Hate Crime Awareness Grant 2018
Funding Application Pack
Closing date 10.00am Friday 12th January 2018
Anyone can be a victim of hate crime. As well as having a huge impact on the victim it can have much wider consequences for communities. To help raise awareness of hate crime and how to report it Bury Community Safety Partnership are making a total fund of £10,000 available to local voluntary and community groups and invite them to apply for a part of this funding by either :
1) Holding an awareness raising activity or public event during the Greater Manchester Hate Crime Week taking place 5th – 11th February 2018.
2) Delivering a longer term project to help local people find out more about hate crime. These will be launched during Hate Crime Awareness Week and be completed by December 2018.
Grants of up to £2,000 are available.
Priority will be given to:
· Partnership applications where 2 or more groups will work together.
· Projects which show an awareness of more than one strand of hate crime.
· Projects which can show a tangible product at the end which can then be re-used e.g. hate crime awareness resources such as posters, film clips, music, artwork, presentation materials and research documents and findings etc.
Funding can be used to cover the cost of room hire, decorations, food, materials, equipment session workers or any reasonable costs for an activity, event or project as long as it relates to hate crime.
Eligibility Criteria:
To be eligible a group must be a constituted voluntary or community organisation, a registered charity or a registered social enterprise based in Bury and be of benefit to those living in Bury.
We cannot fund:
· individuals
· groups that do not include or represent local residents and which do not have open access for membership
· fundraising activities
· purchase of alcohol or gambling activities
· trips or activities outside Bury
· activities that have already taken place
· activities which would promote any religious or political cause
Hate Crime Application Form:
Lead Organisation name:
Lead contact:
Position or Job title:
Contact telephone:
Contact email:
Organisation website:
Names of Partnering
orgainisations if
(each partner listed must
supply a letter confirming
the partnership)
What type of organisation are you?
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Other (please state)
What type of Hate Crime activity does your application address?
· A one off awareness raising activity during the Hate Crime Awareness week (5th – 11th February 2018)
· A longer term project that will help local people find out about hate crime
· Both of the above
Provide a brief description of the aims of the project/activity you are asking us to support (Max 300 words).
Include start & finish dates.
How will your project/activity raise awareness of Hate Crime in Bury and how many people will benefit? (Max 100 words)
Amount Requested for this project: £
Proposed financial breakdown of expenditure:
Expenditure / AmountTotal
To reduce the time taken for successful applicants to receive their funding the following information is required:
Account Name:
8 digit account no.
6 digit sort code
Name of Bank/
Building Society
Address of Bank/
Building Society
*Names of signatories
Project Role
Project Role
Project Role
How many signatories must sign cheques/withdrawals?
*(minimum 2 MUST NOT be related)
Terms & Conditions:
By signing the declaration of understanding you are agreeing to have read and abide by the terms & conditions below:
You will be required to complete a monitoring & evaluation form we will send to you.
The award will be spent as outlined in your application and must not be used for any work other than that outlined in the application without the agreement of Bury Community Safety Partnership.
Awards made for projects taking place during Hate Crime Awareness week
5th – 11th February 2018 must be spent by 11th February 2018.
Awards made for other longer term projects must be spent by 31st December 2018.
Successful bidders for longer term projects will agree to attend an event to take place during Hate Crime Awareness week in February 2018 in order for their project to be launched.
If all or part of the award is not used for the reasons specified and/or by the date specified in the application the outstanding sum must be repaid to Bury Community Safety Partnership at the end of the grant period unless an extension is agreed. Failure to do so could result in prosecution.
You must ensure that any work undertaken with this award fully complies with any relevant legislation or good practice.
Any assets bought with the Hate Crime Fund cannot be sold, disposed of, or given away to any other group or individual within the appropriate financial life of the asset or within a ten year period (whichever is the longer) without prior approval in writing by Bury Community Partnership.
If an asset is purchased using Hate Crime funds it must never be sold for financial gain of an individual or individuals.
The award recipient must show the award income as restricted in its accounts. A full note should be included explaining the nature of the restriction and acknowledge that the award was received from Bury Community Safety Partnership.
Bury Council reserves the right to ask the Council’s internal auditors to inspect the documentation associated with the award at any time and all such documents must be made available to the auditors upon request.
All documents must be retained for at least six years including receipts for money you spend as they will be required for monitoring purposes
Bury Community Safety Partnership reserve the right to use any type of media produced or details of the project in any future literature and/or promotions
Acknowledgement of support given by Bury Community Safety Partnership will be made in all literature produced by the grant recipient & members of the Community Safety Partnership will be notified and invited to attend any promotional or public launch pertaining to this award.
Bury Community Safety Partnership will be notified if this grant award was used to attract other matched funding
Bury Community Safety Partnership will under no circumstances be liable for any damage, injury or loss of any kind whatsoever to any property or persons occurring as a result of activities undertaken with this award.
This award was granted on the basis of information supplied to Bury Community Safety Partnership at the time of application. If any of this information is subsequently found to be misleading, inaccurate or false then the award must be paid back in full.
During the period of the Grant Agreement you will act in a fair and open manner without any distinction as to the equality characteristics and in compliance with relevant UK legislation.
If your project involves working with children, young people or vulnerable adults you will take all reasonable steps to ensure their safety. We may ask for proof of Safeguarding policies.
You will maintain adequate insurance at all times and if asked will supply copies of confirmation to us.
Bury Council reserve the right to request funds are repaid in the instance that the project or any products as produced is deemed to be inappropriate and/or causing damage to Bury Council and/or Bury Community Safety Team’s reputation
Please ensure you have answered every question and read the terms & conditions or this programme.
What happens next?
· All applications must be received by 10.00am on the 12th January 2018.
· Following receipt, applications will be assessed for eligibility against the criteria on 16th January 2018 by a panel consisting of representatives from
Bury Council
GMP – Bury Division
Cabinet Member for Community Safety
· We may contact you for additional information The Panel’s decision is final
· Successful applicants will be notified by email on Friday 19th January 2018
Please ensure your completed application form is returned by 10.00am on the 12th January 2018
Post/deliver/email your application to:
Joyce Carroll
Community Safety Team
Bury Council
Room 26, Ground Floor,
Town Hall,
Knowsley Street
Bury BL9 0SW
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