Medea Creek Middle School: 7th Grade Humanities: Mrs. Stein

Week 7: Quarter 4: 5-02-16 to 5-06-16

5/2 / The Diary of Anne Frank
  • Collect Heroes of the Holocaust Writing
  • Discuss Scene 1
  • Read Act 2, Scene 2
  • Complete Review Questions
  • Prep for tomorrow’s discussion
/ Portfolio Checklist
Ch. 11 & 12 Mesoamerica:
  • Work independently on pkt/Meme
/ SS 7.7.5: Describe the Mesoamericans achievements in astronomy and mathematics, including the development of the calendar and the Meso-American knowledge of seasonal changes to the civilizations’ agricultural systems / LA: Complete Scenes 1-2 Work
LA: Skills/Roots due Thurs., 5/5
LA: Act 2 Quiz Friday
SS: Work on pkt/Meme: due Friday
5/3 / The Diary of Anne Frank
  • Check-in/correct review questions
  • Sync-Style Discussion
  • Begin Act 2, Scenes 3-5 --Complete Review Questions as we read
/ Ch. 11 & 12 Mesoamerica:
  • Work independently on Assignment
/ SS 7.7: Students compare and contrast the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations. / LA: Skills/Roots due Thurs., 5/5
SS: Work on pkt/Meme
5/4 / The Diary of Anne Frank
  • Continue/Finish Act 2, Scenes 3-5
--Complete Review Questions
--Prep for tomorrow’s discussion / Ch. 11 & 12 Mesoamerica:
  • Work independently on Assignment
/ CCSS R 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text…analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning andtone. / LA: Complete Scenes 3-5 work
LA: Skills/Roots due Thurs., 5/5
SS: Work on pkt/Meme
5/5 / Skills and Roots Book
  • Peer-edit/Turn in
The Diary of Anne Frank
  • Correct Scenes 3-5 Review questions
  • Sync-Style discussion
  • What Happened to those in the Annex? The Helpers?
/ Ch. 11 & 12 Mesoamerica:
  • Work independently on Assignment
  • Due tomorrow at beginning of the period for group sharing
/ CCSS R 10.By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently…. / LA: Blast with 10+ reviews due tomorrow
SS: Finalize independent group product to share tomorrow: Turn in to GoogleClassroom (GoogleSlide)
5/6 / Skills and Roots Book
  • Return Skills/Roots Booklets
  • Students self-correct using teacher website-due next Tuesday (Give 10 min)
The Diary of Anne Frank
  • Act 2 Quiz
  • Who Survived the Holocaust?
  • Deaths during the Holocaust?
/ Ch. 11 & 12 Mesoamerica:
  • Turn in Google Slide Meme
  • View/Peer Feedback
/ CCSS W 9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. / LA: Skills Book/Roots corrections due Tuesday
LA: AR test by next Friday
SS: None
1.Be sure to use your planner.
2.Keep your weekly schedule.
3.Plan your work! Work your plan!
4.Use study & learning strategies for success!
5.Be organized! / QUOTE TO PONDER:
“…There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
Elie Wiesel
Meso-American Work: 5/6 / TESTS/ DUE DATES:
Skills/Roots due: 5/5
Act 2 Quiz: 5/6
Skills Test: 5/12
Q4 AR Deadline: 5/13