1. In computing, which term meansacquiring financial details by sending emails from fake websites? Phishing
  2. Jarlsberg cheese comes from which European country? Norway
  3. What is the Anglican term for evening prayer? Evensong (OR Eveningsong OR Vespers OR Evening Prayer – vespers from the Latin for ‘evening’)
  4. What relation was Richard Cromwell to Oliver Cromwell? Son
  5. In an open book what name is given to the right hand page of a book? Recto (verso is left hand side)
  6. Cardiff Devils play which sport? Ice hockey
  7. Where is R. A. F. Akrotiri station situated? Cyprus
  8. Which M. P. was suspended from the House of Commons in 1988 after damaging the mace? Ron Brown
  9. Ladybird Books publishes books aimed at which section of the population? Children
  10. The country singer John Henry Deutschendorf was better known by what name? John Denver(born Henry John)
  11. Which two actors played ‘The Likely Lads’? Rodney Bewes and James Bolam
  12. What is the national flower of Ireland? Shamrock (NOT a flower – takes its name from the Irish for ‘clover’ a member of the pea family – is an emblem or plant)
  13. What is the longest motorway in the U. K.? M6
  14. In mythology, the Gryphon was a combination of which two creatures? Lion and eagle
  15. What is the medical term Trisomy 21 better known as? Down’s Syndrome
  16. What relation was Lord Patrick Lichfield to the current Queen? Cousin
  17. In Olympic singles table tennis how many points are needed to win a game (minimum)? Eleven
  18. Ayers Rock is also known by which other name? Uluru
  19. What do the initials W and B stand for in W. B. Yeats? William Butler
  20. What was the name of John Wayne’s last film? The Shootist (1976 died 1979)
  21. How is minus 273.15 degrees Centigrade otherwise known? Absolute zero (ALSO zero degrees Kelvin among otherse. g. 0 R on Rankine scale)
  22. Who was the first U. S. President to be born in the twentieth century? John F. Kennedy(JFK was born 1917; Lyndon B. Johnson born 1908; Ronald Reagan born 1911; Gerald Ford and Richard M. Nixon born 1913; ambiguous question)
  23. Alphabetically, who were the first and last disciples of Jesus? Andrew and Thomas
  24. Chatsworth House is the ancestral seat of which Duke? Duke of Devonshire
  25. Footballer Tom Finney played for which league club throughout his career? Preston North End
  26. The island group Tuvalu was previously called what? Ellice Islands (from 1916 to 1974 was called Gilbert and Ellice Islands; as a result of the split Gilbert Islands became Kiribati, Ellice Islands became Tuvalu)
  27. Erich Honeckerruled which country from 1971 until 1989? East Germany
  28. Mary Tourtel created which cartoon bear in 1928? Rupert Bear
  29. What was the Crazy Frog’s number one hit in 2005? Axel F
  30. The 1996 film ‘Kingpin’ starring Woody Harrelson features which sport? Ten pin bowling
  31. What type of animal is a blue-faced Leicester? Sheep
  32. The M11 motorway links London with which city? Cambridge
  33. Which French fashion designer introduced the pencil skirt in the 1940s? Christian Dior
  34. Which metal is the main constituent of an amalgam? Mercury
  35. Gymnophobia is a fear of what state? Nudity
  36. 12 minutes 57.82 seconds is the Olympic record for which men’s athletic event? 5, 000metres
  37. Leeds Castle is in which English county? Kent
  38. Antonio Salazar ruled which country between 1936 and 1970? Portugal
  39. Which Irish rock and blues guitarist died in February 2011? Gary Moore
  40. Emmet is an old word for which insect? Ant