Director of Ceremony

Permanent Secretary to the President

Heads of Diplomatic Missions and International organizations Permanent Secretaries here present BOCCIM President Members of the Media Distinguished Delegates, Ladies & Gentlemen

Good morning to you all!

1.We are gathered here to commemorate one of the key events in the calendar of the United Nations; the United Nations Public Service Day. This day, which officially falls on 23rd June of every year, was celebrated for the first time on 23rd June 2003 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

2.As proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, this day intends to:

“Celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlight the contribution of public service in the development process; recognize the work of public servants, and encourage young people to pursue careers in the public sector.”

3.The fundamental importance of this day was also opined by the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon in his 2011 Message when he said:

“On the annual observance of the Public Service Day, we honour those who accept the responsibilities of services to humanity and who contribute to excellence and innovation in public service institutions.”

4.This is the day during which the most innovative initiatives in the public sector around the globe are recognized.

5.I therefore find it fitting to commend the United Nations for this judicious and welcome initiative as it encourages member states to embrace emerging global issues, challenges and trends in public governance; recognizing and acknowledging innovative practices; Public Service Day Exhibitions and Innovation and Awards for Excellence in service delivery.

6.Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentleman, we have to rejoice that Botswana has joined the international community in commemorating this historic day. I am particularly delighted that I am officiating at this auspicious occasion on behalf of the Minister for Presidential Affairs & Public Administration, Hon. Mokgweetsi Eric K. Masisi who is outside the country on official duty.

7.The theme for this year’s Public Service Day titled, “Innovation for Citizen Engagement and Effective Governance: Creating a Better Life for All,” is timely and relevant in view of the multifaceted global challenges afflicting humanity. These challenges include climate change, water scarcity, energy insecurity, food insecurity, financial and economic crisis.

8.As you may be aware, there has been a significant drop in Botswana’s global competitiveness, and this has primarily been attributed to the continued weaknesses of the country’s human resources base and deteriorating macro-economic environment. This therefore calls for us to adopt innovation and effective governance if we are to regain our competitiveness and improve the living standards of Batswana.

9.The importance of innovation in view of heightened competition for resources was underscored by Gary Hamel, when he said:

“We have reached the end of incrementalism. Only those companies that are capable of creating industry revolutions will prosper in the new economy.”

10.This is also buttressed by C. Michael Armstrong, CEO, AT&T when he said:

“In the future there will be two kinds of corporations; those that go global, and those that go bankrupt.”

11.These statements are also true for nation states. I therefore wish to appeal to you all to embrace innovation for it is our gate way to prosperity and sustainable development.

12.The theme also challenges us to put effective systems in place for citizen engagement in responding to our myriad challenges and the need to improve public service delivery.

13.Despite the enormous challenges of service delivery, this gathering gives us an invaluable opportunity to reflect and renew our thinking on leadership, public administration and innovation for the betterment of service delivery to the people we are entrusted to serve.

14.It is indisputable that government’s interventions in terms of both policy and resources would remain an optical illusion unless they are fully executed to address the gigantic challenges faced by our people.

15.It is my ardent hope that this annual event will help to build a common understanding among all actors in formulating policies, practices and strategies that can be adopted to revitalize our public service for better livelihoods for all. Besides, I trust that this occasion will provide a valuable platform for the public servants to share experiences in innovations and new tools for enhancing productivity in the public service.

16.We are well aware that part of the many administrative flaws we see in some parts of the world today, are by and large a result of poor governance and ineffective systems of public administration in both the public and private sectors. Research has also demonstrated that huge international migrations which characterize the world today are a result of poor governance.

17.Similarly, research findings have unearthed that the world’s most pressing problems are partly a result of lack of transformational leadership and innovation in most countries. We therefore need to adopt the whole-of-government approach as well as effective governance if we are to remain competitive and take Botswana to greater heights.

18.The need to embrace transformational leadership in responding to the challenges of today was underscored by Steven Covey when he said:

“Transform people and organizations in the literal sense - to change them in mind and heart; enlarge vision, insight and understanding; clarify purpose; make behavior congruent with beliefs, principles, or values; and bring about changes that are permanent, self-perpetuating and momentum building”.

19.I am positive that as we deliberate on ways to improve performance in the public service now and in future, you will draw lessons from this body of wisdom.

20.Government recognizes the vital role the public service plays in the development of this Republic. You are without any doubt the arsenal through which Botswana can realize its long term objectives of economic prosperity and sustainable development. I therefore wish to appeal to you, to guard against any negative work ethics which could compromise service delivery. What we need at all levels is a public service that facilitates growth in the economy, that is customer focused and timeously delivers on policies and programmes.

21.Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentleman, I wish to conclude my remarks by paying tribute to the Head of the Public Service, his leadership team and all the public servants who continue to offer exceptional service in their respective work places.

22.Let me also congratulate the finalists and recipients of our first ever Public Service Awards. I am confident that these awards will serve to encourage other public officers to focus on improving service delivery in the public service of Botswana.

23.Director of Ceremony, it is now my singular honour and privilege to declare the 2012 Public Service Day and Convention officially opened.

24.I thank you for your attention.
