Sleaford Tennis Club Annual Report 2010
The committee has met almost every month during the year, and inevitably business has revolved around the building of our new courts. The project team headed by Julie Leighton has worked tirelessly, and overcame numerous setbacks, the major one being the length of lease on the Recreation Ground, which went, at a cost, to Public Consultation. This was resolved, but unfortunately the delay cost us £5000 Grass Roots money. This funding had been won by Linda Walmsley, who spent a tough year, researching every available source, for the project. Thanks to her, and all members who attended the Consultation. Some difficult questions were fielded.
At present the future looks good. The 19 conditions on which planning consent depended, are slowly being resolved, and we should just save the very generous LTA grant by starting the building by March. Thanks go to Andrew Fotheringham for his time and legal expertise.
The Club has remained remarkably buoyant. There has been no very great loss in membership. 2011 will be the fourth year when our teams have had to play all matches “away”. Yet the Club entered competitions in 4 leagues in 2010, acquitting themselves well. In retrospect two mixed leagues was a bit ambitious, and we shall just enter the Lincoln Mixed League this year. Our thanks go to all the Captains. Congratulations to those who helped an undefeated team gain promotion to Division 1 in the Lincoln Mixed League, and the Ladies who only lost one match.
On the coaching front, which has all been undertaken on the Carre’s site, our coach Kevin continues to inspire the youngsters, with up to 60 playing on a Saturday, and 20 or more on Sunday mornings. Several of these juniors are taking part, and successfully, in tournaments round the county. Kevin, who is now a qualified Senior Coach, has been ably assisted by Sue Turner. She achieved Level 2, as a Coaching Assistant in 2010. Both Kevin and Sue coach in a number of primary schools in Sleaford and Ruskington. Kevin ended the year organising a Christmas party at Northgate Hall attended by 35 of his juniors. Thanks go to him and to the Hawkesworth family for all their support. He hopes to restart “Rusty Racquets” with better weather. He will restring your racquet too if you ask him!
We remain indebted to Carre’s for the free use of their courts over three years.
The four junior members of the committee, all went off to university in September. Their contribution to the Club has been exceptional, captaining and playing in teams, obtaining their Coaching Assistant qualifications, assisting with coaching, organising Junior events during the holidays, setting up the clothing company, and generally being good Club ambassadors. We hope they will play in the teams this summer.
Thanks go to the five organisers of the Club Championship events, which were all completed by Presentation Night. This, as in the last four years, has been staged at Leasingham Village Hall. This has probably run its course, and needs a different format. Nevertheless, it went well, the meal was good, and thank you to those who supported and cooked.
The Barbara Beard Tournament played on both sites in September, was a very successful afternoon organised by Jeanette Turland and Chris Loakes. As well as the tennis, with a good entry, it was a happy social occasion. As is the tradition of the trophy, partners are drawn at random, but Kevin always succeeds in drawing a very good lady player! This year he won it with Rebecca Stone.
Fund raising has been an important part in the Club year. Once again Jem Green organised the Pre Wimbledon Summer Ball, at Woodland Waters. As might be expected, with the economic situation, numbers were a bit down on the previous two.
Only six couples from the Club attended, which does mean that the substantial profit was made from outside the Club. We are very grateful to those who supported it, and gave such generous Draw prizes. Unexpectedly, on the night, a round of golf for four at the Belfry was donated. The Chairman’s brother-in-law won it, and seemed really quite pleased! We were also able to give a donation for Prostate Cancer.
The 2011 Summer Ball will be on 17th June. All enquiries to Jem please
Quizzes were run in March and November again this year, thanks to Eric Epton. They are not enormously well supported, but with Mark, and a book of raffle tickets in hand, sold in all corners of the Solo Club, they inevitably do well! Profit on quizzes various, this year has made nearly £400.The next Quiz Night is on 11th March, though we may have to separate the Dunham family. They have won too many bottles!
Sue and Andrew Fotheringham, the Car Boot experts, have made the great contribution of £260, thanks to donations of goods from members. Sue is now collecting “good quality” items for 2011.Many thanks to them both.
With smaller profits from social events, such as the Presentation Night and post Barbara Beard BBQ, and donations, the effort for 2010 has been very satisfactory.
Our Wimbledon ticket allocation was 9 pairs this year. Fine weather meant everyone had good days. Allocation depends on the number of British Tennis members within the Club (i e you must belong to both before entering the Club Draw) BT membership costs nothing, and is easily joined on line. It helps the Club profile, and with CASC registration. Please join if you are not already members. It is important for the Club.
The ladies have had a good year, quite apart from matches. There are not many mornings during the week without a four and sometimes eight on the Boston Road courts. The retired and semi retired, joined by those still working, at weekends and holidays are keeping the flag flying. Snow in December put a damper on it, but Northgate Hall was useful on occasions. Thanks to Jo Johnson for doing the rota.
Several ladies attended the Vets Team trials at Boston Tennis Club this January.
This has probably not helped Club Nights, which were poorly attended on Mondays and Wednesdays during the season. Fridays were well supported. Having so many matches, team practices, and the ladies’ mornings, some members who rely on club nights for their regular tennis have been disappointed. It is a matter that will be addressed by the committee.
To return to the new courts, the Club Constitution has to be amended and ratified at the AGM. Unfortunately due to the changed status of the LTA itself, there will have to be a further amendment during the year. The LTA will give us a template later on. Hopefully an EGM can be avoided, but it may not be possible.
We would like to thank Simon Moss for auditing our accounts last year, while Hugh was in and out of hospital Fortunately he is now back, fit, and playing tennis, and has kindly resumed the auditor’s hat. He represented STC at the LLTA AGM. One small blessing is that the new method of assessing affiliation fees will cost us less in future.
To sum up, the Club is a great deal more up beat than it was this time last year. The courts are in sight. With escalating costs, we shall unfortunately have to go to Planning for a temporary pavilion, but the base and services will already be in situ. The committee are determined, with your help, to see the job through, and to get your hard working chairman wielding a racquet again!
Good tennis in 2011.