Name of the company[1]:

Employment in the Wind and Marine Renewable Energy Sector

Survey, July 2017

This survey is designed by Renewable UK to collect information from businesses working within the wind and marine renewable energy sector in the UK. The data will only be used to assess the current levels of employment and productivity in the sector which RUK will be publishing later this year.

For the purpose of this questionnaire the marine renewable energy sector refers to the energy sector carried by wave and tidal technologies.

When we refer to “this company” we mean the actual company you work for, not any parent companies or subsidiaries.

Throughout, unless otherwise specified, figures cover the last full financial year – this may be the calendar year (e.g. 2016), or the tax year (April 2016 to March 2017) depending on the period by which your company reports its accounts.

If you do not know or are not able to determine the exact figure for any of the answers, your best estimate will be sufficient.Please answer as many questions as possible to help increase the quality of our statistics. You may need to speak to colleagues to get some of the information as it covers a number of areas of the business. We can facilitate this coordination and support multiple phone calls to the different departments concerned if required.

This document is 8 pages long and contains 3 sections and 22 questions:

  • Section A: Company Classification
  • Section B: Employment and Productivity
  • Section C: Skills

Please send the completed survey to before Friday 15th September

Forfurther questions about this survey and the data collected please contact:

Marina Valls, Economist, 020 7901 3017

Thank you for help!

  1. What is this company’s main activity?
  1. Approximately, what was the value of sales for this company over the last full financial year?

  1. Approximately, what was the value of sales in wind and marine renewable energy activities for this company in the last full financial year?

  1. How many full-time equivalent employees were employed by the company in the UK at the end of the last full financial year?
  1. Approximately, how many full-time equivalent employees at the end of the last financial year were accounted for by the wind and marine renewable energy activities of this company?
  1. At the end of the last financial year, approximately how many full-time equivalent employees in wind and marine renewable energy activities were engaged in activities relating to the following:

  1. Onshore wind energy
/ %
  1. Offshore wind energy
/ %
  1. Wave energy
/ %
  1. Tidal energy
/ %
  1. Approximately, what percentage of your overall sales turnover was accounted for by the following:

  1. Onshore wind energy
/ %
  1. Offshore wind energy
/ %
  1. Wave energy
/ %
  1. Tidal energy
/ %
  1. What percentage of your overall sales turnover in each of the following areas, if any, is exported?

  1. Onshore wind energy
/ %
  1. Offshore wind energy
/ %
  1. Wave energy
/ %
  1. Tidal energy
/ %
  1. Overall, what percentage of your UK employees engaged in your wind and marine renewable energy activities is located in each of the following parts of the UK:

  1. North West England
/ %
  1. North East England
/ %
  1. The Midlands
/ %
  1. Yorkshire
/ %
  1. East of England
/ %
  1. London and the South East
/ %
  1. South Central and South West England
/ %
  1. Wales
/ %
  1. Scotland
/ %
  1. Northern Ireland
/ %
  1. Overall, what percentage of your UK sales turnover is generated in each of the following parts of the UK:

  1. North West England
/ %
  1. North East England
/ %
  1. The Midlands
/ %
  1. Yorkshire
/ %
  1. East of England
/ %
  1. London and the South East
/ %
  1. South Central and South West England
/ %
  1. Wales
/ %
  1. Scotland
/ %
  1. Northern Ireland
/ %
  1. In relation to this company's wind and marine renewable energy activities, what was the total value of your total purchases (Opex and Capex) in the last full financial year?

  1. What percentage of these wind and marine energy related purchases was sourced in the UK?

  1. Thinking about your UK wind and marine energy related purchases, approximately how did this split between purchases of the following SIC industries:

  1. A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
/ %
  1. B Mining and quarrying
/ %
  1. C Manufacturing
/ %
  1. D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
/ %
  1. E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
/ %
  1. F Construction
/ %
  1. G Wholesale and retail trade
/ %
  1. H Transportation and storage
/ %
  1. I Accommodation and food service activities
/ %
  1. J Information and communication
/ %
  1. K Financial and Insurance activities
/ %
  1. L Real estate activities
/ %
  1. M Professional, scientific and technical activities
/ %
  1. N Administrative and support service activities
/ %
  1. P Education
/ %
  1. Q Human health and social work activities
/ %
  1. S Other activities
/ %
  1. Thinking about the types of activity your company engages in with respect to wind and marine energy generation in the UK, approximately what percentage of your overall sales is accounted for by each of the following:

  1. Site planning or development
/ %
  1. Manufacture or manufacturing design
/ %
  1. Construction
/ %
  1. Installation
/ %
  1. Maintenance
/ %
  1. Site operation
/ %
  1. Specialised Transport
/ %
  1. Support Services
/ %
  1. Decommissioning/Recommissioning
/ %
  1. Other (Specify)
/ %
  1. Approximately what percentage of your wind and marine energy workforce in the UK is engaged in each of the following:

  1. Site planning or development
/ %
  1. Manufacture or manufacturing design
/ %
  1. Construction
/ %
  1. Installation
/ %
  1. Maintenance
/ %
  1. Site operation
/ %
  1. Specialised Transport
/ %
  1. Support Services
/ %
  1. Decommissioning/Recommissioning
/ %
  1. Other (Specify)
/ %
  1. What percentage of your employees working on UK-based wind and marine renewable activities in the last 12 months were citizens of the UK?

  1. Approximately what percentage of your workforce is comprised of women?

  1. Thinking about the jobs people are doing in this company in the UK in the wind and marine renewable sector, approximately, how many people are employed in each of the following:

  1. Management jobs
(which would typically require some qualified to degree level or equivalent)
  1. Technical professional jobs, such as professional engineers,
(which would typically require someone qualified to degree level or equivalent)
  1. Skilled manual or technical jobs
(where you would expect someone to be qualified through an advanced Apprenticeship or equivalent)
  1. Semi-skilled or operative jobs
(where someone would have a lower level of qualification than those just discussed)
  1. Other employees including administrative support staff

  1. Have you created or supported any apprenticeships since January 2016?

  1. YES, how many?

  1. NO

  1. Thinking about the apprentices you employ, what is the proportion of

  1. Women
/ %
  1. Under 30
/ %
  1. Apprentices securing a job with your company at the end of their apprenticeship
/ %
  1. Did any of the apprentices you employed secure work with another company at the end of their apprenticeship, to the best of your knowledge?

  1. YES

  1. NO

  1. Finally, does your company employ people who used to work for the Oil & Gas sector?

  1. YES

  1. NO

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in this datasheet – please return it via email before Friday 15th of September - alternatively a Renewable UK interviewer will be in touch soon to collect this information.

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[1] All data submitted will be anonymised and treated as confidential