Finance Report: 6-0-3
- Debate
- This resolution is passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate.
- VA21
- VA21 is a nonpartisan organization that advocates for change in higher education.
- Contingency funds will go towards Late Night with VA21 and Lobby Day. This will encourage members of VA21, Student Government and other groups to travel to Richmond to lobby.
- Therefore it be, resolved by the Student Senate of James Madison University, that the Student Government Association allocate $490 in contingency funds to assist with hotel and transportation to Richmond.
- Finance Report: 6-0-3
- Debate
- This resolution is passed by unanimous consent by the Student Senate.
Senate Reports
- Speaker Nick Maggio
- No report
- Committee Chairs
- Academic Affairs: Robby Smith
- Working on an SGA Internal Education Forum.
- Partnering with Junior class on Today I Learned.
- Community Engagement: Maddie Cairns
- Relay For Life is a community-based fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. It’s on a Friday from 6PM-6AM.
- Goal: Raise $2,000
- This is not only a bonding event for SGA, but to support and recognize survivors and individuals who have been affected by cancer.
- Register now!!
- Pen Pal letters NEED to be picked up ASAP. Contact Caitlin McDonald.
- Membership: Meredith Parker
- Spring Retreat is February 6th starting at 6:30PM in Taylor 405. Theme will be revealed next Tuesday.
- Representative of the week is Mattie Marsh. Senator of the week is Laruen Holder.
- Membership Binder is yours to keep for the rest of the year. You will turn it in again at the end of the year.
- Intramural will continue next week.
- Legislative Action: Josh Humphries
- Bill of the Week
- If you are interested in lobbying sign up on the google doc.
- University Services: Ryan Windels
- Safety Week if you want to be involved talk to Joe or Ryan.
- Follow the Library people on campus. Many improvements will be coming this semester like more group spaces, laptop bars, and reupholstering 100 chairs, etc.
- Directors
- Communications: Michael Comer
- 100 Years: Answer questions about why you joined SGA and questions like that.
- Share “So You Want to be an Intern.”
- Finance: Casey Donelly
- Andrew is working with JMU United.
- February 4th there will be an event called Pocket Change to learn to live off campus.
- Class Council Presidents
- Senior Class President: Lauren Holder
- 100 Days until graduation is Thursday.
- T-shirts are in, there will be more opportunities to buy them.
- Attended first meeting for commencement.
- Junior Class President: Dan Brezinsky
- Working on an event Today I Learned and creating a twitter and instagram.
- Working on CAB Olympics with the Freshman.
- Sophomore Class President: Tory Atkins
- Ring Committee is finalizing t-shirts, donations and food.
- Freshmen Class President: Sean Button
- So You Want to be an Intern is next Monday.
- Thank you Michael and Mia for the graphic.
- Saturday will be the tailgate. Free pizza and raffling off free head phones.
Advisor Report: Kristin Muncy
- No report
Executive Council Reports
- Student Body President: Taylor Vollman
- Please volunteer for commencement. Contact Lauren or Taylor with questions.
- Working with Academic Advising Advisory Board. Looking for feedback about the website.
- Executive Vice President:Kaitlin Thomas
- Gold Rush is February 4th at 7:00PM.
- Executive Treasurer:Aaron Brown
- Buy quarter zips and buy t-shirts! Talk to him with questions.
Executive Staff Reports
- Executive Assistant: Julie Hirschhorn
- No report
- Kiersten Schierenbeck: Administrative Officer
- Minor Elections Packets are now live on the SGA website. Contact me with any questions.
- Parliamentarian:Matt Mueller
- Any changes on the governing documents please discuss with Matt.
Motion to Adjourn at 6:22 PM