Student: Nora IoanaCatana

Supervisor: Gabriel Teodorescu, “George Cosbuc” National College Cluj-Napoca, Romania

1. Introduction

In the last period of time the E.U. has been heavily emphasizing the need to reduce the emission of residual gases based on carbon. The study has it's roots on a documentary looking at the directives of the European Comission regarding the derogation of the climate change effect, by reducing emissions of CO2.2. Research Methods

The object of research: Highlighting consumption CO2 in algae used in this study. Tracking physiological changes according to environmental conditions, temperature, PH, conductivity and water hardness.Studying the influence of CO2 on aquatic plants in conditions of temperature dependence, energy illumination with light of certain wavelengths, and PH value.Correlation of algal mass growth with the type and color of the light to which they were exposed, in normal water and in high-carbon mineral water. To highlight the CO2 consumption of the lower plants, the followers were chosen algae: The Aponogetonaceae family, Name of species: AponogetonUlvaceus, Width 35-80 cm, Height: 50-80 cm; The Hydrocharitaceae family, Name of species: Elodea Canadensis ,Width: : 2-3 cm, Height : 20-40 cm. We used a nutrient solution based on nitrates and phosphates to cause rapid growth of the two algae to consume as much CO2 as possible.The physiological indices observed in the experiments were: algal size, leaf number and leaf area.The factors that have conditioned the growth of algae in the study are:Water - which is the environment of biochemical reactions and which also ensures the transport of substances.CO2 in the water under the action of light, the plants get glucose and oxygen.

6CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 +6 O2↑.

Oxygen - it is necessary in the breathing process, from which energy is obtained in the vital processes and also accelerates the formation of enzymes. Light - very important, values over 2890lm, luminous threshold.Duration of daily illumination: algae have a maximum growth rate between 24/24 and 14/24.

3. Results

In the water containers

In the mineral water containers

The concentration of 15-25 ppm of CO2 dissolved in water is optimal in a normal, and plants support concentrations greater than 30-35 ppm.

4. Conclusions

As a result of the experimental results we can see that the algae grown in the vessels where the mineral water was introduced grew about twice as much as in the mineral water containers.By using mathematical statistics in order to identify the most suitable trend, we tested that square linear model, and the polynomial model,and some text.We calculated R2, the determining coefficient, the absolute average percentage error, the absolute average deviation and the square average deviation. The stronger the light, correlated with a high CO2 level, the more the algae will dissolve faster. In experiments E1, E2, we calculated the mathematical regression coefficient, the regression equation, we represented the empirical data graphically. The trend was linear, and in some cases, in good approximation, we also tested the polinomial model. The correlation between time and mass of algae, their dimensions are very significant, the Pearson coefficient having a value above 0.9 in all cases, and R2 ranged between 0.87 and 0.98. By introducing CO2 into the solution and applying a strong illumination and 25% IR and 75% UV (Anionic content: 2500 mg/l CO2) radiation, the two algae developed much better than the container in which they were only mineral water.

Future projects: Applicability of the growth of some algae in urban farms: obtaining biomass used in central thermal mines; biofuel; possible 3D farms both on the ground and in the aquatic environment.


Beginner's Guide to CO2 Injection in the Planted Tank