Designed by: Maria Bousnakis & Desilee Tait

Sample Pre-test: Brainstorming Name:______Date:______

‘State and National Parks-Our Actions Impact on the Environment’.

ENS2.6 Describes people’s interactions with environments and identifies responsible ways of interacting with environments.
ENS2.5 Describes places in the local area and other parts of Australia and explains their significance.

Pre-test Proforma: Brainstorming Name:______Date:______

Insert unit title and outcome

Sample Pre-test:Mindmap Name:______Date:______

‘State and National Parks-Our Actions Impact on the Environment’.

ENS2.6 Describes people’s interactions with environments and identifies responsible ways of interacting with environments.
ENS2.5 Describes places in the local area and other parts of Australia and explains their significance.

Pre-test Proforma:Mindmap Name:______Date:______

Insert Unit title and outcome

Sample Pre-test: Bloom’s Based Question and Answer Name:______Date:______

‘State and National Parks-Our Actions Impact on the Environment’.
List the names of State and National Parks.
Write all you know about State and National Parks.
Compare The Royal Botanic Gardens (Sydney) to the Great Barrier Reef (QLD)
/ Analyse
What do you think makes a State and National Park?
Should___(local park name)____ be protected from development and why?
Council wants to develop the local park. Write a petition that will encourage the local council to protect the local flora and fauna.
ENS2.6 Describes people’s interactions with environments and identifies responsible ways of interacting with environments.
ENS2.5 Describes places in the local area and other parts of Australia and explains their significance.

Pre-test Proforma: Bloom’s Based Question and Answer Overview Name:______Date:______

Insert unit title and outcome
Retrieve relevant knowledge from long-term memory.
What, When, List, Which, How, Tell…..
Construct meaning.
Demonstrate, Predict, Estimate, Give examples…..
Carry out or use a procedure in any given situation.
Develop, Choose, Demonstrate, Compare….. / Analyse
Break material into parts and determine how parts relate to one another and to an overall structure.
Identify, Explain, Support, What do you….?
Involves the ability to make judgements, choices or decisions based on a set of pre-determined standards or criteria.
Determine, Judge, Defend, Argue…
Re-organise elements into a new pattern or structure.
Generate a hypotheses,
Plan, Build…

Pre-test Proforma: Bloom’s Based Question and Answer Name:______Date:______

Insert unit title and outcome
Apply / Analyse

Sample Pre-test: Diagram Pre-test A Name:______Date:______

‘State and National Parks-Our Actions Impact on the Environment’.
Draw and label everything you know about State and National Parks.
ENS2.6 Describes people’s interactions with environments and identifies responsible ways of interacting with environments.
ENS2.5 Describes places in the local area and other parts of Australia and explains their significance.

Pre-test Proforma: Diagram Name:______Date:______

Insert unit title and outcome
Draw and label everything you know about ______.

Sample Pre-test: Diagram Pre-Test B Name:______Date:______

‘State and National Parks-Our Actions Impact on the Environment’.
Look at the pictures below.
Explain / List / Draw / Write a poem about the pictures below.

ENS2.6 Describes people’s interactions with environments and identifies responsible ways of interacting with environments.
ENS2.5 Describes places in the local area and other parts of Australia and explains their significance.

Pre-test Proforma: Diagram Name:______Date:______

Insert unit title and outcomes
Look at the pictures below.
Explain / List / Draw / Write a poem about the pictures below. (Change according to your outcomes)
Insert pictures

Sample Pre-test: Comparison Chart Name:______Date:______

‘State and National Parks-Our Actions Impact on the Environment’.
Chart comparing three State and National Parks.
State and National Parks /
Great Barrier Reef /
Uluru /
Daintree Rainforest
Plants and animals that might be found in this State and National Park
Activities people might take part in when they visit this State and National Park
In which country can these National Parks be found?
ENS2.6 Describes people’s interactions with environments and identifies responsible ways of interacting with environments.
ENS2.5 Describes places in the local area and other parts of Australia and explains their significance.

Pre-test proforma: Comparison Chart Name:______Date:______

Insert unit title and outcomes
Chart comparing ______.
______/ ______/ ______
Insert question
Insert question
Insert question