Event ID:2602659
Event Started:4/22/2015 12:45:08 PM ET
Please stand by for realtime captions.
Today's presentation is on the quality and resource use reports, however all states are working on several other initiatives on cardiac health, diabetes, meaningful use, and the quality reporting system period
Contact your state representative for more information here
Before I turn it over to Jennifer summer, we had allowed time for you to ask questions that you may have at the end of the presentation period please use the chat feature to type than any questions and will try to answer as many as we can it be in the call period
Without further to do, I'll turn it over to Jennifer summer period
Thank you for joining us today for Quality and Resource Use Reports by QRUR. Today's program is on the VM period
Are objective today is to provide you with physician feedback and modifier program or VM. Will discuss why it is important for your practice and what steps to take to download your reports. Before we move any forward, can anyone type in fact if you are having trouble seeing the slides or hearing my voice.
The physician feedback to the value-based purchasing did the fee and feedback period it was initiated under 13 100 and never. Expanded by 3003 of the affordable care act of 2010. Affordable care act provide information for his physicians and resources used in quality care provided to them for Medicare patients. This includes patterns and quality information and the QRUR reports . Most of resource use the QRUR is displayed as relative comparison of performance in similar positions and groups. Section 3007 of the affordable care act mandated that by 2015 CMS be implemented. By 2017 the value modifier is to be applied to all physicians to bill Medicare for services provided under the physician fee schedule.
The modifier program provides comparative information to physicians and practice groups as part that Medicare's efforts to improve quality and effort of medical care. By providing meaningful care and information CMS rewards of value rather than volume. The program is for Medicare and not Medicare advantage contains two components the physician QRUR or the VM implementation payment modifier.
Some are saying and teach that they cannot see the slides, is that helping at all? Especially Barbara.
They will be available for download so we will give you the information to access them after the call.
What is a quality and resource use report? It is a annual report provided by CMS but it is also made available. If you download after this webinar only the 2013 reports are made available. Reports are made available in the fall of the following year period it will be made available sometime in April 20 it will be made available sometime in April 2015 will include from June 2013 to June from June 2013 to June 2014. Includes only measures from a client.
On the other hand QRUR . The quality care furnished under the Medicare physician fee schedule. You modifier is a new per claim under the fee schedule that is applied as a group tax ID or be in level. Is a confidential report for fee per service provider to those billing under the Medicare part B physician schedule. Improviser relative phase between a great. It also provides information how you would prepare the program appears in 2014 it has been made available for all professionals. If you are in a group of 100 or more eligible physicians under the same tax ID number, you will be affected by the VM and it will apply towards the 2015 reimbursement.
2014 at the QRUR will affect any with 100 or more will be applied in 2016.
And 2016 is to provide all physicians under the QRUR and 2017. B it does not provide the Pioneer model, are the primary care model for the CTI see in this period. Peak
How you access. Obtaining your QRUR is a two-step process and initially . It requires an account and individual authorized access to CMS for an ACS account. You can always -- already access and had a PD-PQRS to access. If you do not have a CMS account you will need to sign up for one and then add the PD-PQRS roles. Step-by-step instruction for PD-PQRS for new or existing account is available on the website. There will be a link provided at the end of this presentation
Modifications and the CMS portal are also provided in this line presentation.
To access the eye ACS registration page the link is listed here. Detailed instructions will be located at the end of this presentation.
It will be determined by what type of the PD-PI ACS period the group security physician role or the group representative role.
This and the next slide provides screenshots of what you will find all the portal will also make this available on on and will be available later.
Once it is approved and can take a few days or more you will be given access to the portal to find [ Indiscernible ].
You will select the available year that you would prefer to review. US XLR Adobe PDF. You will then be asked how to use that report. Select the most appropriate option.
Finally, select your practice name from the list, then click the run document button in your report will begin downloading. Eight quick reference guide for accessing the 2013 QRUR is available in this presentation.
Here's some help links for things we discussed in this webinar. The final link is where you will be able to download this webinar when it is available in one week's time.
To learn more, please visit our wedding website to find out when we are hosting more webinars and upcoming events.
For technical assistance with eye ACS please contact the helpdesk. With your questions with the QRUR please contact the physician helpdesk.
It is our goal to provide you with the tools that you can use to be on the lookout of the upcoming webinar that will come up on the QRUR report period the benefits of this webinar is to make sure you download the report prior to the training.
Please feel free to share this with others and thought invite your colleagues to upcoming events.
Here is some information to contact as. We are the quality team from the state of Alabama. Lady, myself, and Melinda Grayson. We hope that this event was informative and we welcome the opportunity to help you with any information that you may be.
Will now open up the phone or the chat for questions.
Does anyone have any questions that you would like clarified please type in the chat and will answer as many as we can.
Our first question comes from Cindy..Practice of three or four providers be accepted in 2014. The answer is yes. In CMS that will provide at all eligible for 2015's performance.
Question from living pocket. Question is from CMS of the QRUR . [ Indiscernible ]. You may want to check the website for more accurate information on the question.
Question from Penny Rose. Have you had many providers or organization less assistant with her QRUR ?
Our team and Alabama help practices in Alabama and yes, we have a few folks that are lurking with the QRUR report is and how important it will be and we have been helping some folks to download those reports.
Said he also ask is this the first time you will be affected?
I do not think so, Cindy period I believe the reimbursement modifier will be applied in future payments moving forward. I believe this is the move to the value-based payment that CMS is wanting to implement .
[ Indiscernible ] providers for QRUR will be affected? Think you are you are reports are for every provider. Solo providers, they are one EP or professional building under 10, will not be affected in the value modifier until 2017. However, that information is used to calculate the modifier will be based on 2016 for future clients performance.
Cindy asked if they have applied the modifier on the 2015 claims the modifier on 2515 claims are just on groups of 100 or more under the EP 110.
[ Indiscernible ] what are contact me if we practice in Tennessee?
It will probably be Francis Richardson. Kelly Stafford, why don't you contact a friend does Richardson at 901 does Richardson at 901273 does Richardson at 90127326 does Richardson at 901-273-2637 and she can help direct you to the correct person.
We had a question from Patty about if the provider of the organization is wanting to know how CMS can open the information example formulas. They do want to know what is driving the value modifier. Most information will be in the QRUR reports, especially the annual report. Will be some helpful guidance that you can download off of the CMS sides of frequently asked questions and how to interpret it and use the QRUR report . That is things that we would like to get into to the next webinar session. But there is information on the QRUR websites and be given more information.
Said he also ask if their group will be [ Indiscernible ] 2016 data? I am available with your practice and you are not eligible, that will be affected of 2016 from 2014. In 2016 however, the report is available for you to download and get an idea of what your practice and how you are doing with your future claim data and start making decisions on how you need to improve or change to bring up your scores and see how you fall on the value modifier scale. It is a good idea to download the report, even though you may not be affected by, to see how you can perfect to make better modifications.
It looks like that is all the questions we have in the chat. I will reiterate that 2015 participation will be crucial for every provider. CMS will provide the modifier in 2017 for every provider based on 2016. If you have the opportunity to download this QRUR to see what they are looking at to see how you will be affected, even though you are not affected this year or next year. Is a good tool to make changes this year's. This is why we're giving you guidance now so that you can start early this year to make arrangements to make changes.
Are there any other questions. We will give it another minute or so in case someone has.
I think that is all the questions that are coming in. We thank Jennifer for the information today and we look toward to session 2 other boot camp which will go into greater detail after you have access to it as to what it means and what it will mean an hundred years in reference to reimbursement to your qualified clinic.
We hope that it will be sometime next month and it will be on an ongoing basis to find this webinar on the website will be able to get caught up and ask questions on their prospective questions.
Thank you for calling in and we look forward to talking to you in future webcasts.
[Event Concluded]