Andrew A. Poe, Chair
Helen J. Kahn, Vice Chair
David R. Boe, Secretary
Minutes:NMU Academic Senate Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday 26 January 2010
Presiding:Andrew Poe, Chair
Members Present:Michael Andary, At-Large; David Boe, Secretary;Charles Leith, At-Large;Larry Pagel, Past-Chair; Deanna Pozega, At-Large; Ron Sundell, AAUP Liaison
Members Absent:Susan Koch, VPAA & Provost;Helen Kahn, Vice-Chair
- Call to Order (3:05 pm)
- Additions to/Adoption of Agenda
Accepted as written.
- Approval of Draft Minutes of Tuesday 12 January 2010
Approved as written.
- Reports:
- Chair
Andy reported that he had heard back from the FGC regarding reassigned-time rankings, and that as of now, these rankings will not be brought before the Senate for approval. This led to discussion among EXSEN members on whether this information ought to be publicized.
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
No report.
- Provost
Never present at meeting.
- AAPC Report of Tuesday 2 February 2010
There was some discussion about the status of “post-baccalaureate” degrees, along with questions on the implementation date. Move to Senate.
- CEC Report of Tuesday 2 February 2010
The membership list tables are for information purposes only, with the Senate only voting on the recommended changes. Move to Senate.
- CUP Report of Tuesday 2 February 2010
There was some continued discussion on the Disney College program. Move to Senate.
- LSC Division V Assessment (FYI only, for Senate)
There was general discussion about assessment tools used by the LSC, as reflected by this report, and as used in other contexts. Move to Senate.
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Informal Consideration
- Academic Calendar
Larry provided an update on the ad hoc Calendar Committee, which will be meeting tomorrow (Wednesday). The committee is exploring options/variations to the present calendar (e.g., involving a possible 12-week semester, for energy savings), and other issues are also being addressed. There was discussion among EXSEN members about the calendar approval process, and about possible implications of shortened semesters.
- Senate Elections
Andy stated that we should start thinking about EXSEN elections (to be held at the end of the semester), and about the selection of departmental Senate representatives (to be done mid-semester).
- Good of the Order
- Adjournment (4:00 pm)
Respectfully submitted,
David Boe, Senate Secretary
Northern Michigan University