Name:______Email: ______


Please contact me for more information about the following SEAS ministries:

Liturgical Ministries

□Altar Servers[3rd Grade & older]

□Baptismal Preparation Team

□Children’s Liturgy of the Word [CLOW]

□Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

□Lazarus Ministry [Funerals]

□Linens Ministry

□Liturgical Environment Committee [LEC]

□Ministers of Hospitality [Ushers/Greeters]




□Wedding Coordinator

Faith Formation Ministries

□Adult Faith Formation

□Pre-Cana [Marriage Prep] Team

□Religious Formation


□Safe Environment Background

□Summer Religious Formation

□Vacation Bible School

General Needs

□Event Planning, Cooking, Decorating, etc.

□Constructing, Repairing, Gardening, etc.

Music Ministries

□Adult Choir


□Children’s Choir [SEAS Angels]

Social / Spiritual Ministries

□Cancer Support Group


□Garden Ministry

□Hospitality-After Mass/Special Events

□Knights of Columbus

□Ministry Fair

□Prayer Shawl Ministry

□Pre-Employment Group

□Seton Men’s Club

□Seton Seniors

□Women’s Spirituality Group [WSG]

Social Outreach Ministries

□Blood Drive

□Fatima and Daily Rosary Groups

□Food Pantry

□Giving Tree

□Homebound/Hunterdon Care Center /Hunterdon Medical Center

□Military Outreach Group

□Respect For Life

□Soup Kitchen [Elijah’s Promise]

Youth Ministries and Events

□WINGS/ROOTS-Teens / Tweens

□Mardi Gras

□Epiphany Pageant

□Passion Play

□Trunk or Treat

□Breakfast with Santa

□Easter Egg-stravaganza

□Teen Stations of the Cross

To read more about the ministries, please pick up a copy of the Directory of Ministriesand Contact List in the Narthex or Parish Office.

Seton Sunday 2015: October 25, 2015

We are all called to serve God and one another in the Sacrament of Baptism. Our Parish provides many opportunities to answer this sacred call to service through its many ministries. Sharing your time and talents in Parish ministries and social groups is a wonderful way to serve the Lord and the community, while enhancing your faith experience and getting to know your fellow parishioners. All ministries and social groups welcome new members and offer training throughout the year.

How will you answer your Baptismal call to serve the Lord through His Church and help build a strong faith community here in our Parish? Be sure to visit the Ministry Fair after all Masses on October 24 & 25 to learn more about the opportunities for service and fellowship available at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.

Hospitality Note: After all four Masses on Seton Sunday, the Ministry Fair along with hospitality and light refreshments will be in the Parish Hall. Plan to stay a few extra minutes after Mass to celebrate with your fellow parishioners. There will also be hospitality after Seton Sunday’s 5:00 pm Evening Prayer with Benediction.

Each year on the last Sunday of October we celebrate ‘Seton Sunday’with our annual Ministry Fair and Eucharistic Adoration for three reasons: [1] The Feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton - January 4 - always falls during the ‘privileged’ season of Christmas, so we cannot move her Feast Day to the nearest weekend as is permitted for the convenience of the people. So we honor our patroness the weekend before All Saints’ Day. [2] On October 30, 1984, our Parish was incorporated by then Bishop [now Cardinal] McCarrick; we were the 6th new Parish created in the ‘new’ Diocese of Metuchen which had been founded on November 19, 1981. [3] The Solemn Dedication of the Church and Consecration of the Altar took place on November 3, 1990 when the late Bishop Edward T. Hughes performed the ancient, beautiful rites by which we designated our church for sacred service; the anniversary of this spiritual event is given the highest rank on the Church’s calendar in the place of dedication: that of a Solemnity. Please spend some time in prayer with Our Risen Lord on this special day.

Eucharistic Adoration- 12:30-5:00 PM

12:30 pmSilent reflection [no led prayer]

1:00 pmConfirmation Candidates, WINGS Youth Ministry - see below

1:30 pmAll Liturgical Ministries - Baptismal Prep, EMs, Lazarus, Linens, LEC, Ministers of Hospitality, Readers, Sacristans, Sextons,Marriage Prep

2:00 pmRCIA, Adult Faith Formation, Social Spiritual, Social Outreach

2:30 pmDaily Mass, Rosary Group, Prayer Shawls, Seton Seniors

3:00 pmFHC Children [see below], AllChildren’s Faith Formation Ministries - Catechists, Aides, RF children, Altar Servers, CLOW, VBS

3:30 pmWomen’s Spirituality Group, Seton Men’s Group

4:00 pmSummer Religious Formation - see below

4:30 pmMusic Ministries / Color Guard by Knights of Columbus - meditative music/sung psalms

5:00 pmSolemn Evening Prayer with Benediction, followed by light refreshments in the parish hall

Confirmation Candidates, WINGS Youth Ministry

11:30 amHoly Mass

12:30 pmHoly Family Room - explanation of Eucharistic Adoration; then to church for Eucharistic Adoration with Eucharistic Blessing; Q&A and dismissal from HFR after Eucharistic Adoration

First Holy Communion Children

2:30 pmHoly Family Room - explanation of Eucharistic Adoration; then to church for Eucharistic Adoration with Eucharistic Blessing; Q&A and dismissal from HFR after Eucharistic Adoration

Summer Religious Formation - all grade levels

3:30 pmHoly Family Room - explanation of Eucharistic Adoration; then to church for Eucharistic Adoration with Eucharistic Blessing; Q&A and dismissal from HFR after Eucharistic Adoration