POW 4454/6930 (02BC/7886) Nineteenth-Century Brazilian Literature:
Cultural Myths in Brazilian Society
Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies
Fall 2012 6th period TUR 2350
Instructor: Dr. M. Elizabeth Ginway
Office: 149 Dauer Hall, tel. 273-3745
Office Hours 4-5 pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and by appointment
SPS Website: http://www.spanishandportuguese.ufl.edu
Students will learn about the myths of Brazilian identity by reading short stories, poetry, a play and short novels of the nineteenth century. These myths of national identity are based on Romanticism’s concepts from the 1840s, including the cordial man, the upstanding woman, the peaceful people, equality between the races, the fertile land and a sense of national destiny. We will study such myths in conjunction with Doris Sommer’s idea of the Latin America’s national romance, which states that most nineteenth-century narratives mainly portray the romantic union of the native female with the European male, a myth that sidesteps the realities of slavery in Brazil. We will examine the trajectory of these myths beginning in 1840s to their critique in the 1860s and their demise by the 1870s, as the basis of foundational fictions begins to crack, as the consequences of slavery, urbanization and economic dependence begin to erode the basis of foundational myths. Nonetheless, remnants of these myths persist today in conceptions of racial democracy, the land of carnaval and a nation destined for greatness.
Required Texts: Shorter texts will be posted on Sakai.
Novels will be available at Gator Textbooks Copy Pack Tel. 374-4500
Goals for students:
· Hone reading and writing skills in Portuguese
· Analyze texts in order to understand their symbols, themes and cultural criticism
· Analyze the use of cultural myths in interpreting texts
· Learn to write and re-write a persuasive essay that justifies its thesis
· Present an essay and share ideas with others
· Reading the material before class, accessing or bringing printed worksheets to class 5%
· Active participation in class and group discussions, speaking to the class 10%
· Leading one discussion of readings based on the course worksheet in pairs 10%
· Writing and revising 2 papers of 1-3 pp. each) 30%
· Taking midterm and final exam 35%
· Presenting a paper posting it on Sakai 10%
Graduate students are required to read one of the following, O mulato (1881) or O cortiço (1890) by Aluísio Azevedo or Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas (1881) or Quincas Borba by Machado de Assis, (7-10 pages), focusing on the theoretical and critical texts read for the class (40%). Two exams (30%), and leading a discussion (10%) a class presentations (10%) Attendance and participation 10%. Criticism will also be incorporated into tests in a supplemental portion turned in as an extra essay.
Expectations and demeanor
•Your willingness to participate actively in all class activities
•Your cooperation during group and pair work
•Your respect and attitude toward the class and your peers
•Your preparation for each class
Attendance and Absence Policies. While never encouraged, five absences will be allowed for any reason. Do not bring written excuses. After the fifth absence two points per absence will be deducted from your CLASS PARTICIPATION grade. (I.e., If you miss 6 class sessions, your final participation grade can only be a maximum of 8 points.). If you must miss the midterm exam for official business, an exam can be made up after or taken before the scheduled date, but the questions will be different from that given in class.
Grade Scale
The final grade scale is as follows:
A = 100-93 / C(S) = 76-73A- = 92-90 / C-(U) = 72-70
B+ = 89-87 / D+ = 69-67
B = 86-83 / D = 66-63
B- = 82-80 / D- = 62-60
C+ = 79-77 / E = 59-0
Week 1 / Preparing for Class, Readings / Homework Schedule
W Aug. / 22 / Apresentação do curso; syllabus, discussão de mitos / Imprima as folhas do Sakai
R Aug. / 23 / Prepare a apostila
F Aug / 24 / Mitos nacionais de Macedo/ Soares Amora
W 2 Aug. / O índio, a terra fértil e o povo pacífico
M / 27 / O mito da terra fértil “Canção de exílio” Gonçalves Dias / Sakai, Leia/Apostila
T / 28
W / 29 / Poesia indianista de Gonçalves Dias “I-Juca Pirama” / Apostila
R / 30
F / 31 / Romantismo e o ideal do herói, apresentações de Apost. / Apostila
W 3 Sept / Romance de fundação
September / 03 / Labor Day – no classes
T / 04
W / 05 / A moreninha (1844), Macedo o primeiro romance / Apostila
R / 06
F / 07 / A moreninha / Apostila
W 4 Sept / Romance indianista e comunidade imaginária
M / 10 / A moreninha / Apostila Apresentada 1
T / 11
W / 12 / A moreninha / Apostila
R / 13
F / 14 / A moreninha / Apostila
W 5 Sept / Doris Sommer and National Romance
M / 17 / Romances e mitos de fundação; crítica de Roncari / Apostila Pós grad.
T / 18
W / 19 / Luca Bacchini e as versões de Canção de exílio / Apostila
R / 20 / Send paper topic 1 and send summary by e-mail / Paper topic 1
F / 21 / José de Alencar; Seleções Iracema (1865) / Apostila
W 6 Sept / A índia e a escrava em José de Alencar
M / 24 / José de Alencar; Seleções Iracema (1865) / Apostila
T / 25 / Send Paper 1 by e-mail
W / 26 / Clipes do filme “Iracema” (1975) / Paper 1 due in class
R / 27
F / 28 / Mãe (1859) peça teatral de José de Alencar / Apostila
W 7 Oct. / O mito da escravidão afetiva
M / 01 / Mãe / Apostila
T / 02
W / 03 / Mãe / Apostila apresentada 2
R / 04 / Return Paper 1
F / 05 / Mãe (1859) / Apostila
W 8 Oct. / Poesia abolicionista
M / 08 / Castro Alves, Navio Negreiro (1868) / Apostila
T / 09 / Due Re-write Paper 1 POW 4454 email
W / 10 / Castro Alves, Navio Negreiro (1868) / Apostila
R / 11
F / 12 / Revisão / Apostila
W 9 Oct. / Machado de Assis, críticas indiretas da escravidão
M / 15 / Exame 4454
T / 16
W / 17 / “Virginius” (1864) Machado de Assis / Apostila apresentada 3
R / 18
F / 19 / “Os óculos de Pedro Antão” (1874) Machado de Assis / Apostila apresentada 4
W 10 Oct. / Críticas do racismo
M / 22 / Aluísio Azevedo O mulato (1881); Antônio Dimas / Apostila
T / 23
W / 24 / Seleção de O mulato (1881) Capítulo XI / Apostila apresentada 5
R / 25
F / 26 / Yves Mérian e racismo em O mulato / Apostila
W 11 / Crítica dos valores patriarcais e da casa grande
M Oct. / 29 / “Casa Velha” (1882) Machado de Assis I-III / Apostila
T / 30
W / 31 / “Casa Velha” IV-VI / Apostila Apresentada 6
R Nov. / 01 / Send topic for paper 2 via email
F / 02 / “Casa Velha” VII-VIII / Apostila
W 12 Nov / O naturalismo e a crítica social .
M / 05 / Bom Crioulo (1895) Adolfo Caminha / Apostila
T / 06 / Outline Paper 2
W / 07 / Bom Crioulo / Apostila apresentada 7
R / 08
F / 09 / Homecoming – No classes
W 13 Nov / O naturalismo e a questão racial
M / 12 / Veterans Day – No classes
T / 13 / Paper 2 due email
W / 14 / Bom Crioulo / Paper 2 due in class
R / 15
F / 16 / Bom Crioulo / Apostila apresentada 8
W 14 Nov / Organização da Mini conferência
M / 19 / Discussion, division into presentation groups by topic/theme / Paper 2 returned
T / 20 / Paper 2 returned by email
W / 21 / Thanksgiving – No classes
R / 22 / Thanksgiving – No classes
F / 23 / Thanksgiving – No classes
W 15 Nov / Conferência
M / 26 / Apresentações de Trabalhos por tema
T / 27 / Re-write 2 / Re-write 2
W / 28 / Apresentações
R / 29
F / 30 / Apresentações
W 16 Dec / Revisão
M / 03 / Apresentações / Sakai exam outline
T / 04 / Final papers on Sakai
W / 05 / Review for final
December / 13A / FINAL EXAM
Academic Honesty Guidelines
Academic honesty and integrity are fundamental values of the University community. An academic honesty offense is defined as the act of lying, cheating, or stealing academic information so that one gains academic advantage. Violations of the Academic Honesty Guidelines include but are not limited to:
· Cheating. The improper taking or tendering of any information or material which shall be used to determine academic credit. Taking of information includes copying graded homework assignments from another student; working with another individual(s) on graded assignments or homework;
looking or attempting to look at notes, a text, or another student's paper during an exam.
· Plagiarism. The attempt to represent the work of another as the product of one's own thought, whether the other's work is oral or written, published or unpublished. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, quoting oral or written materials without citation on written materials or in oral presentations; submitting work produced by an on-line translation service or the translation feature of an on-line dictionary as your own.
· Misrepresentation. Any act or omission with intent to deceive a teacher for academic advantage. Misrepresentation includes lying to a teacher to increase your grade; lying or misrepresenting facts when confronted with an allegation of academic honesty.
· Bribery, Conspiracy, Fabrication. For details see website below On all work submitted for credit the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.” Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action according to the judicial process.
· For more details go to: http://www.dso.ufl.edu/judicial/academic.htm.
Educational behavior
Every student in the class is expected to participate in a responsible and mature manner that enhances the educational process. Any conduct that, in the judgment of the instructor, disrupts the learning process will lead to disciplinary action.
Student records are confidential. Only information designated "UF directory information" may be released without your written consent. Please see University Regulation 6C1-4.007 for a list of the categories of information designated as "UF directory information." UF views each student as the primary contact for all communication. If your parents contact me about your grade, attendance, or any information that is not "UF directory information," I will ask them to contact you. You may 1) provide the information your parents seek directly to them or 2) contact the University Registrar's Office for additional information. For more information: www.registrar.ufl.edu.ferpahub.html
Students with disabilities
Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office, who will provide documentation to the student. This documentation must be presented to the Instructor as soon as possible in order to arrange for the accommodations.
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade option
Request the S/U form in Dauer Hall 170. If you take this class S/U, it cannot be counted towards the major or minor. Minimum grade for an S in the course is 73. For regulations and deadlines consult the Undergraduate Catalog.
Drop and withdrawal dates
Consult the current Undergraduate Catalog.
Academic Learning Compact – Department of Portuguese and Portuguese Studies for Graduating Majors Only
Evaluation of written project and oral presentation
Name ______Term ______
Class ______Assessed by ______
SLO / Excellent / Good / Basic / Rudimentary / Insufficient / POINTSInterpretation and analysis
(50%) / Demonstrates profound knowledge of the cultural correlates, literary antecedents, and/or linguistic structures being studied; knowledge is applied to the chosen text(s) in an insightful way; provides well-structured arguments or accurately analyzed evidence to support conclusions
[50-45 points] / Demonstrates considerable knowledge of the cultural correlates, literary antecedents, and/or linguistic structures being studied; knowledge is applied to the chosen text(s) competently; provides acceptable arguments or analyzed evidence to support conclusion
[44-40 points] / Demonstrates some knowledge of the cultural correlates, literary antecedents, and/or linguistic structures being studied; knowledge is applied to the chosen text(s) with some accuracy; provides some arguments analyzed evidence but conclusions are only vaguely supported
[39-35 points] / Demonstrates only piecemeal knowledge of the cultural correlates, literary antecedents, and/or linguistic structures being studied; knowledge is applied to the chosen text(s) in a hit-or-miss way; arguments or evidence lead only tangentially to conclusions
[34-30 points] / Unable to demonstrate coherent knowledge of the cultural correlates, literary antecedents, and/or linguistic structures being studied; knowledge is inadequately applied to the chosen text(s); arguments or evidence presented do no lead to any coherent conclusion
[29-0 points]
Written language
(25%) / Excellent command of the Portuguese language; near-native in terms of grammar and vocabulary; mastery of stylistic conventions of written Portuguese; free of orthographic or stylistic errors
[25-23 points] / Good command of the Portuguese language; above average in terms of grammar and vocabulary; shows understanding of stylistic conventions of written Portuguese; minimal orthographical or stylistic errors
[22-20 points] / Only moderate command of the Portuguese language; frequent errors in grammar and vocabulary; shows only basic knowledge of stylistic conventions of written Portuguese; some orthographical and stylistic errors
[19-18 points] / Minimal command of the Portuguese language; deficient in terms of grammar and vocabulary; written Portuguese is lacking stylistic grace; considerable orthographical and stylistic errors
[17-15 points] / Shows no command of the Portuguese language; excessive errors in terms of grammar and vocabulary; language errors interfere with meaning; shows no understanding of stylistic conventions of written Portuguese; numerous orthographical errors
[14-0 points]
Spoken language
(25%) / Excellent command of the Portuguese language; near-native in terms of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency; presents topic with confidence and ease; answers questions with ease and appropriate register
[25-23 points] / Good command of the Portuguese language; above average in terms of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency; presents topic with confidence but may falter on occasion; answers questions competently with appropriate register
[22-20 points] / Only moderate command of the Portuguese language; frequent errors in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency; occasionally lacks confidence in presenting topic; answers some questions but is flustered, may not maintain appropriate register
[19-18 points] / Minimal command of the Portuguese language; deficient in terms of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency; shows little confidence in ability to present topic; has difficulty answering questions on topic and does not use appropriate register
[17-15 points] / Shows no command of the Portuguese language; excessive errors in terms of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency; language errors interfere with meaning; unable to present to audience in coherent way; cannot answer questions related to topic
[14-0 points]
TOTAL / _____/100