Alexandria Jaycees and ALIVE!

Art Auction



1. Primary purpose:

The primary purpose of the Art Auction is to raise funds for the chapter and a local charity.

2. Give a brief description of the proposed project and background information. Follow this with a listing of the specific and measurable goals to be accomplished by this project.

In conjunction with a local charity (ALIVE!) the Alexandria Jaycees will provide the manpower to run an art auction. By teaming with a local charity the Jaycees will be able to get access to a larger base of potential attendees from the Charity that can attend the Auction. All Art sales commissions and ad sale revenue will go to the Alexandria Jaycees general fund.

This plan supports the Plan of the Year and the Financial Area of Opportunity by raising funds.

The goals for the event are to:

Goal #1 / Attract at least 150 non Jaycee attendees
Goal #2 / Sell 150 Tickets @ $10 each
Goal #3 / Sell 50 advertisements in auction catalog
Goal #4 / Raise at least $3,500 in net profit
Goal #5 / Provide a completed CPG and support documents for next year
Goal #6 / Involve 30 Jaycees in the various aspects of the project
Goal #7 / A percentage of net profit, decided by the Board to ALIVE!
Goal #8 / Give ALIVE! 100% of gross on one of the Donated Art pieces from Avatar

3. What are the specific manpower assignments?

1  / Auction Chairperson & Co-Chair
Randy C. (phone # deleted)
Michael H. (phone # deleted) / ·  Oversees the work of the Art Auction Committees
·  Find a suitable venue
·  Coordinate with committees, venue and charity to ensure a successful event
·  Help committee teams as necessary
2  / Ticket/Patron Sales Leader
Cindy H. (phone # deleted)
Lesli Creedon – ALIVE! / ·  Organize a ticket sales force of at least 8
·  Make sure everyone is selling their tickets
·  Keep track of the number of tickets sold
·  Collect the money for sold tickets
3  / Auction Day Leader
Lea Anne C. / ·  Recruit Auction Day team: runners, cashiers, hosts etc.
·  Plan event layout
·  Prepare the auction room and art display on auction day
4  / Cindy H. / ·  Contact Local businesses to sell add space in Art Auction Program
·  Create Layout for program
·  Deliver final printer ready copy of Adds to Gallery on deadline
5  / Publicity Leader
Dr Bill / ·  Publicizing the art auction
·  Create and distribute flyers
·  Press releases
·  Send out a mailing to solicit attendees
·  Website Hotline
6  / Hospitality Leader
Alex A. (phone # deleted)
Lynn H. (phone # deleted)
(email address deleted) / ·  Buy/make hors d’oeuvres
·  Drinks
·  Set up food table at auction site
·  Utensils etc.
·  Stay within budget
7  / Telephone Squad Leader
Larry R. (phone # deleted) / ·  Recruit a telephone Team of 4 members
·  Organize calling campaign: scripts, facility and phone lists
·  Call Jaycee members, and ticket holders to remind them of the event.
8  / Charity Relations
Lea Anne C. / ·  Keep charity informed of Auction progress
·  Work with charity to get auction attendees
9  / Alive! Contacts / Carol Loftur-Thun
Fax: 703-837-9399

Lesli Creedon

10  / Avatar Galleries
Sally Morrow / Fundraising Consultant
Avatar Galleries
450 S. Henderson Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406
215 628 2487 home
267 237 1994 cell
215 628 4529 fax

11  / In Kind Food Donations / Ray Glover Old Town Safeway
Sutton Place?
12  / Graphics Design/Layout / Megan L.
13  / Irish Breakfast Band / Sean Doherty 703.548.3095
Or Lisa Anderson

14  / Masonic Memorial / Monty Stark, Facility Manager, 703.683.2007, cell: 703.675.8871
Betty Walker, Administrative Assistant, Room Reservations

4. What specific materials, supplies and resources will be required?

What / Who / When Needed
Find Venue / Chairman / Completed
Secure Contract with Venue / Chairman / End of Aug
Secure Partnerships with Charity / Charity Relations / Completed
Order Tickets / Charity Relations / 1 Sep
Get Add Sales / Add Sales leader / 1 Sep
Develop articles for news releases / Publicity / 15 Oct, 25 Oct
List serve Campaign / Chairman / 15 Oct, 25 Oct
Event Line, Web Site / Publicity / 15 Oct
Publicity posters for sales team and ALIVE! Sales team / Chairman
Get/make food & Drink / Hospitality / 1 Nov
Contact food vendors for in Kind food donations / Hospitality / 25 Oct
Update Mailing lists for Advertisers and VIPs: City and State Politicos, and Sponsors
Create letters to solicit advertisements from commercial businesses
Create letter to invite VIPs
Get volunteers to run art and run booths / Auction Day Chair / 15 Oct
Make some signs to direct traffic into the Auction Site.
Program Assembly on Saturday: Need two staplers and two people

5. Describe The Potential Problems And Solutions To Successfully Complete This Project.

Problem 1: / Slow Ticket Sales
Solution 1: / - Sell Tickets at the Del Ray Art on The Avenue
- Use contacts in Alive! to sell tickets
- Advertise by making bulletin inserts for the churches/synagogues and distribute to ALIVE!
Problem 2: / Possible Low attendance
Solution 2: / - Reinforce attendance with phone squad calls
- Remind ticket holders of the Door prize
Problem 3: / Lack of participation from Jaycees.
Solution 3: / Call individual Jaycees and ask for their help in the event.

6.  Complete a proposed budget indicating all anticipated revenue and expenses.

2002 Planned / 2002 Actual / 2003 Planned / 2003 Actual
Pre Auction Ticket Sales / 1500 / 640 / 17% / 1500 / 790 / 16%
Walk In Tickets / 100 / 2%
Add Sales / 2000 / 250 / 7% / 500 / 830 / 16%
Art Revenue * / 1500 / 2834 / 76% / 3500 / 3330 / 66%
Total Revenue / 5000 / 3724 / 100% / 5500 / 5050 / 100%
Venue Rent / 500 / 50 / 1% / 500 / 200 / 34%
Mailings and Flyers / 200 / 0 / 0% / 200 / 96 / 16%
Refreshments / 200 / 200 / 5% / 300 / 290 / 49%
Total Expenses / 900 / 250 / 7% / 1000 / 586 / 100%
Gross Profit / 4100 / 3474 / 4500 / 4464 / 100%
Donated Art (Revenue to ALIVE!) / 0 / 0 / 0% / 0 / 300 / 7%
Net Income Before Split / 4100 / 3474 / 93% / 4500 / 4164 / 100%
Charity Split / 1000 / 1000 / 27% / 1500 / 2082 / 50%
Net Income / 3100 / 2474 / 66% / 3000 / 2082 / 50%
Total to ALIVE! / 1000 / 1000 / 1500 / 2382 / 57%
* Art Revenue includes donated art revenue.

7. List the specific steps to bring this project to a successful completion showing planned dates for each step.

T- Time / Date / Action /
T - 12 Weeks / 1 Aug / Form Committees and assign Team leaders
Publicity Team
Add Sales Team
Ticket Sales Team
Start Collecting Advertisers
T – 11 Weeks / 18 Aug / Hold Strategy Meeting with Avatar
T – 8 Weeks / 8 Sep / Finalize CPG Goals
Get Board Approval
Secure Location
Start Selling Tickets
T – 7 Weeks / 15 Sep / Print flyers & Mailing collateral
Complete mailing campaign list
T- 6 Weeks / 22 Sep / Send out flyers and Mailings
25 Sep / Team Meeting
T – 5 Weeks / 29 Sep / Track Weekly Ticket Sales
Track Mailing list responses for Ticket Sales
Begin Ad layouts and placement for
Newspaper release mailed to local papers
Radio Announcements
T – 4 Weeks / 6 Oct / Track Weekly Ticket Sales
Follow up calls to Newspapers and radio stations
Auction Day team recruiting
9 Oct / Team Meeting
T - 3 Weeks / 13 Oct / Track Weekly Ticket Sales
Place Posters in local Businesses
Form phone squad and find phone ‘war room’
Send program inserts to Gallery
T – 2 Weeks / 20 Oct / Track Weekly Ticket Sales
Start Phone Call campaign
Add Should appear in papers
21 Oct / Team Meeting
T – 1 Week / 27 Oct / Track Weekly Ticket Sales
Continue Phone Call Campaign
Contact Avatar & and confirm Truck meeting time & Location
Finalize Auction Day Team Assignments
28 Oct / Team Meeting
30 Oct / Team Meeting
Collect unsold tickets
Collect recipts
T – 0
Auction Day / 3:30 PM Team meeting,
Auction Chair & Co Chair: Cole, Hayes
Auction Day Leader: Chapman
Hospitality: Abraham
Program Guide: Lintott
4 00 Unload Art Displays
6:30 Band Arrives & Sets up
7:00 Art Auction Preview/Schmooze time
8:00 Introductions of Jaycee VIPs
ALIVE! President, Patrice Tighe
8:15 Auction Begins
10:45 Final Special item bids:
Congressman Jim Moran Breakfast
Ross Donated Art (1 MacWilliams and 1
Borelli) first one is for Jaycees, second for ALIVE!
Door prize announcement
11:00 Auction ends
T + 2 Weeks / Board Meeting / Final CPG to Board

8. Record any revision of the original plan.

-  Needed 20 tables vs 8 for the art display. Reconfigured tables to include tables from middle of room and tables at outer perimeter just beyond columns.

-  One suggestion that I have is make sure the treasurer brings more cash for the ticket sales at the door. I didn't bring enough - only $70 and it should have been more.

-  Have more soda and water in case people don't want to drink alcohol.

-  Added ~ 30 more chairs for people to sit on during Auction.

-  Of the two paintings to be donated from Ross Galleries, one was auctioned off at 100% revenue to ALIVE!, the other will be raffled off at a future event to benefit the Chapter.

-  Moved Band from original location near registration desk to behind the auctioneer to add space for paintings and browsing.

-  Once Auction started, Cashiers table was configured at back of Hall near Registration Tables.

9. What changes or recommendations do you have for a future chairman?

Planning & Management

-  Need a Charity-Jaycee letter of agreement signed by the president of the Jaycees and delivered to the benefiting Charity. The letter should delineate what is required of the teaming charity and should include help with ticket sales, required attendance at the Auction meetings, as well as reporting requirements for ticket sales and an how of the revenue will get divided.

-  Reserve a venue a year ahead of time.

-  If the date for the event is last weekend before the Elections, many political campaign advertisement revenue is available. It may also be a great venue for politicians to talk and meet the Jaycees.

-  Need to be more selective with picking dates; many city politicos are attending another event on the same night

·  Due to Haunted House at end of October next year (2004). Perhaps second week of November.

-  One month prior to event, send invitation letters and give free tickets to VIPs: City Council Members, state political leaders, business leaders and Keymen

-  Continue to ask for local bands to come to auction to provide the entertainment

-  Art selection: there were a lot of items that passed, we need to gather statistics on the type of art sold, vs the art that passed so we can tune our selection next year: category of art vs selling price etc. Consider getting local art to donate to event.

Open Items/Final tasks.

-  Need final Revenue and commission from Ross Galleries after Auction concluded

-  Ask Christine Fxxx to check mailbox for $322 check from Ross Galleries

-  Complete expense records

-  Create and send post event press release

-  Send thank you letters to all attendees, organizations, volunteers, etc.

Location Discussion and Room Setup at Masonic Memorial

-  Acoustics of Assembly are very active and carry across the room. So loud talking at one end was interfering with the auction. Next year:

·  Possibly find a way to absorb sound (i.e., paneling)

·  Move loud speakers in to center of room

·  So that cashier discussions are not disturbed by auction, move cashier into West Dining Room

-  Use west dining room to hold sold art and all shipping boxes

-  Leave plenty of space in front/auctioneer area so there is enough room to move art, and allow circulation of art in the front of room.

-  There is not Handicap accessibility into Assembly hall

-  All paintings sold and unsold paintings as well as the shipping boxes must be in kept numerical order to ensure they can be quickly found.

-  Utilize “Vannas”/Runners to bring sold paintings to the West Dinning Room and have unsold paintings placed back on tables (in numerical order) for people to reconsider.

-  The registration Desk was cramped and crowded. The registration desk should be placed by the guard desk, well before the ALIVE!/Alex Jaycees display area. That way we can avoid traffic jams.

-  Move Registration Desk closer to entrance. Need to make certain Band has registered.

-  Have Organization tables set-up along entrance hall to stairs or just after Registration Desk.

-  Because of the cramped conditions around the registration desk, bidders by avoiding the congestion may have inadvertently missed the registration table

Ticket Sales

-  I'm not sure the Jaycees are a ticket selling organization; it's been a monumental struggle to sell tickets. Half way through the ticket selling effort ALIVE! stated that many of the tickets they sold were to the board members themselves and they may have purchased them just to give a donation, without the intention of attending. However in the end ALIVE did bring a large portion of the buyers and there were many walk-ins. Many in our membership are young and do not have a lot of disposable income.