Association of Fundraising Professionals

Greater Houston Chapter

Board Meeting Minutes

December 6, 2007

Board Members Present:

Michelle Buchanan, CFRE, President Sean Carter, CFRE

Iska G. Wire, President Elect/VP Governance Nancy J. Davis, CFRE

Barbara L. Walker, CFRE, Immediate Past President Dawsey Dorr

Mike Delzotti, Treasurer Emelda Douglas

Bill F. Jones, Assistant Treasurer Cissy L. Garcia

Richard Gruen, Secretary Chris Kasavich

Marie L. McCormick, M.A.S.C., Assistant Secretary Cooky M. Mays, CFRE

R. Nicholas Espinosa, VP External Relations Gregory S. Robertson

Ronnie Hagerty, CFRE, VP Professional Advancement Paul Sutera

Amelia Ribnick Kleiman, VP Government Relations Holly K. Williams

Dawn E. Koenning, VP Membership Johanna T. Wolfe, CFRE

Amy Yeats, CFRE

Board Members Absent:

Linda Toyota, VP Community Outreach/Diversity

Others Present:

Lori Wilkins, Association Management Contractors

Kathleen Yarborough

Michelle Buchanan, CFRE, provided the following goals for her year as Chapter president: increase our volunteer pool, ensure that our programming mirrors the needs of the members, become more engaged with the international association, and most of all – have fun and get to know one another.

Michelle introduced Lori Wilkins who gave an overview of the history and scope of services that Association Management Contractors (AMC) provides for their clients. Lori introduced Kathleen Yarborough who will be the primary contact at AMC for the AFP-GHC account.

Governance: Iska Wire, VP Governance, discussed the monthly luncheons noting that they are the primary fact-to-face contact with our members. She spoke about having quality speakers with topics that will stimulate additional attendance at the monthly programs. She also mentioned the possibility of an AFP student chapter through the University of Houston’s American Humanics program.

Community Outreach & Diversity: Cissy Garcia, chairperson for Diversity Relations, reported that Outreach and Diversity will host two events this year. Sean Carter has agreed to serve as chairperson for a new Career Fair that the Chapter will host.

Government Relations: Amelia Kleiman reviewed the areas of responsibility under Government Relations. She discussed creating a community impact video to show the face of philanthropy, including who we are and what we do as an association of fundraising professionals. Greg Robertson is chairing the Strategic Planning committee. The committee will be conducting a number of different focus groups as part of the process.

Membership: Dawn Koenning reported that the goal for this year is 600 members. She discussed recruitment and retention ideas, membership mixers, and orientation breakfasts for members. A volunteer coordinator will be appointed to follow-up with members who express an interest in becoming more involved with the Association.

Professional Advancement: Ronnie Hagerty, CFRE, stated that Mari Bosker will be the CFRE/ACFRE liaison study group leader. Chris Kasavich will chair Ask the Experts. Anne Murphy will be responsible for the Rice fundraising courses. Susan Bischoff and Paul Sutera will handle Best Boards.

External Relations: Nick Espinosa talked about plans to change the electronic version of the newsletter from a PDF format to an HTML format that will allow for additional features.

Secretary: Richard Gruen provided a summary of the new standardized bylaws that International is requiring each chapter to adopt by June 30, 2008. He will also be chairing a special policies and procedures committee in conjunction with the new bylaws.

Parliamentarian: Marie McCormick will serve as parliamentarian for 2008.

Budget: Emelda Douglas and Mike Delzotti presented budget information for 2007 and 2008. Mike Delzotti moved and Amelia Kleiman seconded a motion to approve the 2008 budget as presented. The motion passed.

Submitted by:


Richard L. Gruen


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