Uncontrolled copy not subject to amendment
1. Each July, oneweek Air Cadet Leadership Courses are run at RAF Cranwell. Dates and other details will normally be published in January, by letter to squadrons, at which point applications will be invited. The application form is a joint form used for the RAF Cranwell course and the Frimley Park course (see ACTI No 83); it will be supplied to Wg HQs along with the letter notifying the course dates. Regular RAF officers attend the course as supervisors; Corps adults are also invited to attend in the same capacity see para 6.
2. The aims of the course are as follows:
a. To provide leadership training for cadet NCOs or potential NCOs so that they may return to their units as better leaders.
b. To teach leadership training methods to improve this training at unit level.
c. To improve the standard of drill commands, especially among the less experienced cadets.
d. To foster greater understanding and cooperation between the staff and cadets of both the CCF and ATC.
3 To be eligible a cadet must:
a. Be at least 16 years of age but normally not 18 or more, on the first day of the course, and intends to remain in the Corps for at least a further year after completing the course.
b. Be medically fit to an extent that they can take part in a range of strenuous activities. If any doubt exists, HQ AC (through TG3) is to be consulted.
c. Be physically fit; the unit commander is to sign a declaration that the cadet has completed a standard fitness test within the previous 3 months. This involves running 1½ miles in 11 minutes for males and 12½ minutes for females. Cadets will be tested at the start of the course and will be withdrawn if they fail.
d. Not have attended a previous Cadet Leadership Course (Cranwell, Frimley Park or Nesscliff).
4. Cadets are instructed on the course in a number of fundamental skills including leadership techniques. They practice these techniques in a strenuous regime, culminating in a 48hour exercise in Wales under canvas. There is very little free time during the course and the days are long and demanding. The course does not include sport, arms instruction or infantry manoeuvres but concentrates on leadership training. At the end of the week cadets tackle a peer assessment exercise and are then reported on and interviewed by their flight commander.
5. Cadets may apply for Cranwell, or Frimley Park (ACTI No 83), or for both on the same form, but they will not be selected for both. Applications are to reach Wg HQs by 1 Feb, Rgn by 15 Feb and HQ AC (TG Admin) by 1 Mar. Selections will be notified to Wg and ACRHQ by 1Apr; joining instructions will be despatched by 1 May.
6. In January when the course dates are published, HQ AC will invite Corps adult staff (male and female) to attend for supervisory duties. Applications are to be submitted to HQ AC (TGAO), on the form normally used for adult courses (see ACTI No 91 para 12) through Wg and ACRHQs.
7. Leadership badges will be presented to cadets on successful completion of the course. Certificates and final reports will be sent by HQ AC direct to Sqn Cdrs in Sep following the course.
Revision 1.00