
Minutesof the Marchmeeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 26thMarch2013at 7.30pm at Skellingthorpe Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln

Present: CllrsJ Bennett (Chair of meeting), Goldson, Richardson, S Bennett, Billinghurst, Chambers, Hall, Walshaw, Barnettand Scott. CountyCouncillorRegShore. NK District Councillor Mrs Flint PCSO Lingard 4members of the public were in attendance.

Clerk Mrs Wilkinson.


The Chairman introduced Parishioner’s Question Time and invited the members of public present to speak on matters of concern. A resident of the Old Wood had recently attended the event that was held by LCC and BT to launch the superfast broadband to be rolled out across the county. A brief report was given on the event by the resident. The Parish Council has had no response to their letter which was sent to Cllr Martin Hill asking for an update on this proposal following the last Parish Council meeting. The Parish Council will continue to pursue improvements to the broadband connection to the village.

Following Parishioner’s Question Time the meeting went into formal session for the March meeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council. ACTIONNOTES

1.Chairman’s remarks

Cllr Bennett welcomed everyone to the Parish Council meeting and thanked them for attending.

2.Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Council resolved to accept the apologies and reasons for absence given by CllrFoster.

3.Parish Council Insignia.

The Parish Council Insignia was inspected.

4.To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.

Council had appointed the Proper Officer Mrs Carolyn Wilkinson to receive and grant written dispensations in

relation to disclosable pecuniary interests. Minute no. 73/12 (3(b) refers.

Cllr Goldsondeclared a non pecuniary interest in agenda item 18 and any matters relating to BT his former

Employer. Also agenda item no. 10b relating to HGV traffic in case there was any reference to one of the HGV

companies in the village involved who are major sponsors of the Party in the Park/Gala weekend.

Cllr Bennett declared a non- pecuniary interest in the payment of accounts (agenda item no. 7(a) as he has a

reimbursement of travelling expenses for training event and agenda item no. 9 and 19(iii) as he assists the group

with Gift Aid.

Cllr Mrs Hall declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7(a) as she has a reimbursement of travelling expenses for

training event and agenda item no. 12 as the candidate for the casual vacancy is a friend.

Cllr Scott declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7(a) as he has a reimbursement of travelling expenses for a

training event he attended.

5.Police Report.

PCSO Lingard gave the police report. There have been 4 recorded crimes over the period since 26th February 2013 including theft from a vehicle, theft of a vehicle and theft from local store. There is one incident of criminal damage to fencing adjacent to a public footpath. Anti-social behaviour is an ongoing problem and is being targeted at the moment with several people having been spoken to. PCSO thanked the clerk for coming into the office especially early this evening to view the CCTV footage of a serious incident that had taken place earlier in the day.

She also thanked the Parish Council for its continuing support and co-operation. PCSO Lingard left at this point.

6.Notes of the last Parish Council meeting held on26th February 2013 to be approved as the minutes of that meeting.

Cllr Goldson moved a motion to adopt the clerk’s notes being a correct record of the meeting held on that date. The motion was seconded by CllrScott and unanimously approved on a show of hands by those members of council present at that meeting. All action notes had been dealt with.

7.Financial matters.

a) Payment of accounts.

Cllr Billinghurst presented the payment of accounts and drew attention to the emergency expenditure to reinstate the streetlight at Woodbank that he had authorised as the Streetlight Specialist. Other emergency expenditures included

emergency repairs to the leaking Pavilion showers. It was noted that the project for binding the Parish Council minutes prior to their deposit in County Archives had been completed and payment was listed on the schedule of accounts.

There had been an additional insurance premium to cover the increase value of play equipment following the installation of new swings and the Spring Pig.




Information CommissionerData Protection Act 1998 renewal £35.00

(d/d 12/03/13)

AWACemetery £9.06

(d/d 08/03/13)

AWAPlaying field £44.35

(d/d 08/03/13)

AWAVillage Office £61.30

(d/d 08/03/13)

3J’s Property MaintenanceMonson Pavilion £130.27

(cheque no. 200226 01/03/13)

PHS GroupSanitary waste disposal –Pavilion£781.14 £946.01

Sanitary waste disposal – Village Office £164.87

(cheque no. 200227 04/03/13)

EonStreetlighting maintenance £201.10

(cheque no. 200228 11/03/13)

Reprotec Connect For LtdPhotocopier maintenance £18.08

(cheque no. 200229 11/03/13)

Riley Dunn & WilsonMinutes binding £269.25

(cheque no. 200230 12/03/13)

Came and CompanyInsurance cover for new swings & spring pig £25.00

(cheque no. 200231 14/03/13)

ESPO Office supplies £89.62

(cheque no. 200232 14/03/13 )

Annual donations to village organizations

St Lawrence’s PCCDonation towards cost of maintenance

of war memorial grounds £250.00

(cheque no. 200233 14/03/13)

HoltPrimary SchoolAnnual prizegiving grant£60.00

(cheque no. 200234 14/03/13)

St LawrenceSchoolAnnual prizegiving grant£60.00

(cheque no. 200235 14/03/13)

Lincs Playing Field AssnDonation towards advice & assistance given re: playing £20.00

field matters

(cheque no. 200236 14/03/13)

Skellingthorpe ChoirDonation towards music and appearance

at 50/61 Squadron service£60.00

(cheque no. 200237 14/03/13)

Lindum Fire ServicesExtinguisher maintenance£57.60

(cheque no. 200238 14/03/13)

NHTCDog warden £298.53 (cheque no. 200239 18/03/13)

J BennettTravelling expenses – planning training£31.95

(cheque no. 200240 18/03/13)

T D ScottTravelling expenses – play area training£19.80

(cheque no. 200241 18/03/13)

EonWoodbank Streetlight emergency repair £144.00

(cheque no. 200242 20/03/13)

VeoliaPitch vertidraining £415.20

(cheque no. 200243 20/03/13)

J HallWelbourn funding fair£14.40

(cheque no. 200244 20/03/13)

C. WilkinsonSalary £1,369.44 £1,416.84

Travelling expenses £47.40

(cheque no. 200245 25/03/13)



Post Office Ltd(Inland Revenue)

Wilkinson Deducted Tax and N.I £361.89 £480.43


Deducted Tax and N.I. £0

Employers NI £118.54

(cheque no. 200246 25/03/13)

M GumsleySalary £509.16 £529.09


(cheque no. 200247 25/03/13)

J BramhallSalary £260.82

(cheque no. 200248 25/03/13)

LincsCounty Council Superannuation £695.26

Pension Fund AccountClerk’s contribution £120.36

Asst Clerk’s contribution £31.92

Employer’s contribution £530.78 Caretaker/cleaner £12.20

(cheque no. 200249 25/03/13)

G MossLitterpickingMarch 2013 £262.41 £699.74

Handyman £402.34

BMX track £34.99

(cheque no. 200250 25/03/13)

Petty cashMarch 2013 £98.28

(cheque no. 200251 25/03/13)

Chatterbox magazineAnnual report 2013/14 £124.00

(cheque no. 200252 25/03/13)

Total expenditure £7,564.98


NKDC Agency fees£750.00

Lincolnshire Co-op FuneralBurial fees£345.00

Harpins Funeral Services LtdBurial fees£690.00

Total income £1,785.00

CllrBillinghurst proposed that the payment of accounts should be approved, Cllr Richardson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. There were 3 abstensions from the vote from members who had declared an interest in the payment of accounts.

b) Renewal of subscription to LALC

Proposed by Cllr Scott, seconded by Cllr Mrs Hall and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the

Annual subscription should be renewed for 2013. Clerk to action

8. Parish Council Committee reports. (information purposes only)

No reports.

9.Request from group Scout Leader to carry out work to Village Hall Scout Hut and for the extension of the lease on the property.

Cllr Bennett having declared an interest in this item left the room whilst the discussion took place. In the absence of the Chairman Cllr Goldson the Vice Chairman chaired this item. The Council agreed to come out of formal session in order to allow the Scout Master to speak in support of his letter regarding the proposed improvements to the building. Letter in front of members detailing the proposed improvements.

Initial planning application enquiry is being made by Scout Master on behalf of Scouting Association.

Council returned to formal session to discuss this matter.

The Clerk had contacted the solicitor for advice and had been advised that the estimated cost for dealing with an extension of the lease on behalf of the Parish Council would be somewhere in the region of £750 which would normally be paid by the lessee on behalf of the lessor. As there is over 50years to run on the lease it was agreed that it was not necessary to extend it at this time and could be cost preventative to the Scouting Association.

Council agreed that the improvement work would be of advantage to the continuing success of the Scouting Association in the village and the Scout Master was wished well in his endeavours to secure grant funding to en able the various improvements to be carried out.

Cllr Bennett returned to the meeting after the discussion had taken place and resumed as Chairman of the meeting. The Scout Master left the meeting at this point.



10.Highways matters

a) Report from meeting with LCC Footpath’s Officer regarding chicanes on public footpaths.

A brief report of this meeting was given by members of council who had attended. Council agreed unanimously that it was not happy with the outcome of the meeting and perceived inconsistency in dealing with access at the chicanes for mobility scooter users. Letter to LCC/copy to MP

b) HGV traffic report and advice on weight restrictions from LCC Highways.

There has been no further update from LCC Highways at this point. Investigations by LCC are ongoing at the village green seeking effective ways to reinstate the area and to prevent similar problems occurring. Civil Parking Enforcement has been requested at this location.

c) Letter from LCC regarding the maintenance work on A57 BishopsBridge.

Copyrighted Map passed around members indicating the location where the work is being carried out.Noted

11.Report on Neighbourhood Planning Training attended by members of council.

Cllrs Bennett and Scott attended LALC training session on Neighbourhood Planning at Partney 6th March 2013.

(Appendix 1- report from Cllr Bennett who attended the meeting with Cllr Scott)

Core Strategy Document response re-submitted by deadline of 12th March 2013.

After much discussion it was agreed that it was important that the council should consider the matter of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan but needs to be mindful of the huge amount of work and expense that is involved and should not be undertaken lightly. A reminder was given that it is intended to be a neighbourhood plan not a Parish Council plan. Electronic form of presentation to be circulated to members of council.

12. To consider expressions of interest for Parish Council vacancies

Cllr Mrs Hall having declared an interest in this matter left the room whilst the discussion and vote took place.

There was one nomination for the vacancy on the Parish Council. Mr Jackman addressed the council in support of his application. A vote was taken with 8 votes in favour one against. After the vote had been taken, the Chair declared Mr Jackman duly elected as a co-opted member of the Parish Council. One vacancy remains which will be readvertised.

Clerkto arrange for completion of Electoral services paperwork /readvertise remaining vacancy

13.To consider arrangements for distribution of Parish Council newsletter.

Newsletters to be distributed by members of council. Members to collect at end of meeting

14.To confirm the arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on 17th April 2013.

Cllr Goldson reminded members that it was necessary to reaffirm that the Parish Council doesn’t want the Annual Parish meeting used as a political platform for forthcoming County Council elections or for the future District Council elections. Noted

All arrangements are in hand.

15.To consider the arrangements for Annual 50/61Squadron Memorial Service.

It was agreed that the Rector of St Lawrence’s Church and the Methodist Minister should be asked jointly to officiate at the service on 9th June 2013. Clerk to arrange

Council came out of formal session to allow Mrs Connock to advise of the Association’s arrangements for this year which have changed slightly. Noted that Jimmy Flint will be celebrating his 100th birthday on that weekend and there will be a cake for made for him. Council moved back into formal session.

16.To consider the valid nominations for Community Award 2013.

There had been 5 valid nominations. Following voting by elimination process Dave Butler was announced as the successful recipient of the Community Award 2013. Clerk to write

17.To consider the valid nominations for the Pauline Harley Memorial Achievement Award 2013.

Sophie Hallworth was voted as the successful recipient of the Pauline Harley Memorial Achievement Award 2013.

18.Onlincolnshire superfast broadband plan.

Outcome of the bid is awaited and its impact upon the Broadband provision in Skellingthorpe. No response yet from Cllr Martin Hill to letter sent from Parish Council.


i) Email from local business regarding parking issues relating to delivery vehicles.Noted.

Matters of ongoing parking problems at this locaion to be addressed to Lincolnshire CC at Annual Parish meeting on 17th April 2013.

ii) Letter from NHS Lincolnshire regarding new arrangements for health service.Noted.

iii) Request from local scout group for use of car park for fund raising car wash.

Unanimously approved. Clerk to write iv) Letter from resident regarding Parish Council tree adjacent to their property.

Work is already on order but awaiting the better weather. Resident has already been advised of arboriculturalist’s recommended work to be undertaken, endorsed by NKDC Tree Officer. Clerk to write



20.District and CountyCouncillors’ reports –for information only.

(Any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for next meeting)

Cllr Mrs Flint reported that there had been a good take up on the garden waste collection run by NKDC and it is a

viable proposition.

New housing arrangements took place from Monday which involves bidding for available vacant properties.

Council tax is being put up this year with a special concession for NKDC to go above the 1.99% because it is such a

rural area. This increase ensures the continuation of services.

Cllrs allowances are going up for first time in 4 years but the travelling allowances are being massively reduced.

CllrShore reported that there are percentages of benefits being stopped particularly for the most disadvantaged.

CllrShore has asked the Co-op to install an ATM in Skellingthorpe. The Parish Council has previously asked for

this but to no avail but CllrShore has had a positive response from them.

Cllr Shore showed the LCC Onlincolnshire booklet that he has acquired which seems to indicate that there will be a

continuing problem with inadequate broadband provision in this area.

Cllr Goldson reported that Party on the Park is going well and it is hoped it will run from midday to 9pm at night.

A local HGV contractor has contacted a firm that has given 100 t-shirts which will be sold as fund-raisers for Party

in the Park. Still seeking additional sponsorship for the event. Agreed that ‘supported by Skellingthorpe

Parish Council’ should be on the posters that are being produced for the event and sale of t-shirts.

There have been some complaints regarding the quality of the stalls that are fundraising at the Gala for their

organisations but it was agreed that the Council can’t dictate to the stall holders who are fundraising.

Spitfire and Hurricane are doing flypast. All volunteers are welcome to assist over the weekend.

21.To receive reports for information only from:

a) Clerk

Letters of thanks received from Holt Primary School, Youth Centre Management Committee, 23rd Lincoln Scout Group for donations made by Parish Council. Noted

EFW Community Liaison Group met last evening and Cllr Richardson attended on behalf of Parish Council and will report back to the next meeting of council. (Agenda item for April) Minutes of last meeting were circulated.


Clerk has been asked to sign a witness statement for NKDC confirming that the council has not received any complaints during her period of employment about the condition of boarded up property in the village although the office has been asked on a two occasions who the property belonged to as developers thought it was unoccupied.

Members agreed that there had been no complaints brought to the attention of the Parish Council about this property.


LCC Good Citizens Awards – nominations can be made online or by post to LCC – contact details available from clerk. Noted

Confirmation from Western Power that the new substation that is to be installed in connection with the underground cabling at Lower Church Road area will be situated on High Street on land adjacent to the Scout Hut and will be housed in GRP high density plastic housing and that a 5 foot wooden fence will be put around the unit to keep it secure. Noted

Copy of letter on the table (for information purposes) sent by NKDC to the owner of Stone Arms advising them of the approval of request from Parish Council to add the Stone Arms to its list of Assets of Community Value.


LALC AGM and Conference on Tuesday 15th October 6pm – 9.30pm at Coningsby Community Hall. Guest speaker Alan Hardwick – cost per delegate £5 Nominations to the clerk.

LCC news release new Era for Health Services in Lincs - from 1st April the local Primary Care Trust will be abolished and public health functions will pass to LCC. Noted

b) Chairman

With the police incident of this evening there may be some disruption to this office that has occurred as a result of the incident and the demands being made on the clerk to co-operate with CID in investigating the CCTV footage. Some work may have to be put on the back burner whilst this matter takes priority owing to the serious nature of the offence. Cllr Bennett asked that members show understanding whilst this matter is being investigated.



22. To approve submission to Chatterbox.

  • Council had already made a decision in December 2011 that there would no longer be a planning report to full council meetings or to Chatterbox as it is out of date by the time it is publishedin the magazine and in any case the Parish Council is not the planning authority NKDC is. Proposed Cllr Scott, seconded by Cllr Billinghurst and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the Council would not reinstate a monthly planning report to Chatterbox. Clerk to send NKDC planning website link to Chatterbox for publishing in the magazine

Cllr Shore left the meeting at this point.