Santiago Canyon College

MTG Minutes of – Technology Committee Meeting

Time: 2:35-3:45 pm Date: 9/18/07 Location: L-115

Present: Odette Borrey, Curt Childress, Amy Cuneo, Corinna Evett, Mary Halvorson, Alice Ho, Scott James, Cindy Swift, John Weispfenning, Connie Wilson, Joe Yorba, and Jed Wu

Roles: Chair – J. Yorba Note Taker – C. Evett & C. Swift

1.  Objectives: Chair Nomination, Newsletter, Technology Master Plan, Distance Education Community of Practice, TAG Committee (10/4/07), Curt’s Topic, and Other

2.  Meeting Discussion / Decisions:

Chair Nomination:

·  Joe was nominated; Mary moved; Amy seconded, and Joe was approved to be the chair.


·  Articles for the next newsletter are due October 15th.

·  Connie emphasized the importance of sticking to the deadline.

o  Once articles are submitted, it takes a lot of work to get the Newsletter typeset.

o  She requested that articles be submitted as soon as possible.

Technology Master Plan:

·  After much time and effort from Curt and help from the committee with proofing, the five year Master Plan is on its way to the printer.

·  We’ll all receive a copy once it’s printed.

Distance Education Community of Practice:

·  Scott is very enthusiastic about creating this volunteer organization. He feels that this could be a good tool for the college and the faculty.

·  He is concerned with accessibility issues. His focus is on enabling accessibility for individuals with disabilities. As of now, many of the distance ed. practices do not adequately meet the needs of those with disabilities. In order to address this issue, Scott has joined with a High Tech Center Training Committee.

·  He asked for assistance with creating a community or an informal users group geared toward those who will teach or are teaching distance ed. He wants to focus training in digital format for all. He envisions having a demo, brief instruction, and practical application/creation time.

·  Some ideas that were suggested by the group include:

o  Including all faculty not just those who teach on-line. Developing an informal group like the SCC Faculty Writers. Perhaps hosting an “event” or kick-off with lunch or snacks with money from a tech training fund that Mary can provide. Maybe turn it into a ½ day technology day. Perhaps offer a stipend of sorts to those who participate. It would need to include at least 32 hours for 1 LHE or 16 hours for ½ LHE. We may want to publicize the event in the newsletter, and/or we may want to include a review of the first event in the newsletter.

TAG Committee (10/4/07):

·  Joe, Scott, Curt, and Mary will attend this meeting of the district Tech Committee

·  It’s a place to combine efforts for technology district-wide in terms of licenses and software.

·  Part of the agenda includes SAC’s request for student emails and different products and services that IT will support.

Curt’s Topic:

·  Robert Hernandez suggested that SCC include a “Standards of Conduct for Computer Classrooms and Computer Labs” section in the college’s Student Handbook.

·  Curt brought copies from SAC’s handbook, and mentioned that if we do decide to add this, we’d need to have it ready for the handbook’s publication next year: approx. April.

·  Joe encouraged that we remember that if we aren’t all going to enforce the standards that maybe we shouldn’t include them.

·  Joe also suggested that this might be a Senate issue, so Corinna will raise this topic at the next Senate meeting.


·  Datatel Implementation Update—Sergio was not available for update. In his stead, Mary gave the following information:

o  Fiscal – Working out okay. Must input information in old account as well as new account.

o  Purchasing – There are some issues, but they are currently being worked out.

o  HR – Behind schedule.

o  Student Side – The current debate is whether we will go live next summer. The general consensus seems to be to postpone the student side one year to give them a chance to resolve problems with HR first. The final decision will be made at the end of October.

o  One major concern is the ITS staff. More ITS staff is needed, but negotiations of cost are currently underway.

3. Next Meeting:

Date: Tuesday, Oct 2nd Time: 2:35 p.m. Location: D-204

Distribution: Technology Committee Members