DOC Topic 8.4.8SG: OCEAN SCIENCE - Sampling / Remediation of Contaminated Sediments DOC SBIR 1997
Proposal Title: “Automated Broadband Sonar Sediment Classification” PIN: SFS-97-03
Cover Page
DOC Topic 8.4.8SG
OCEAN SCIENCE: Sampling and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
“Automated Broadband Sonar Sediment Classification”
Submitted to:
U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA
Procurement Operations Branch, Code OA313
1325 East-West Highway, SSMC2, Station 4301
Silver Spring MD 20910
ATTN: SBIR Proposals
Ph. 310/713-0829
SciFish / - 2 - /DOC Topic 8.4.8SG: OCEAN SCIENCE - Sampling / Remediation of Contaminated Sediments DOC SBIR 1997
Proposal Title: “Automated Broadband Sonar Sediment Classification” PIN: SFS-97-03
Contaminated sediments in our lakes and along our coasts continues to be a serious environmental concern. Because the problem is so extensive, there is a need for innovative, cost-effective methods of rapidly and accurately sampling those sediments could have far-reaching environmental and economic impacts. In particluar, if the physical characteristics of sediments could be sampled from the water’s surface without requiring time consuming and sparsely collected sediment samples, it would result in more pervasive monitoring at significantly lower cost per square mile.
Scientific Fishery Systems, Inc. (SciFish) proposes the development of a broadband acoustic sediment classification system that can identify various types of sediment contaminants. By utilizing the broadband signatures of bottom reflections on a narrow-beam sonar, there is evidence that reliable estimates of contaminants can be identified. In preliminary experiments, conducted in preparation for this proposal, SciFish has demonstrated over 90% correct sediment classification on individual broadband sonar echoes. Furthermore, analysis of the echo spectra clearly shows the erratic behavior that is prevalent in contaminated sediments.
Every coastal city has a need to monitor the levels of effluents at and near their outfalls as well as in their harbors and navigable waterways. SciFish feels it will be possible to produce a return on investment that justifies the purchase of this product within three years. Currently it is estimated there are 1,500 coastal locations with a need for effluent monitoring, which represents a large market. Other spin-off opportunities will also exist in the fisheries, with as many as 10,000 vessels domestically and nearly 100,000 world wide.
SciFish / - 2 - /DOC Topic 8.4.8SG: OCEAN SCIENCE - Sampling / Remediation of Contaminated Sediments DOC SBIR 1997
Proposal Title: “Automated Broadband Sonar Sediment Classification” PIN: SFS-97-03
A. Identification and Significance of the Problem or Opportunity
B. Phase I Technical Objectives
C. Phase I Work Plan
C.1 Background
C.1.1 Acoustic Properties of Marine Sediments
C.1.2 SciFish’s Broadband Sonar System
C.1.3 Broadband Sonar Attenuation Analysis
C.1.4 Results of Preliminary Experiments
C.2 Technical Approach
C.2.1 Design Deployment System
C.2.2 Design Sonar System
C.2.3 Design Echo Processor
C.2.4 Characterization of Broadband Performance
C.2.5 Perform Market Analysis
C.2.6 Technology Transfer
C.3 Task Schedule
D. Related Research or R&D
D.1 Related Work by SciFish
D.1.1 Naval Command Control and Ocean Surveillance Center - Phase I SBIR
D.1.2 Department of Commerce - Phase II SBIR
D.1.3 National Science Foundation - Phase II SBIR
D.1.4 Department of Commerce - Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant
D.2 Related Work by Others
D.2.1 RoxAnn
D.2.2 QTC-View
D.2.3 Sea Engineering, Inc.
E. Key Personnel and Bibliography of Directly Related Work
E.1 Michael L. Tuohey, Principal Investigator
E.2 Patrick K. Simpson, Associate Investigator
F. Relationship with Phase II or Other Future R/R&D
G. Facilities and Equipment
H. Subcontracts and Consultants
I. Commercial Applications Potential
Equivalent Proposals and Awards
Proposed Budget
General Information
Cost References
A. Identification and Significance of the Problem or Opportunity
Effluent-affected deposits consisting of natural sediment, sewage particles, and contaminants (including DDT and PCBs) are accumulating near sanitation districts and in navigable waters along U.S. coasts. In a recent study,[1] effluent deposit thicknesses of 60 cm were measured on the continental shelf near the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles Counties' Whites Point outfall on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. In most of those areas, the organic-rich deposit consists of two layers: a heavily contaminated lower layer 5 to 35 cm thick, where concentrations of lethal contaminants were found.
Similar contaminants exist in most of our U.S. harbors. As an example, the U.S. Naval facilities in the San Diego area have been shown to have a tremendous impact. Navy activities impact soils and harbor sediments through a variety of activities, including facility, industrial, and shipboard discharges, nonpoint sources, and past hazardous waste sites. Contaminated sediments in a navy harbor can pose risks to aquatic ecosystems and to human health through food chain bioaccumulation and biomagnification. A review of Navy hazardous waste sites found that 332 sites at 45 Navy and Marine Corps activities had significant potential for impact on aquatic environments. A more recent survey of Navy activities found that 94% of Navy facilities responding reported at least one contaminant of concern in sediments, with a preponderance reporting mixed contaminants. For example, Pearl Harbor has been designated a National Priority List (NPL) site, and San Diego Bay has been found to have hotspots of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB), and heavy metal contamination.
NOAA's Coastal Monitoring and Bioeffects Assessment Division (CMBAD) has been instrumental in the characterization of sediment contamination nationwide. Through a cooperative agreement with the National Marine Fisheries Service, the National Benthic Surveillance Project (NBSP) monitors biological and biochemical indicators of contaminant exposure and response, including the frequency of cancers and other internal and external disease conditions, in bottom-dwelling (benthic) fish at more than 80 sites nationwide. The same chemicals monitored in the Mussel Watch Project are measured in fish tissues and in associated sediments at each site. Data from all monitored sites are stored in electronic data bases, and are used to document correlations between contaminants and effects along contaminant gradients, and the general distribution and occurrence of contaminant-related biological effects in the nation's coastal waters.
In a recent report,[2] CMBAD summarizes and interprets the results for the metal and metalloid (elements) contaminants for the first 5 years (1984-88) of the Pacific coast portion of the National Benthic Surveillance Project (NBSP). As a component of NOAA's National Status and Trends Program, the NBSP determines the levels of contaminant chemicals and prevalence of pathological lesions in bottom fish and relates them to contaminant levels in associated sediment. The levels of organic contaminants and the prevalence of presumptive pollution-related liver and kidney lesions are documented in other technical memorandums and publications.
Employing uniform sampling protocols and state-of-the-art analytical methods, an extensive database has been developed, which includes detailed information on the distribution of selected elemental contaminants. These include the toxic elements antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, tin, and zinc as well as the major elements aluminum, iron, manganese, and silicon in surficial sediments, liver tissues, and in stomach contents of selected fish. Of the 51 sites sampled in Washington, Oregon, California (West Coast), and Alaska, 27 were located in or near urban centers. (Pacific coast sites include all West Coast and Alaskan sites, even though three of the Alaskan sites are in the Arctic.) The locations of the sites in urban embayments were selected to be as representative as possible to assess inputs to the area from multiple sources; hence, the results from individual sites should not be viewed as representative of entire embayments because of limited sampling.
The Problem. As the preceding studies testify, contaminated sediments in navigable waterways continues to be a serious environmental concern. Because the problem is so extensive, there is a need for innovative, cost-effective methods of rapidly and accurately sampling those sediments that have far-reaching environmental and economic impacts. In particluar, if the physical characteristics of sediments could be sampled from the water’s surface without requiring time consuming and sparsely collected sediment samples, it would result in more pervasive monitoring at significantly lower cost per square mile.
The Opportunity. In a recent workshop in Canada,[3] several experts examined different methods of classifying sediments in the subtidal coastal zones of Canada. One approach that had demonstrated success was utilizing acoustics. One workshop participant, Dr. Dave Caulfield, has been involved in the utilization of acoustics for bottom classification for pollution and dredging studies for the U.S. Army of Corps of Engineers.[4] His observations included the following (emphasis added by SciFish):
Fundamental to the acoustic technique are the use of a calibration hydrophone, and the use of a minimum of three frequencies. As a result, an absolute calculation of bottom reflectivity can be determined. To be ultra precise, the speed of sound in water must be determined. Parameters which result include acoustic impedance, sound velocity in the sediment, sediment density, and surface reflection coefficient. [...] In unpolluted areas, the relationship between sediment porosity and wet density is very linear, but polluted sediments have an erratic relationship.
The Proposal. Scientific Fishery Systems, Inc. (SciFish) proposes the development of a broadband acoustic sediment classification system that can identify various types of contaminants. By utilizing the broadband signatures of bottom reflections on a narrow-beam sonar, there is evidence that reliable estimates of contaminants can be identified. In preliminary experiments, conducted in preparation for this proposal, SciFish has demonstrated over 90% sediment classification accuracy on individual broadband sonar echoes.
During Phase I, data will be collected in areas within Alaska that have been monitored by NOAA’s NBSP. Using a diver to provide ground truth, the classification performance of SciFish’s existing broadband sonar system will be characterized. Theoretical analyses will be used to evaluate the performance of this broadband sonar system. The results of this performance evaluation will be used to design a broadband sonar sediment classification that will maximize sediment contaminant classification accuracy. Deployment options will also be explored, examining both hull-mounted and towed-fish options. Finally, a thorough analysis of the market will be conducted, resulting in both a marketing plan and a business plan.
The Benefits. Current approaches for identifying sediment contaminants require the collection and analysis of core samples along a sampling grid. Much denser coverage will now be possible, resulting in more data for the modeling and analysis that accompanies sediment contaminant analyses. It is expected that spatial analysis tools will be used to provide immediate analysis of contaminant levels. From this analysis, core sampling can then focus on those areas found to have the greatest concentration of contaminants. As a result, greater coverage will now be possible, yielding more accurate models of sediment contamination.
Prior Experience. SciFish has been quietly developing broadband sonars for fisheries applications since 1993. In 1994, SciFish was awarded a patent[5] for the utilization of broadband acoustics for the identification of aquatic life. In 1995, SciFish built and tested their first broadband system and have since conducted several data collection exercised in both fresh water (Lake Michigan) and marine (Prince William Sound, AK) environments. In 1996, SciFish designed the next generation of the broadband fish identification system, and in 1997 it will be built and tested. Only recently has SciFish conducted enough research and design to ensure a technological lead in this area, allowing them to publish the results of this work without compromising their considerable investment. Articles are now being prepared for submission to the leading journals and conferences in the area of fisheries hydroacoustics.
During Phase II, a broadband sonar sediment classification system will be constructed from the Phase I design. The resulting system’s performance will be extensively characterized in a series of sea trials conducted in Alaska and on the West Coast. A production sonar system will be designed using the results of these sea trials. Investors will be actively sought for the introduction of the product.
The Commercial Potential. This project will result in a sediment classification product with world-wide market potential. Every coastal city has a need to monitor the levels of effluents at and near their outfalls as well as in their harbors and navigable waterways. SciFish feels it will be possible to produce a return on investment that justifies the purchase of this product within three years. Currently it is estimated there are 1,500 coastal locations with a need for effluent monitoring, which represents a large market. Other spin-off opportunities will also exist in the fisheries, with as many as 10,000 vessels domestically and nearly 100,000 world wide.
B. Phase I Technical Objectives
The goal of the proposed Phase I effort is to design a broadband sonar system that can automatically classify sediment types, with a specific emphasis on the classification of sediment contamination. There are six objectives that must be met for this project to succeed:
· Design Deployment System. Evaluate various deployment options, including hull-mounted, towed-fish, and underwater vehicle. Select one and defend the selection.
· Design Sonar System. Design a broadband sonar that maximizes the sediment contaminant classification accuracy.
· Design Echo Processor. Define the echo processing system, including the feature extraction, classification, and analysis functions that will be needed to characterize contaminant levels in a survey area.
· Evaluate Performance. Characterize the performance of the existing broadband sonar at sediment classification. Analytically compare the performance of the broadband system with predicted performance from theoretical models.
· Market Analysis. Identify and segment the market. Prioritize target segments. Develop marketing plan for reaching the market. Develop market projections for investor search.
· Technology Transfer. Provide progress reports to DOC, a briefing, and a final report.
C. Phase I Work Plan
The Phase I Work Plan is organized into three areas. First, background is provide for some of the key development issues. Next, the technical approach is described by outlining each of the six tasks that will be performed. Finally, the task schedule is provided.
C.1 Background
The following background sections lay the groundwork for the Phase I Work Plan that follows. There are four areas that are reviewed. First (§C.1.1) the relationship between frequency and fish length is described. Next (§C.1.2), SciFish’s broadband sonar is described. Third (§C.1.3), SciFish describes some preliminary analysis that have been conducted to determine the applicability of SciFish’s broadband sonar for sediment classification by examining the penetration depth for its frequency range. Lastly (§C.1.4), some preliminary experiments using the broadband sonar for bottom classification are described.