House and Rubbish Clearance

The people listed below will remove and dispose of individual items of furniture as well as carrying out full house clearance. They will usually come and give an estimate of the cost free of charge.

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council (01372 732000) will remove up to 3 items per year free of charge for people who are on means-tested benefits. For people not on such benefits, the Council will make a charge of £19.50 per item. It will not take pianos, or any items containing glass or asbestos. In all cases, items must be left at the front of the property, and will be collected within 3 working days.

Name / Telephone Number
Cheam Removals
(Gary) / Mostly whole house clearance and removals, but will take a few items. House/garden/shed clearance. / Mob: 07985 280872

Shop: Jo’s House Clearance
7 Stoneleigh Park Road
Stoneleigh, KT19 OQR / Whole house clearance, individual items, sheds and garages. Will buy any goods she can sell in her shop. / 020 8393 2284
Jolly’s of Cheam
17 Bridgefield Road
Cheam SM1 2DG / Part or whole house clearance. Removals. Free estimates. / 020 8661 1655
Mob: 07860 235721
No e-mail address
Movers Removals / Mainly removals but do some house clearance. / 020 8394 0770
Mob: 07770 996936

Waste Away
John Rangolam
456A Ewell Rd, Tolworth
KT6 7EL / Any clearances, house and garden waste, including mattresses and wardrobes / Mob: 07866 925846

This information is provided by Age Concern Epsom and Ewell without accepting liability for the quality of the services provided. We would recommend that you obtain estimates prior to agreeing to any work being carried out.

It is the client’s responsibility to check whether the tradesperson has appropriate insurance and/or has a Criminal Record Bureau check.

Last updated: February 2014

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