2012 Bus & Paratransit Conference & International Bus Roadeo

explanation and guidelines for the 2012 Call for Papers


APTA is looking for fresh, innovative, cutting-edge ideas, case studies and best practices that will motivate participants beyond the conference. When writing your abstract, your first paragraph should address what need, problem, or issue you are proposing to present and why it is important to public transportation. Below are guidelines that will help you with your submission.

  • Submitters (authors and co-authors) must be an APTA member.
  • Your abstract must relate to the route and or topic you select.
  • Abstracts should beno more than 2000 characters (about a half page in length).
  • APTA requests that submissions of final papers from businesses regarding public transportation agency projects acknowledge that their client properties have approved or will participate in writing the paper or making an oral presentation about its project at the bus conference.
  • Submitters must adhere to the Monday, November 28deadline.

The following APTA staff is available to answer any of your questions:

Starleetah GaddisProgram Manager, Bus & Paratransit Conference & International

Bus Roadeo, or (202) 496-4338

Cheryl PyattProgram Manager, Call for Papers Process, Bus & Paratransit Conference & International Bus Roadeo, or (202) 496-4875

We hope you will join the thousands who are already planning to attend this premier event for bus and paratransit industry professionals and help them learn the best practices they need to improve their transit agencies and organizations.





Accessible public transportation is essential for independent living and community integration. This educational route will address effective ways to coordinate and improve accessibility and the efficiency of human service transportation delivery by showcasing new and innovative methods by transit operators, agencies and organizations. Abstracts are invited that address any of the following topics:

A1 Boarding and Securement Solutions for the Growing Diversity of Wheelchairs and Mobility Devices

A2 Paratransit Operations: Improving Productivity and Customer Service

A3Remedies for the Roadblock to Riding Fixed-Route Service

A4Transportation Services for the Older Adult Market as Skills Change through Life

A5Integration and Coordination – Transit, Human Service Agency Providers & Regional

Regional Needs

A6Other – Abstracts on accessibility other than the topics above may be submitted under the “other” category in this route.


Agencies and organizations are under constant pressure to do more with limited revenue and resources. In today’s economy, many have adopted new business models and processes. This educational route will showcase industry-wide best practices to improve daily operations. Abstracts are invited that address any of the following topics:

B1 Dollars & Sense: Identifying New Revenue Sources

B2 Green Initiatives and Goals for Transit Systems

B3 Other – Abstracts on general management/business practices other than the topics above may be submitted under the “other” category in this route.


Across the country the maintenance and operations of any transit systems – large or small is what gives it its credibility. Providing safe, efficient, and quality service for our most important commodity, “the transit rider” is a common factor that is ever changing for the maintenance and operations of any system. This educational route will explore the many vital areas of the maintenance and operations section of transit agency.

C1 Alternative Fuels and Advanced Technology

C2Emission Requirements

C3Using Technology to Assist in the Training/Retention of Bus Operators

C4 Maintenance Training

C5 Integrated Fare Management

C6Other – Abstracts on maintenance/operations other than the topics above may be submitted under the “other” category in this route.


Public Transportation is an essential value to all. This educational route will showcase effective ways to address and improve the way agencies and organizations tell our story, increase marketing and communication efforts and build new partnerships. Abstracts are invited that address any of the following topics:

D1Advertising on the Bus: How to Get Started, What are the Rules, and How do you Keep EveryoneHappy?

D2 Media Relations & Controlling the Message

D3Other – Abstracts on marketing/communications other than the topics above may be submitted underthe “other” category in this route.


Transit agencies are teaming up with local partners, cities, and businesses, to achieve success in creating accessible, sustainable, and livable communities throughout the nation. This educational route will provide updates and showcase key examples of the linkages between transportation, land use, and development to form livable communities. Abstracts are invited that address any of the following topics:

E1Title VI/Environmental Justice Enhancements (i.e. Meaningful Public Engagement in Service Planning & Service Delivery)

E2Intermodal Facilities

E3Designing Transit Friendly Streets: On Street Stops and Access from Surrounding Areas

E4Transit & MPO Partnerships for Livable and Sustainable Communities and Corridors (i.e. Bus Livability Project Development)

E5Other – Abstracts on planning other than the topics above may be submitted under the

“other” category in this route.


This educational route aims to address effective ways to handle the purchasing, financing, and contracting of products, good and services. Abstracts are invited that address any of the following topics:

F1Alternative Financing

F2Buy America

F3Dollars & Sense: Identifying New Revenue Sources

F4Other – Abstracts on procurement other than the topics above may be submitted under the “other” category in this route.


Although public transportation remains among the safest modes of transportation, agencies, operators and riders are all key stakeholders in maintaining its safety. This educational route will provide real world examples and recommended practices in developing a safety-first culture. Abstracts are invited that address any of the following topics:

G1Operator/Customer Safety

G2Getting the ROI from APTA Peer Program

G3Emergency Preparedness

G3 Other – Abstracts on safety and security other than the topics above may be submitted under the “other” category in this route.


Technology has changed how we do things in the transit industry. Innovations are at work daily. This educational route will showcase new and emerging technology options available to streamline operations and provide enhanced services to transit riders. Emerging technologies and current issues in critical fields will be addressed. Abstracts are invited that address any of the following topics:

H1Integrated Bus Technology

H2 ITS and Information Technology

H3Spectrum and Wireless Communications

H4Fare collection and other electronic payment systems

H5Other – Abstracts on technology other than the topics above may be submitted under the “other”category in this route.


Attracting, developing and retaining a quality workforce continue to remain a key issue within the transit industry. This educational route aims to address effective ways to improve the workforce, career training and development challenges and opportunities, and organizational cultures. Abstracts are invited that address any of the following topics:

I1 How to Boost Employee Morale in Difficult Budget Times

I2 Partnering with Training Consortiums

I3Other – Abstracts on workforce development other than the topics above may be submitted under the“other” category in this route.