August 21, 2014

An Interview With:


Q. Great start again. Run us through it.

INBEE PARK: Yeah, it was a very good round today. I didn't have any bogeys today, and also with the rain yesterday, the greens were a little bit softer, so I was able to play aggressive and go for the pins. I hit a lot of good shots out there. I hit one really close on No.17 to about five or six feet and missed that one, and it was for charity, so I really wanted to make it. I missed probably about three five or sixfooters, and except for that, I think it was a perfect round.

Q. Good round to build off what you did last weekend?

INBEE PARK: Yeah, I think so. It's a really good start, and obviously on this golf course everybody is going to score low. I still have a ways to go. I think I have to be more than 20under par to win out here, so I'm trying to get there.

Q. So ballstriking was better than the putting today?

INBEE PARK: Yeah, I mean, ballstriking was almost perfect today. I didn't hit anything really further than probably 15 feet. Yeah, everything was pretty much right on line. These greens, they didn't have much breaks in them, but I misread them, a couple of them. Hopefully I'll play a little bit better tomorrow and hole some more putts.

Q. Your good friend NaYeon is at the top with 8under. How strong is that?

INBEE PARK: I'm just very happy that she's really breaking through and she's playing well. I'm just really excited to see her playing really well, and obviously if we get to play together in the third round or fourth round, I think it'll be very exciting. Yeah, it'll be fun.

Q. Do you feel any differently after winning a major?

INBEE PARK: I feel more relaxed. I just got done what I needed to do, so yeah, I probably feel a little bit less pressure, and yeah, you're not really searching for the trophy like so badly anymore, so you have a little bit more I think you have probably less pressure.

Q. When you see a lot of players get up to 14, 15 years old, why do you think so many players develop so young or are hyped up so young?

INBEE PARK: I think, you know, how they really grow up, and since there's so many good junior tournaments and good amateur tournaments that they can play in and they can play competitive since they were such a young age, and I think that really helps them to play well at such an early age.

Q. What's the key to staying on that path, when you're so great at a young age like you were able to do, to not get distracted or kind of fall off from that?

INBEE PARK: I think you just can't lose interest on what you're doing, especially it's hard traveling and golfing and obviously being away from your family and all that. But you've just got to work on that and try to enjoy what you're doing.

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