Autumn Term
Student Voice Meeting
Item and outcome / Presenter / Times0.00 / Introductions round group
-Working together
-Importance of Student Voice / Chair / 5 mins
0.05 / Discussion items / 40 mins
1 / Organisation of Learning
How well does the course timetable support your learning experience? (e.g. time of lessons, breaks in course of the day)
How effectively are you informed about:
- Changes to your scheduled lessons
- Assignment deadlines
- Cross college events
Reps / 8 mins
2 / Quality of the Learning Experience
What are your views about the types of teaching and learning activities used in your programme/lessons?
What types of technology do your teachers commonly use in your taught sessions?
Are you directed to complete IT tasks outside of lessons?
How useful is Moodle/VLE for supporting your learning?
How do teachers try to motivate and stretch you to extend your learning?
Are you given homework on a regular basis? / Chair
Reps / 8 mins
3 / Assessment for Learning
How do your tutors commonly assess what you have learned in sessions?
Do you know the deadline dates for all of your assignments and/or dates for your exams?
Do you receive regular feedback from your teachers to help you improve? (please explain)
Do you know what your targets are? / Chair
Reps / 8 mins
4 / Tutorial Support
Have you had a 1-2-1 meeting with your tutor?
What are you asked to do to prepare for your one to one meetings?
How useful is your ILP for supporting your learning approaches?
Have you started your Career Plans and Strengths & Weaknesses on Pro Portal?
If accessed how helpful are learning support tutors for guiding learning approaches?
Does you tutor set and review targets with you? / Chair
Reps / 9 mins
5 / Safeguarding and Prevent
Do you know what Safeguarding is and how you would raise any concerns?
Have you been made aware of ‘Prevent’ (the risk of radicalisation)? / Chair
Reps / 6 mins
6 / Other
Any other discussions or issues to be raised that are not covered by the agenda / Chair
Reps / 6mins
0.50 / Information Items
7 /
- Update from your Students’ Union President (hand-out)
- SU Events & Activities (hand-out)
- Curriculum Area Information
Any other business / Chair / 5 mins
1.00 / Close