Course Syllabus: Chinese II

Ms. Yang Rm. M318

Phone: 951-677-0568, ext. 6318


Course Description:

Chinese II will continue developing the students’ communicative and literacy skills. Instruction will consist of learning compound grammatical structures, reading short stories, writing compositions with simple sentences, and doing oral presentations. Chinese culture and traditions will also be introduced.

Required and supplemental texts:


Integrated Chinese Level 1 part 1 by Yyehua Liu & Tao-Chung Yao; Cheng & Tsui Company

Supplementary Materials:

1. Far East Chinese for Youth Level 1 by Wei-ling Wu & Hai-Lan Tsai; The Far East Book Co., Ltd.

2. Maps, posters, and audio-video tapes.


A binder with 5 dividers.

You need to use the binder to keep all Chinese class related materials for both semesters.

*Your binder should have the following sections:

1. Notes 2. Warm- ups 3. Study Guide 4. Classwork & homework

5. quizzes& test

- Binders will be checked once every 6-week grading period.

- Binders must be well organized and complete to receive full credit.


Test/ projects 35%

Quizzes 20%

Classwork/Homework 20%

Class participation 10%

Final Exam 15%

Grading Scale:

90% – 100% = A, 80% – 89% = B, 70% – 79% = C, 60% – 69% = D, 59% - Below = F


Students will participate in a daily Warm-Up activity that will consist of work with grammar, reading comprehension and analysis, or vocabulary.

Late/Make up work/tests:

Students are responsible for requesting assignments and tests missed due to legal absences. Late work will only be accepted in two weeks after the due date, but will be marked down 10%.

Hall Passes:

- You will receive 3 hall passes each semester, so use them wisely!

- You must present a pass in order to go to the bathroom.

-You may save the passes for credits by end of each semester.

Class Rules:

*All school rules stated in the Student Handbook apply along with the following rules:

  1. Be polite (respect the teacher, class materials, fellow classmates, and yourself!)
  2. Be prepared (come to class with all necessary materials!)
  3. Be seated immediately when the bell rings
  4. Do not leave your seat without permission
  5. Raise your hand for any question and wait to be called
  6. No gum, no food or drinks (except water)
  7. Do not take any teacher’s book out of classroom without permission
  8. Any kind of cheating is prohibited


1st offense = verbal warning

2nd offense = conference with student

3rd offense = parent notification

4th offense = referral to learning director

Other behavioral management practices may be employed as needed at the teacher’s discretion.

Please sign and return this page ASAP

Put an X in front of your response:

We have read and acknowledged the requirements for the Chinese Class. _____yes_____no

We give permission to take pictures or videotapes of the student. _____yes_____no

We give our child permission to watch G, PG, or PG13 videos in

classes to enhance Chinese acquisition. _____yes_____no

______Email: ______

Student name Student signature

Period ______

______Email: ______

Parent name Parent signature

Cell Phone Number: ______

Best time to reach you: ______

Hope to meet you during Back to School Night!

Comments: ______