Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Mt. 11:28

We appreciate your interest in staying with us at A Quiet Place (AQP), a rest and renewal retreat facility for full time Christian workers. We want to do all we can to make each guest’s stay an enjoyable and relaxing experience. We strongly encourage married couples to come together. Please complete the following Application for Sabbatical, which will provide us pertinent information about you. As part of our reservation process, we also ask applicants to read and sign our Statement of Faith as a means to promote compatibility among all of our guests.

You may mail the application and signed Statement of Faith to PO Box 12, Bryantsville, KY 40410; or FAX to (859) 548-9513; or save this form on your computer, complete the application, type your name(s) on the signature line(s) of the Statement of Faith, and attach the document to an email addressed to . Upon receipt of these forms, we will finalize your reservation and communicate additional information to you about your stay. Please contact us at (859) 548-9513 if you have any questions.

We look forward to serving you at AQP and pray that God prepares your heart and spirit for your time with Him.

Application for Sabbatical

Requested arrival and departure dates: ______(1st choice)

month, days, year

□ 1 guest ______(2nd choice)

□ 2 guests (married couple) month, days, year

Name(s) ______Home phone ______

Title/position ______

Email address ______Other phone ______

Mailing address ______

Street or P.O. Box City State Zip

Name of church/organization ______

Denomination/association ______

Mailing address ______

Emergency contact-name/number ______

Food restrictions ______

(Examples: diabetes, vegetarian, food allergies, or other pertinent dietary information)

A Quiet Place, Inc. is an independent, non-denominational, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation.

Our mission is to serve those in full time Christian ministry by providing a quiet place for spiritual, physical and relational renewal that compels all participants to love God and His people more each day.


Other restrictions ______

(Examples: physical limitations, allergies, health conditions)

Hobbies/interests ______

Please tell us how you plan to use your sabbatical rest and renewal time at A Quiet Place.





Statement of Faith

We believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, infallible in all matters of faith and practice. From the Word, we believe in one God, eternally existent in the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In the beginning, people were created in God's image for the purpose of glorifying, enjoying, serving, and being in a loving relationship with God forever. Through the sin of disobedience, however, men and women have destroyed this relationship with God and are condemned to death and eternal separation from God.

Yet, because of His gracious and merciful love, God the Father sent into the world His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for our sin. With loving obedience, Jesus paid that penalty when his blood was shed on a cross at Calvary. Three days after His death, Jesus physically rose from the dead before ascending into heaven where He sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. All who turn from their sins and choose to follow Christ as their personal Lord and Savior are forgiven their sins and given new and eternal life.

With this choice, believers are blessed with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who works daily to transform our lives into the likeness of our Savior—as we draw closer to both God and one another. Our developing relationship with one another is demonstrated through prayerful intercession and concrete acts of love, encouragement, sacrifice, and support.

The primary purpose of A Quiet Place is to demonstrate this love towards those engaged in full-time ministry.

Note: Smoking, alcohol, hunting, pets, and solicitation are not allowed at AQP. Remember, too, that we are unable to accommodate children. Additionally, AQP is not staffed to provide professional counseling services.


signature (guest)datesignature (guest)date


print nameprint name