ICT Strategy 2011 – 2014

Joint ICT Strategy
2011 – 2014

Final v3 30th August 2011.


1.  Business needs and drivers for change

1.1 Current business environment P4

1.1.1 National public sector ICT strategy for Wales P4

1.1.2 Powys County Council strategic change model P7

1.1.3 Powys Local Teaching Health Board corporate plan P8

1.1.4 National Health Service Wales Informatics Service P10

1.1.5 Opportunities to share ICT across Health and the Council P11

1.2 Service requirements P11

1.2.1 Health and social care P11

Health, Care and Wellbeing

-  Children Services P12

-  CYPP P13

-  Adult services P13

Housing and Public protection P14

1.2.2 Council services P14

Local environment services

- Local Environment P14

- Transport P15

Communities, Skills and Learning P15

-  Education P15

-  Leisure and Recreation P16

-  Libraries P17

Regeneration and Development P17

1.2.3 Support services P17

Customer Services P17

Web and channel Shift P18

Human resources P18

Finance and Infrastructure P19

Finance and HR (PtHB) P20

Business performance unit P20

§  Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) and

§  Graphical Information Systems (GIS) P21

Performance Management P21

Communications P22

Procurement P22

1.3 Current Performance issues P22

1.4 Regulatory pressures P23

Wales Audit Office reports P23

Government and NHS codes of connection P25

1.5 ICT Governance P26

1.6 Information Governance, Security, Standards, Business continuity and supplier management P26

1.7 Summary P29

2.  ICT to support business needs (Change Programmes and Operational support) P31

2.1 2009 ICT strategy review P31

2.2 ICT strategy 2011 – to support: P32

Strong and robust Infrastructure P32

Sharing P32

Partnership working P33

Powys Change Plan and service strategies P33

NWIS programme P35

2.3 ICT Project list Appendix C

3.  ICT Support for business as usual (Operational support) P35

3.1 Service management P35

3.2 Service Management Vision for Powys LCC and LHB P35

3.3 Service Management Processes P36

3.3.1 Service desk function and incident management P36

3.3.2 Problem Management P37

3.3.3 Change Management P37 3.3.4 Service Level Management P38 3.3.5 Configuration Management P39 3.3.6 Release Management P39 3.3.7 Service Continuity Management P40 3.3.8 Availability Management P40 3.3.9 Capacity Management P41 3.3.10 Financial Management P41

4.  Resources P41

4.1 Staff and Skills P42

4.2 Funding P44

- s.33 NHS(Wales)Act 2006

5. Risk P46

1. Business needs and drivers for change

1.1 Current business environment

Powys County Council (PCC) and Powys Teaching Health Board (PtHB) face significant pressures, including:

·  The effects of recession

·  Reduced funding from Government

·  Reduced levels of income from services

·  Increased service expectations & demand

·  An aging population

·  The need to deliver services over a large geographic area

To address these pressures and continue to provide the services that Powys needs both organisations are working together to make significant strategic change in the way that services are delivered. Addressing these challenges is part of a Welsh Government (WG) supported initiative to integrate health and social care provision and support services between the two organisations. ICT is a key enabler to these strategic changes as well as a key component of current operational delivery of services.

PCC issued its first three year ICT strategy in September 2009 focused on a major re-fresh of its ageing infrastructure. This revised document is the result of a major review to re-align that strategy to the joint needs of PCC and PtHB in support of both organisations strategic change plans. The document provides for further collaboration and sharing with other public sector partners (notably the emerging work with Ceredigion County Council) though the alignment of ICT to the national ICT strategy for the public sector in Wales. By aligning both organisations to this new national strategy we will be able to share more investment and service delivery resources.

1.1.1  National ICT strategy for the public sector in Wales

Developed by the ‘Chief Information Officer’ (CIO) for Public Sector ICT in Wales, the National ICT strategy provides for greater collaboration across the public sector. This is a significant change as previously Councils, the NHS, Police etc. had separate strategies which often makes the sharing of resources difficult by design.

The Welsh ICT landscape can be summarised as follows:

This new approach will enable organisations to work within an overall strategic framework for the first time and where the ability to share resources is built in by design.

The ICT Strategy for Welsh Public Services should drive the scale of operation for ICT services. The Strategy presumes a national footprint (unless there is a demonstrable case to the contrary) with ICT systems being designed, developed/procured, configured, deployed and maintained nationally. Implementation and use can then be either regional or local with systems being configured to benefit particular front line services (for example, social care).

To this end the Efficiency and Innovation Board of WG have agreed the following principals:

·  Rationalising the number of ICT systems that we have across Wales, moving to all-Wales ICT services as a default, with departure having to be justified on business and/or technical grounds.
Creating a national asset register for ICT systems and services, costs for which will be met by existing resources.
Pooling capital budgets for ICT infrastructure investment.

·  Exploiting in-house specialist skills by sharing staff resources and directing them on commonly agreed and planned priorities.
Working with Collaborative Procurement to move towards all ICT procurements being carried out jointly at an all-Wales level.
Strengthening all-Wales public sector shared ICT service management arrangements as we move increasingly to the deployment of all-Wales systems and gain economies of scale.

·  Creating regional shared resource centres and local service management arrangements that promote joint working across Health, Education, Local Government and Welsh Government amongst ICT professionals and support the delivery of services to citizens.
Increasing the support for the professional development of our ICT staff as part of the wider public sector workforce. (Proposal to be developed and costed).

·  Identifying local good practices and supporting their adoption across Wales as rapidly as possible as national standards.

Implementation of the National ICT strategy is the responsibility of each organisation but is being managed at a national level by the ICT programme of the ‘Efficiency and Innovation Board’. This is concerned with the delivery of an ambitious programme utilising the latest developments in ICT to enable changes in Public Service Delivery which will place Wales at the leading edge. The key business objective is to support the delivery of £100M of savings, through 4 overlapping themes:

·  Buying Better

·  Using Smarter;

·  Working Together;

·  Working Differently

This programme currently is prioritising the following projects in support of National ICT strategy roll-out:

¨  Desktop standardisation

¨  Common licensing

¨  Public Sector Broadband Aggregate (PSBA) deployment

¨  Video networking

¨  Voice services

¨  Data centre service rationalisation

¨  Local Land and Property Gazetteers (LLPG)common addressing

¨  Common service management

¨  Common back office & transaction systems

[Appendix A - The ICT Strategy for Wales]

1.1.2 Powys County Council Change Plan

Powys County Council wants to deliver services which are efficient but not necessarily low in cost. More money must be spent on the service rather than overheads. This means processes need to focus on the customer not the organisation. Efficiency can also improve with joint service delivery with partners.

Achieving the vision

·  To achieve the vision of "Efficient Services for the Green Heart of Wales" Powys County Council will focus on 5 strategic change programmes and service areas continuous improvement. (as documented in service strategies)

PCC Improvement Objectives:

PCC have prioritised the projects and activities that can make the greatest contribution to the ‘One Powys’ outcomes. The projects and activities that will shape the councils Change Programme are grouped into five improvement objectives:

Care and Wellbeing – We will work with partners to provide seamless, high quality services through better models of care which will build on the independence and resilience of individuals, families and communities and that are more efficient and sustainable.

Learning and Community – We will reduce costs by managing community assets to provide multiple local services. We will reconfigure schools provisions to match places to students and ensure our schools are financially viable and fit for purpose.

Regeneration – We will improve the economic wellbeing of the citizens of Powys through using council resources and influence to stimulate regeneration activity.

Climate Change – We will help to protect and improve the environment by increasing recycling rates; reducing the amount of gasses that are harmful to our environment and ensure that the public of Powys are safe from the more extreme impacts of climate change e.g. increased risk of flooding.

Council – We will work as one council, constantly challenging what we deliver and how it is delivered to improve quality and reduce cost. We will do this by transforming the ways in which our workforce operates, is remunerated and developed. We will improve how we communicate with both the community and our workforce. We will seek collaboration opportunities with other public bodies. We will utilise modern technology to improve productivity. We will improve the ways in which we procure goods and services.

While the five objectives outlined above focus on our priorities for improvement, we will also be ensuring our day to day business continues to improve. Continuous improvement initiatives will run parallel to our five main improvement objectives, and will be detailed in our individual service strategies.

Appendix B – PCC change plan

1.1.3 Powys Teaching Health Board (PtHB) corporate plan.

New Directions

New Directions is the PtHB vision for heath services in rural communities. It is focused on providing the appropriate level of local healthcare whilst recognising that increasing specialist healthcare may need to be provided by major hospitals outside Powys.

Through engagement with Powys residents and healthcare partners New Directions is focused on

-  delivering truly integrated care at a local level centered in the community

-  providing specialist services locally where it is safe to do so

-  the elimination of waste, harm and inappropriate variation

The PtHB 2011/12 corporate plan is centered on the following areas:

•  Promoting health & wellbeing (in particular implementation of ‘our health future’ and the achievement of key vaccination rates)

•  Continuously improving safety, effectiveness & patient experience (in particular demonstrating increased compliance with NHS healthcare standards, improved governance and achievement of key targets around referral to treatment & healthcare associated infections)

•  Capturing the benefits of integration (in particular establishing a network of rural hospitals and health & social care centres, implementation of the rural heath plan & the Dr Chris Jones ‘creating the vision / setting the direction work and delivery of services through a shire model or ‘locality management’)

•  Empowerment of staff (including providing access to relevant technologies)

•  Living within its means

PtHB are required by Welsh Government to provide a 5 year Strategic Workforce and Financial Framework (SWaFF).

PtHB SWAFF has the following objectives:

·  Increase the proportion of outpatients that are undertaken in Powys hospitals for Powys residents

·  Increase the proportion of day surgery that is undertaken in Powys hospitals for Powys residents

·  Reduce the length of stay for Powys residents in out of county hospitals

·  Reduce the number of emergency admissions to out of county hospitals

·  Increase the number of people that are offered alternatives to Accident and Emergency assessment/admission

·  Increase the range of diagnostic services directly available to GPs

·  Increase the range of care options available to Powys residents at home or in integrated care facilities

·  Increase the opportunities for children services across health and social care and education to be provided from a single site

PCC and PtHB opportunity for sharing

Powys County Council (PCC) and Powys teaching Health Board (PtHB) are coming together within the footprint of Powys to deliver truly integrated primary, community and social care for adults and children, centred on the community with budgets devolved to the locality level and shifting resources to make this happen.

These new seamless and integrated services will be readily accessible, and they will be built on a firm platform of community cohesion and engagement. The people of Powys will be supported in ways which will allow them to live and receive services in their communities, maximizing their independence and giving them choice and control. New care pathways will result in the reduction in out-of-county placements, the prevention of escalation to higher cost care settings and the facilitation of faster step-down processes.

PCC and PtHB are also committed to working together on back office and infrastructure services; these services are relatively invisible to the public, but efficiencies realised by working together will be re-deployed and invested in front line care and support services.

The overall aim of the programme is to provide integrated, efficient, effective, seamless, sustainable, and cost effective services for the people of Powys. The range of options which could be considered include co-location, joint appointments, shared resources and facilities, joint operating procedures and procurement, workload profiling, generic workers etc. and where required each recommendation involving major service reconfiguration will be supported by a robust business case.

This will be essential to future developments in ICT as integration of health and social care processes will need to be enabled and supported by more common / shared ICT solutions. Also, alignment of both organisations ICT with the new National agenda will facilitate a level of shared investment and resources that will fundamentally improve the cost effectiveness of ICT delivery.

1.1.4 NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS)

In support of the National ICT strategy for Wales and the NHS Wales five year plan Health Solutions Wales (HSW), Informing Health Care (IHC), Business Services Centre (BSC), and the Information Services Division ( ISD) have come together to form a single informatics services known as the National Health Service Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) whose aim is to: